1,675 research outputs found

    Application and validation of the notch master curve in medium and high strength structural steels

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    This paper applies and validates the Notch master curve in two ferritic steels with medium (steel S460M) and high (steel S690Q) strength. The Notch master curve is an engineering tool that allows the fracture resistance of notched ferritic steels operating within their corresponding ductile-to-brittle transition zone to be estimated. It combines the Master curve and the Theory of critical distances in order to take into account the temperature and the notch effect respectively, assuming that both effects are independent. The results, derived from 168 fracture tests on notched specimens, demonstrate the capability of the Notch master curve for the prediction of the fracture resistance of medium and high strength ferritic steels operating within their ductile-to-brittle transition zone and containing notches

    The conformations of Discodermolide in DMSO

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    Active shape correction of a thin glass/plastic X-ray mirror

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    Optics for future X-ray telescopes will be characterized by very large aperture and focal length, and will be made of lightweight materials like glass or plastic in order to keep the total mass within acceptable limits. Optics based on thin slumped glass foils are currently in use in the NuSTAR telescope and are being developed at various institutes like INAF/OAB, aiming at improving the angular resolution to a few arcsec HEW. Another possibility would be the use of thin plastic foils, being developed at SAO and the Palermo University. Even if relevant progresses in the achieved angular resolution were recently made, a viable possibility to further improve the mirror figure would be the application of piezoelectric actuators onto the non-optical side of the mirrors. In fact, thin mirrors are prone to deform, so they require a careful integration to avoid deformations and even correct forming errors. This however offers the possibility to actively correct the residual deformation. Even if other groups are already at work on this idea, we are pursuing the concept of active integration of thin glass or plastic foils with piezoelectric patches, fed by voltages driven by the feedback provided by X-rays, in intra-focal setup at the XACT facility at INAF/OAPA. In this work, we show the preliminary simulations and the first steps taken in this project

    Ventricular remodelling in rabbits with sustained high‐fat diet

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    Aim Excess weight gain and obesity are one of the most serious health problems in the western societies. These conditions enhance risk of cardiac disease and have been linked with increased prevalence for cardiac arrhythmias and sudden death. Our goal was to study the ventricular remodelling occurring in rabbits fed with high‐fat diet ( HFD ) and its potential arrhythmogenic mechanisms. Methods We used 15 NZW rabbits that were randomly assigned to a control ( n  = 7) or HFD group ( n  = 8) for 18 weeks. In vivo studies included blood glucose, electrocardiographic, and echocardiographic measurements. Optical mapping was performed in Langendorff‐perfused isolated hearts. Results Body weight (3.69 ± 0.31 vs. 2.94 ± 0.18 kg, P  < 0.001) and blood glucose levels (230 ± 61 vs. 141 ± 14 mg dL −1 , P  < 0.05) were higher in the HFD group vs. controls. The rate‐corrected QT interval and its dispersion were increased in HFD rabbits vs. controls (169 ± 10 vs. 146 ± 13 ms and 37 ± 11 vs. 9 ± 2 ms, respectively; P  < 0.05). Echocardiographic analysis showed morphological and functional alterations in HFD rabbits indicative of left ventricle (LV) hypertrophy. Isolated heart studies revealed no changes in repolarization and propagation properties under conditions of normal extracellular K + , suggesting that extrinsic factors could underlie those electrocardiographic modifications. There were no differences in the dynamics of ventricular fibrillation (frequency, wave breaks) in the presence of isoproterenol. However, HFD rabbits showed a small reduction in action potential duration and an increased incidence of arrhythmias during hyperkalaemia. Conclusion High‐fat feeding during 18 weeks in rabbits induced a type II diabetes phenotype, LV hypertrophy, abnormalities in repolarization and susceptibility to arrhythmias during hyperkalaemia.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106944/1/apha12185.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106944/2/apha12185-sup-0001-FigS1-S4TableS1-S3.pd

    An Analysis of International Health Regulations Emergency Committees and Public Health Emergency of International Concern Designations

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    Nine public health events have been assessed for the potential declaration of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). According to the World Health Organization (WHO) International Health Regulations (IHR), a PHEIC is defined as an extraordinary event that constitutes a public health risk to other states through international spread and requires a coordinated international response. The WHO Director-General convenes Emergency Committees (ECs) to provide their advice on whether an event constitutes a PHEIC. The EC rationales have been continuously criticised for being non-transparent and contradictory to the IHR. This first comprehensive analysis of EC rationale provides recommendations to increase clarity of EC decisions which will strengthen the IHR and WHO’s legitimacy in future outbreaks. A total of 66 EC statements were reviewed from the nine public health outbreaks of influenza A, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, polio, Ebola virus disease, Zika, yellow fever and coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). Statements were analysed to determine which of the three IHR criteria were noted as contributing towards the EC’s justification on whether to recommend to the WHO Director-General that a PHEIC be declared and what language was used to explain their decision. Interpretation of the criteria were often vague and applied inconsistently. ECs often failed to describe and justify which criteria had been satisfied. Guidelines must be developed for the standardised interpretation of IHR core criteria. The ECs must clearly identify and justify which criteria have contributed to their rationale for or against PHEIC declaration. Striving for more consistency and transparency in EC justifications would benefit future deliberations and provide more understanding and support for the process

    Alterações morfológicas e qualidade fisiológica de sementes de mamão.

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    A análise de raios X é uma técnica importante na identificação de problemas associados à morfologia interna de sementes e ao seu potencial fisiológico. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os padrões morfológicos e a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de mamão obtidas de diferentes estádios de maturação e locais dentro do fruto com o auxílio das análises de raios X. Foram utilizadas sementes de mamão Formosa colhidos no estádio 1 de maturação. As sementes foram extraídas dos frutos nos estádios 1, 3, 5 e final. Os frutos foram armazenados em condições de laboratório (25 °C) e ao atingirem cada estádio de maturação, foram seccionados transversalmente em três partes de tamanhos iguais, sendo as sementes das duas extremidades (proximal e distal) extraídas separadamente daquelas localizadas na região central. Depois de lavadas e secas, as sementes foram utilizadas nas seguintes avaliações: 1) teste de germinação em papel germitest umedecido com água destilada em temperatura alternada 20-30°C. Avaliou-se a velocidade de germinação, plântulas normais na primeira contagem e as porcentagens de germinação, sementes dormentes e sementes inviáveis aos 30 dias; e, 2) teste de raios X, determinando-se as porcentagens de sementes cujo embrião era facilmente visível, com radícula visível e sementes aparentemente vazias. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em fatorial (duas regiões do fruto e quatro estádios de maturação) em quatro repetições. As médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. Constatou-se que sementes localizadas na parte central dos frutos apresentaram desempenho superior às sementes das extremidades. O estádio 1 de maturação apresentou número de sementes vazias e dormentes superior aos demais estádios. O teste de raios X favoreceu a diferenciação entre sementes de mamão vazias e com embrião completamente desenvolvido.Resum

    A leopard cannot change its spots: Unexpected products from the vilsmeier reaction on 5,10,15-tritolylcorrole

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    The reaction of 5,10,15-tritolylcorrole with 3-dimethylaminoacrolein (3-DMA) and POCl3 gives a further example of the rebel reactivity of this contracted macrocycle. While no evidence was obtained for the formation of the expected -acrolein corrole, the inner core substituted N21,N22-3-formylpropylcorrole and the 10-acrolein isocorrole were the reaction products. By increasing the temperature or the amount of the Vilsmeier reagent, the 10-isocorrole became the unique reaction product. The formation of the isocorrole by electrophilic attack of the Vilsmeier reagent to the 10-position of the corrole is unprecedented in the porphyrinoids field and it could pave the way for a novel route to the preparation of stable isocorrole