1,422 research outputs found

    Interplanetary MeV electrons of Jovian origin

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    Observations of low energy electron increases observed in interplanetary space on Pioneer 10 are reported as it approached Jupiter. These discrete bursts were several hundred times the normal quiet-time electron flux, and became more frequent as one approached Jupiter resulting in the quasi-continuous presence of large fluxes of these electrons in interplanetary space. It is noted that the integrated flux from quiet-time electrons is comparable to the integrated ambient electron flux itself. In addition, the spectrum of electrons observed in Jupiter's magnetosphere, on Pioneer 10 in interplanetary space near Jupiter, for the quiet-time increases near the earth, and for the ambient electron spectrum are all remarkably similar. These two lines of evidence suggest the possibility that Jupiter could be the source of most of the ambient electrons at low energies

    Use of Prosody and Information Structure in High Functioning Adults with Autism in Relation to Language Ability

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    Abnormal prosody is a striking feature of the speech of those with Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but previous reports suggest large variability among those with ASD. Here we show that part of this heterogeneity can be explained by level of language functioning. We recorded semi-spontaneous but controlled conversations in adults with and without ASD and measured features related to pitch and duration to determine (1) general use of prosodic features, (2) prosodic use in relation to marking information structure, specifically, the emphasis of new information in a sentence (focus) as opposed to information already given in the conversational context (topic), and (3) the relation between prosodic use and level of language functioning. We found that, compared to typical adults, those with ASD with high language functioning generally used a larger pitch range than controls but did not mark information structure, whereas those with moderate language functioning generally used a smaller pitch range than controls but marked information structure appropriately to a large extent. Both impaired general prosodic use and impaired marking of information structure would be expected to seriously impact social communication and thereby lead to increased difficulty in personal domains, such as making and keeping friendships, and in professional domains, such as competing for employment opportunities

    Narrowband Lyman-continuum Imaging of Galaxies at z ~ 2.85

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    We present results from a survey for z ~ 2.85 Lyman-continuum (LyC) emission in the HS1549+1933 field and place constraints on the amount of ionizing radiation escaping from star-forming galaxies. Using a custom narrowband filter (NB3420) tuned to wavelengths just below the Lyman limit at z ≥ 2.82, we probe the LyC spectral region of 49 Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) and 91 Lyα emitters (LAEs) spectroscopically confirmed at z ≥ 2.82. Four LBGs and seven LAEs are detected in NB3420. Using V-band data probing the rest-frame nonionizing UV, we observe that many NB3420-detected galaxies exhibit spatial offsets between their LyC and nonionizing UV emission and are characterized by extremely blue NB3420–V colors, corresponding to low ratios of nonionizing to ionizing radiation (F_(UV)/F_(LyC)) that are in tension with current stellar population synthesis models. We measure average values of (F_(UV)/F_(LyC)) for our LBG and LAE samples, correcting for foreground galaxy contamination and H I absorption in the intergalactic medium. We find (F_(UV)/F_(LyC)_(corr)^(LBG)= 82 ± 45 and (F_(UV)/F_(LyC)_(corr)^(LAE)= 7.4 ± 3.6. These flux density ratios correspond, respectively, to relative LyC escape fractions of f_(esc,rel)^(LBG) = 5%-8% and f_(esc,rel)^(LAE)=18%-49%, absolute LyC escape fractions of f_(esc)^(LBG)=1%-2% and f_(esc)^(LAE)=5%-15%, and a comoving LyC emissivity from star-forming galaxies of 8.8-15.0 × 10^(24) erg s^(–1) Hz^(–1) Mpc^(–3). In order to study the differential properties of galaxies with and without LyC detections, we analyze narrowband Lyα imaging and rest-frame near-infrared imaging, finding that while LAEs with LyC detections have lower Lyα equivalent widths on average, there is no substantial difference in the rest-frame near-infrared colors of LBGs or LAEs with and without LyC detections. These preliminary results are consistent with an orientation-dependent model where LyC emission escapes through cleared paths in a patchy interstellar medium

    Energetic particles in the Jovian magnetosphere

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    A detailed account of the Pioneer 10 encounter with Jupiter is presented. Flux time histories of electrons and protons are given over a wide energy band. Proton and electron energy spectra are given at various Jovicentric distances. Proton spectra are shown to transform from a power law with indices in the 3-4.2 range to more nearly exponential forms in the inner regions. Extensive data are presented on the angular distributions of protons and electrons at various locations in the Jovicentric magnetosphere. In addition, a harmonic analysis of 1-2 MeV proton angular distributions was performed. Alpha/proton ratios are given as a function of Jovian radius and are compared to the earth and solar wind values

    Column Density, Kinematics, and Thermal State of Metal-bearing Gas within the Virial Radius of z ∼ 2 Star-forming Galaxies in the Keck Baryonic Structure Survey

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    We present results from the Keck Baryonic Structure Survey (KBSS) including the first detailed measurements of the column densities, kinematics, and internal energy of metal-bearing gas within the virial radius (35–100 physical kpc) of eight ~L* galaxies at z ~ 2. From our full sample of 130 metal-bearing absorbers, we infer that halo gas is kinematically complex when viewed in singly, doubly, and triply ionized species. Broad O vi and C iv absorbers are detected at velocities similar to the lower-ionization gas but with a very different kinematic structure, indicating that the circumgalactic medium (CGM) is multiphase. There is a high covering fraction of metal-bearing gas within 100 kpc, including highly ionized gas such as O vi; however, observations of a single galaxy probed by a lensed background QSO suggest the size of metal-bearing clouds is small (<400 pc for all but the O vi-bearing gas). The mass in metals found within the halo is substantial, equivalent to ≳25% of the metal mass within the interstellar medium. The gas kinematics unambiguously show that 70% of galaxies with detected metal absorption have some unbound metal-enriched gas, suggesting galactic winds may commonly eject gas from halos at z ~ 2. When modeled assuming that ions with different ionization potentials can originate within a single gaseous structure, significant thermal broadening is detected in CGM absorbers that dominates the internal energy of the gas. Some 40% of the detected gas has temperatures in the range 10^(4.5-5.5) K where cooling times are short, suggesting the CGM is dynamic, with constant heating or cooling to produce this short-lived thermal phase

    Column Density, Kinematics, and Thermal State of Metal-bearing Gas within the Virial Radius of z ∼ 2 Star-forming Galaxies in the Keck Baryonic Structure Survey

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    We present results from the Keck Baryonic Structure Survey (KBSS) including the first detailed measurements of the column densities, kinematics, and internal energy of metal-bearing gas within the virial radius (35–100 physical kpc) of eight ~L* galaxies at z ~ 2. From our full sample of 130 metal-bearing absorbers, we infer that halo gas is kinematically complex when viewed in singly, doubly, and triply ionized species. Broad O vi and C iv absorbers are detected at velocities similar to the lower-ionization gas but with a very different kinematic structure, indicating that the circumgalactic medium (CGM) is multiphase. There is a high covering fraction of metal-bearing gas within 100 kpc, including highly ionized gas such as O vi; however, observations of a single galaxy probed by a lensed background QSO suggest the size of metal-bearing clouds is small (<400 pc for all but the O vi-bearing gas). The mass in metals found within the halo is substantial, equivalent to ≳25% of the metal mass within the interstellar medium. The gas kinematics unambiguously show that 70% of galaxies with detected metal absorption have some unbound metal-enriched gas, suggesting galactic winds may commonly eject gas from halos at z ~ 2. When modeled assuming that ions with different ionization potentials can originate within a single gaseous structure, significant thermal broadening is detected in CGM absorbers that dominates the internal energy of the gas. Some 40% of the detected gas has temperatures in the range 10^(4.5-5.5) K where cooling times are short, suggesting the CGM is dynamic, with constant heating or cooling to produce this short-lived thermal phase

    A High-Resolution Hubble Space Telescope Study of Apparent Lyman Continuum Leakers at z~3

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    We present U_(336)V_(606)J_(125)H_(160) follow-up Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations of 16 z ~ 3 candidate Lyman continuum (LyC) emitters in the HS1549+1919 field. With these data, we obtain high spatial-resolution photometric redshifts of all sub-arcsecond components of the LyC candidates in order to eliminate foreground contamination and identify robust candidates for leaking LyC emission. Of the 16 candidates, we find one object with a robust LyC detection that is not due to foreground contamination. This object (MD5) resolves into two components; we refer to the LyC-emitting component as MD5b. MD5b has an observed 1500 Å to 900 Å flux-density ratio of (F_(UV)/F_(LyC)_(obs) = 4.0 ± 2.0, compatible with predictions from stellar population synthesis models. Assuming minimal IGM absorption, this ratio corresponds to a relative (absolute) escape fraction of f_(esc,rel)^(MD5b) = 75%–100% f_(esc,abs)^(MD5b) = 14%–19%). The stellar population fit to MD5b indicates an age of ≾50 Myr, which is in the youngest 10% of the HST sample and the youngest third of typical z ~ 3 Lyman break galaxies, and may be a contributing factor to its LyC detection. We obtain a revised, contamination-free estimate for the comoving specific ionizing emissivity at z = 2.85, indicating (with large uncertainties) that star-forming galaxies provide roughly the same contribution as QSOs to the ionizing background at this redshift. Our results show that foreground contamination prevents ground-based LyC studies from obtaining a full understanding of LyC emission from z ~ 3 star-forming galaxies. Future progress in direct LyC searches is contingent upon the elimination of foreground contaminants through high spatial-resolution observations, and upon acquisition of sufficiently deep LyC imaging to probe ionizing radiation in high-redshift galaxies