68 research outputs found

    Candida auris: a literature review

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    Background: Emerging pathogen Candida auris has been associated with nosocomial outbreaks demonstrating widespread antifungal resistance. This microorganism is associated with systemic infections with a high mortality rate, and studies that contribute to a better understanding of this agent are important. Objectives: The present article aimed to carry out bibliographic research on Candida auris. Therefore, a literature search was carried out between January 2018 and January 2022, applying the following: C. auris; Candida auris and Infection, in Portuguese, English and Spanish. This review considers the available literature on C. auris and highlights key unknowns, which will provide guidance for future work in this field. Results: The data collected in the present review allowed us to divide the theme into topics on Pathophysiology, Epidemiology/clinical and drug resistance mechanisms, so that the understanding of Candida auris can be better detailed and understood. Conclusion: The predilection of C. auris by the most vulnerable and immunosuppressed patients or with comorbidities and with the potential to cause invasive and bloodstream infections with a propensity to cause outbreaks and concerns regarding resistance to antifungal agents, the fungus Candida auris, is of increasing clinical relevance. The increase in the number of detected cases and the occurrence of strains with multiple drug resistance prove to be worrisome, and applied research is essential to contribute to the knowledge of this strain and effective therapy

    Revisão acerca da tuberculose genitourinária com foco na insuficiência renal crônica terminal

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is a current public health problem, remaining the most common worldwide cause of mortality from infectious disease. Recent studies indicate that genitourinary TB is the third most common form of extra-pulmonary disease. The diagnosis of renal TB can be hypothesized in a non-specific bacterial cystitis associated with a therapeutic failure or a urinalysis with a persistent leukocyturia in the absence of bacteriuria. We report on the case of a 33-year-old man who presented on admission end stage renal disease (ESRD) secondary to renal TB and a past history of pulmonary TB with important radiologic findings. The diagnosis was based on clinical findings despite all cultures being negative. Empiric treatment with tuberculostatic drugs was started and the patient became stable. He was discharged with no symptom, but without renal function recovery. He is on maintenance hemodialysis three times a week. TB is an important cause of kidney disease and can lead to irreversible renal function loss.A tuberculose (TB) é um problema atual de saúde pública, persistindo como a causa mais comum de óbito por doenças infecciosas. Estudos recentes indicam que a TB genitourinária é a terceira forma mais comum de doença extra-pulmonar. O diagnóstico da TB renal pode ser suspeito na presença de cistite bacteriana não-específica associada a falha terapêutica ou com exame de urina apresentando leucocitúria persistente na ausência de bacteriúria. Relatamos o caso de um paciente de 33 anos, sexo masculino, que apresentou na admissão insuficiência renal crônica terminal secundária à TB renal, que tinha história prévia de TB pulmonar, com importantes achados radiológicos. O diagnóstico foi baseado nos achados clínicos apesar de todas as culturas terem sido negativas. Tratamento empírico com drogas tuberculostáticas foi iniciado e o paciente evoluiu estável. Foi de alta assintomático, mas sem recuperação da função renal. Ele encontra-se em hemodiálise três vezes por semana. A TB é uma causa importante de doença renal e pode levar à perda irreversível da função renal

    Renal function evaluation in patients with American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis after specific treatment with pentavalent antimonial

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    Background: Renal evaluation studies are rare in American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (ACL). The aim of this study is to investigate whether specific treatment reverts ACL-associated renal dysfunction. Methods: A prospective study was conducted with 37 patients with ACL. Urinary concentrating and acidification ability was assessed before and after treatment with pentavalent antimonial. Results: The patients mean age was 35.6 +/- 12 years and 19 were male. Before treatment, urinary concentrating defect (U/P-osm < 2.8) was identified in 27 patients (77%) and urinary acidification defect in 17 patients (46%). No significant glomerular dysfunction was observed before and after specific ACL treatment. There was no reversion of urinary concentrating defects, being observed in 77% of the patients before and in 88% after treatment (p = 0.344). Urinary acidification defect was corrected in 9 patients after treatment, reducing its prevalence from 40% before to only 16% after treament, (p = 0.012). Microalbuminuria higher than 30 mg/g was found in 35% of patients before treatment and in only 8% after treatment. Regarding fractional excretion of sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, there was no significant difference between pre and post-treatment period. Conclusion: As previously described, urinary concentrating and acidification defects were found in an important number of patients with ACL. Present results demonstrate that only some patients recover urinary acidification capacity, while no one returned to normal urinary concentration capacity.Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq

    Renal function evaluation in patients with American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis after specific treatment with pentavalent antimonial

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    Background\ud Renal evaluation studies are rare in American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (ACL). The aim of this study is to investigate whether specific treatment reverts ACL-associated renal dysfunction.\ud \ud Methods\ud A prospective study was conducted with 37 patients with ACL. Urinary concentrating and acidification ability was assessed before and after treatment with pentavalent antimonial.\ud \ud Results\ud The patients mean age was 35.6 ± 12 years and 19 were male. Before treatment, urinary concentrating defect (U/Posm <2.8) was identified in 27 patients (77%) and urinary acidification defect in 17 patients (46%). No significant glomerular dysfunction was observed before and after specific ACL treatment. There was no reversion of urinary concentrating defects, being observed in 77% of the patients before and in 88% after treatment (p = 0.344). Urinary acidification defect was corrected in 9 patients after treatment, reducing its prevalence from 40% before to only 16% after treament, (p = 0.012). Microalbuminuria higher than 30 mg/g was found in 35% of patients before treatment and in only 8% after treatment. Regarding fractional excretion of sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, there was no significant difference between pre and post-treatment period.\ud \ud Conclusion\ud As previously described, urinary concentrating and acidification defects were found in an important number of patients with ACL. Present results demonstrate that only some patients recover urinary acidification capacity, while no one returned to normal urinary concentration capacity.This research was supported by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). The desmopressin acetate was provided by Ferring of Brazil

    Renal function evaluation in patients with American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis after specific treatment with pentavalent antimonial

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    Background\ud Renal evaluation studies are rare in American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (ACL). The aim of this study is to investigate whether specific treatment reverts ACL-associated renal dysfunction.\ud \ud Methods\ud A prospective study was conducted with 37 patients with ACL. Urinary concentrating and acidification ability was assessed before and after treatment with pentavalent antimonial.\ud \ud Results\ud The patients mean age was 35.6 ± 12 years and 19 were male. Before treatment, urinary concentrating defect (U/Posm <2.8) was identified in 27 patients (77%) and urinary acidification defect in 17 patients (46%). No significant glomerular dysfunction was observed before and after specific ACL treatment. There was no reversion of urinary concentrating defects, being observed in 77% of the patients before and in 88% after treatment (p = 0.344). Urinary acidification defect was corrected in 9 patients after treatment, reducing its prevalence from 40% before to only 16% after treament, (p = 0.012). Microalbuminuria higher than 30 mg/g was found in 35% of patients before treatment and in only 8% after treatment. Regarding fractional excretion of sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, there was no significant difference between pre and post-treatment period.\ud \ud Conclusion\ud As previously described, urinary concentrating and acidification defects were found in an important number of patients with ACL. Present results demonstrate that only some patients recover urinary acidification capacity, while no one returned to normal urinary concentration capacity.This research was supported by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). The desmopressin acetate was provided by Ferring of Brazil


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    SUMMARY The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological profile of snakebite accidents reported by the toxicological assistance center in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. Database information on snakebite accidents was analyzed regarding the period from January 2003 to December 2011. A total of 1063 cases were found. The accidents occurred during the rainy months (March, April and May), in urban areas (52.3%), affecting individuals younger than 50 years and predominantly among males (70.7%). The lower limbs were the most frequently affected body area (33.7%). Most accidents involved non-venomous snakes (76.1%). The genus Bothrops was the main one involved in venomous accidents (83%). It is expected that this study can be used as the substrate to improve healthcare surveillance and implementing better measures for the treatment of this population