126 research outputs found

    Slingshot non-sequential double ionization as a gate to anti-correlated two electron escape

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    At intensities below-the-recollision threshold, we show that re-collision-induced excitation with one electron escaping fast after re-collision and the other electron escaping with a time delay via a Coulomb slingshot motion is one of the most important mechanisms of non-sequential double ionization, for strongly-driven He at 400 nm. Slingshot-NSDI is a general mechanism present for a wide range of low intensities and pulse durations. Anti-correlated two-electron escape is its striking hallmark. This mechanism offers an alternative explanation of anti-correlated two-electron escape obtained in previous studies.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    The circular-polarization phase-meter

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    Sequential single-photon and direct two-photon absorption processes for Xe interacting with attosecond XUV pulses

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    We investigate the interaction of Xe with isolated attosecond XUV pulses. Specifically, we calculate the ion yields and determine the pathways leading to the formation of ionic charged states up to Xe5+^{5+}. To do so, in our formulation we account for single-photon absorption, sequential multi-photon absorption, direct two-photon absorption, single and double Auger decays, and shake-off. We compare our results for the ion yields and for ion yield ratios with recent experimental results obtained for 93 eV and 115 eV attosecond XUV pulses. In particular, we investigate the role that a sequence of two single-photon ionization processes plays in the formation of Xe4+^{4+}. We find that each one of these two processes ionizes a core electron and thus leads to the formation of a double core-hole state. Remarkably, we find that the formation of Xe5+^{5+} involves a direct two-photon absorption process and the absorption of a total of three photons.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Energy bunching in soft recollisions revealed with long-wavelength few-cycle pulses

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    Soft recollisions are laser-driven distant collisions of an electron with its parent ion. Such collisions may cause an energy bunching, since electrons with different initial drift momenta can acquire impacts, which exactly counterbalance these differences. The bunching generates a series of peaks in the photo-electron spectrum. We will show that this series could be uncovered peak-by-peak experimentally by means of phase-stabilized few-cycle pulses with increasing duration.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Two-color ionization of hydrogen by short intense pulses

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    Photoelectron energy spectra resulting by the interaction of hydrogen with two short pulses having carrier frequencies, respectively, in the range of the infrared and XUV regions have been calculated. The effects of the pulse duration and timing of the X-ray pulse on the photoelectron energy spectra are discussed. Analysis of the spectra obtained for very long pulses show that certain features may be explained in terms of quantum interferences in the time domain. It is found that, depending on the duration of the X-ray pulse, ripples in the energy spectra separated by the infrared photon energy may appear. Moreover, the temporal shape of the low frequency radiation field may be inferred by the breadth of the photoelectron energy spectra.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Waveform control of orientation-dependent ionization of DCl in few-cycle laser fields

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    Strong few-cycle light fields with stable electric field waveforms allow controlling electrons on time scales down to the attosecond domain. We have studied the dissociative ionization of randomly oriented DCl in 5 fs light fields at 720 nm in the tunneling regime. Momentum distributions of D+ and Cl+ fragments were recorded via velocity-map imaging. A waveformdependent anti-correlated directional emission of D+ and Cl+ fragments is observed. Comparison of our results with calculations indicates that tailoring of the light field via the carrier envelope phase permits the control over the orientation of DCl+ and in turn the directional emission of charged fragments upon the breakup of the molecular ion

    Single-shot carrier-envelope-phase measurement in ambient air

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    The ability to measure and control the carrier envelope phase (CEP) of few-cycle laser pulses is of paramount importance for both frequency metrology and attosecond science. Here, we present a phase meter relying on the CEP-dependent photocurrents induced by circularly polarized few-cycle pulses focused between electrodes in ambient air. The new device facilitates compact single-shot, CEP measurements under ambient conditions and promises CEP tagging at repetition rates orders of magnitude higher than most conventional CEP detection schemes as well as straightforward implementation at longer wavelengths

    Steering proton migration in hydrocarbons using intense few-cycle laser fields

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    Proton migration is a ubiquitous process in chemical reactions related to biology, combustion, and catalysis. Thus, the ability to control the movement of nuclei with tailored light, within a hydrocarbon molecule holds promise for far-reaching applications. Here, we demonstrate the steering of hydrogen migration in simple hydrocarbons, namely acetylene and allene, using waveform-controlled, few-cycle laser pulses. The rearrangement dynamics are monitored using coincident 3D momentum imaging spectroscopy, and described with a quantum-dynamical model. Our observations reveal that the underlying control mechanism is due to the manipulation of the phases in a vibrational wavepacket by the intense off-resonant laser field.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure