124 research outputs found

    Lineability, spaceability, and additivity cardinals for Darboux-like functions

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    We introduce the concept of maximal lineability cardinal number, mL(M), of a subset M of a topological vector space and study its relation to the cardinal numbers known as: additivity A(M), homogeneous lineability HL(M), and lineability L(M) of M. In particular, we will describe, in terms of L, the lineability and spaceability of the families of the following Darboux-like functions on R-n, n >= 1: extendable, Jones, and almost continuous function

    A comparative analysis of advanced techniques for skin reconstruction with autologous keratinocyte culture in severely burned children : own experience

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    Introduction: The local treatment in burns larger than 50% of total body surface area is still the great challenge for surgeons. Aim: This paper presents a review of different solutions for deep burn wound healing in children and the early outcomes of treatment with combined autologous cell culture technique. Material and methods: For this study, 20 children aged between 4 and 12 years with 55–65% of TBSA III grade burn injury were analyzed. A skin sample, 1 cm × 1 cm in size, for keratinocyte cultivation, was taken on the day of the burn. After necrotic tissue excision, the covering of the burned area with an isolated meshed skin graft was carried out between day 4 and 7. After 7 days of keratinocyte cultivation, the mentioned areas were covered with cells from the culture. We divided the burned regions, according to the way of wound closure, into 3 groups each consisting of 15 treated regions of the body. We used meshed split thickness skin grafts (SSG group), cultured autologous keratinocytes (CAC group), and both techniques applied in one stage (SSG + CAC group). Results: In the SSG group, the mean time for complete closure of wounds was 12.7 days. Wounds treated with CAC only needed a non-significantly longer time to heal – 14.2 days (p = 0.056) when compared to SSG. The shortest time to heal was observed in the group treated with SSG + CAC – 8.5 days, and it was significantly shorter when compared to the SSG and CAC groups (p < 0.001). Conclusions: This study suggests that cultured keratinocytes obtained after short-time multiplication, combined with meshed autologous split thickness skin grafts, constitute the optimal wound closure in burned children

    Procjena varijabli stanja sustava s gorivnim člankom i uzlaznim pretvaračem metodom brzog uzorkovanja signala

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    Estimation of state variables of a peak current mode (PCM) controlled DC-DC boost converter supplied by a PEM fuel cell is described in this paper. Since this system is highly nonlinear and non-minimum phase, its state variables are estimated by using fast output sampling method. Estimated state variables are the converter output voltage and its first derivative, and they are suitable for model reference adaptive control or sliding mode based control techniques. The estimator has been designed in a way that it gives a good estimate of the state variables in the continuous and in the discontinuous conduction mode of the converter, and in the presence of measurement and process noise caused by converter switching-mode operation. Experimental results of estimating the state variables on a 450 W boost converter supplied by the emulator of the PEM fuel cell BCS 64-32 show good results of the estimation, regardless of the conduction mode of the converter, i.e. the operating point determined by its output current.U ovom radu obrađena je procjena varijabli stanja sustava s istomjernim uzlaznim pretvaračem u vršnom strujnom načinu upravljanja napajanim PEM gorivnim člankom. Budući da je taj sustav izrazito nelinearan te neminimalno-fazan, za procjenu njegovih varijabli stanja upotrebljena je metoda brzog uzorkovanja izlaznog signala. Procjenjene varijable stanja su izlazni napon uzlaznog pretvarača te njegova prva derivacija, te su pogodne za adaptivno upravljanje s referentnim modelom i upravljanje temeljeno na kliznim režimima. Procjenitelj je projektiran na način da daje dobru procjenu varijabli stanja u kontinuiranom i diskontinuiranom režimu rada pretvarača, te u uvjetima mjernog i procesnog šuma uzrokovanog sklopnim načinom rada pretvarača. Eksperimentalni rezultati procjene varijabli stanja na uzlaznom pretvaraču snage 450 W napajanim emulatorom gorivnog članka BCS 64-32 pokazuju dobre rezultate procjene, neovisno o režimu rada pretvarača, odnosno radnoj točki određenoj njegovom izlaznom strujom

    Poliformizm amilazy syvorotki kak pokazatel' geneticheskojj struktury krupnogo rogatogo skota cherno-belojj porody

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    The studies involved the population of 2214 cows of the Black and White breed. From the studied population a group of 1710 head was separated. The animals of the group had Dutch Black and White ancestors and the group was called as West-Frisian cattle. The second group of 504 individuals were descendants of Black and White bulls bred in East-Frisian Islands and the group was called: East- Frisian cattle. The carried aut studies showed the polymorphism of amylase (AmI). The polymorphism occured in the three different phenotypes: AmI BB, AmI CC, AmI ВС, controlled by two codominant alleles: AmI BB, AmI CC, AmI ВС, controlled by two codominant alleles: AmIᴮ and AmIᶜ. Within the whale population 27,10% cows showed AmI BB phenotype 25,57% AmI CC and 47,33 - AmI phenotype. Within the West-Frisian population 24,68% of all individuals shoved AmI BB phenotype, 28,01% AmI CC phenotype and 47,31 - AmI phenotype. Within the East-Frisian cattle the distribution of tne phenotypes was as followed: AmI BB - 35,31%, AmI CC - 17,26% and AmI ВС - 47,43%. Comparing the two groups the statistically significant differences occured between AmI BB and AmI CC phenotypes. The obtained results did not showed significant difference in percent of homozygote and heterozygote frequency between the studied groups. The frequency of alleles in the all population amounted to: 0,51 for AmI , 0,49 AmIᶜ , within the West-Frisian group: 0,48 - Amᴮ , 0,52ᶜ AmI and within the East-Frisian group: 0,59 - AmI and 0,41 - AmIC.Исследования охватили популяцию коров черно-белой породы, насчитывающую 2214 штук. Из этого количества была выделена группа в 1710 штук, происходящая от голландского черно-белого скота. Эта группа получила название западно-фризского скота. Вторая группа, насчитывающая 504 штуки, происходила от быков-производителей черно-белой породы, выращиваемых в Восточной Фризии и получила название восточно-фризского скота. Исследования обнаружили полиформизм амилазы (Am I), который проявляется в виде трёх разных фенотипов: Am I ВВ, Am I СС, Am I ВС, проверяемых аллелями Am I В, Am I С. Во всей исследуемой популяции коров фенотипом Am I ВВ обладало 27,10% популяции, фенотипом Am I СС - 25,57%, фенотипом Am I ВС - 47,33%. В популяции западно-фризского рогатого скота фенотипом Am I ВВ обладало 24 ,68%, фенотипом Am I СС - 28,01%, фенотипом Am I ВС - 47,31%. В группе восточно-фризского рогатого скота расположение фенотипов амилазы представлялось следующим образом: Am I ВВ - 35,31%, Am I СС - 17,26%, Am I ВС - 47,43%. При сравнении обеих групп между Am I ВВ и Am I СС обнаружены статистически существенные отличия. Не отмечены существенные разницы в процентной многократности гомозигот, а также гетерозигот между исследуемыми группами. Частитность аллелей во всей популяции составляет Am I В - 0,51, Am I С - 0,49. Внутри группы восточно-фризской Am I В - 0,59, Am I С - 0,41, в западно- фризской группе - Am I В - 0,48, Am I С - 0,41