570 research outputs found

    Restoring soil functionality in degraded areas of organic vineyards - Preliminary results of the ReSolVe project in the French vineyards

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    Degraded soil areas in vineyards are associated with problems in vine health, grape production and quality. Different causes for soil degradation are possible such as poor organic matter content, lower plant nutrient availability, pH, water deficiency, soil compaction / lower oxygenation… The aim of this preliminary study is to assess soil functionality (OM decomposition), biodiversity through mesofauna diversity and consequences for vine growth and quality

    CLC, a promising concept with challenging development issues

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    Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) is a promising technique to achieve fuel combustion in a nitrogen free atmosphere, therefore giving the possibility to separate and store or use CO2. Several potential applications are considered in the field of power generation with gas, liquid and solid fuels. In the Carbon Capture, Storage and Utilization (CCSU) context, energy penalty is reduced compared to other routes. In addition, other applications of Chemical Looping are considered in the field of H2 production or gasification for instance. In the past years, a huge effort has been conducted worldwide to investigate CLC materials and process issues. In 2008, IFPEN and Total have started an ambitious collaboration to develop CLC applications. Nowadays, the CLC concept is well demonstrated at the pilot scale. The next step is to demonstrate the technology over time at larger scale. However, for further developments, the challenges are numerous and will be discussed, both on market and technical aspects. Short term market is limited. Uncertainties around CO2 emission market and storage issues are related to CO2 policy and public acceptance of storage which still must evolve in the right direction... Financing of demonstration units in this context is challenging and other applications of CLC have to be investigated. The industrial use of synthetic metal oxides or natural ores at large scale generates a lot of issues related to availability, price, waste disposal, health and safety, additionally to chemical and mechanical stability over time, reactivity, and oxygen transfer capacity. Chemical looping reactor and process technology concepts have to be explored, developed, modeled and scaled-up in order to ensure adequate power production together with good gas solid contact and reaction requirement, controlled circulation of mixtures of particle (oxygen carrier, ash, solid fuel for instance). All these points should be considered at very large scale for CCS applications in order to minimize energy penalty and cost in severe operating conditions (temperatures above 800°C and intense solid circulation). Technical challenges remain to be solved and proven with large demonstration over long periods of time. In this context, research in the field of fluidization technology is essential and we will address a couple of key points already investigated at IFPEN and related to control of solid circulation, oxygen carrier attrition, conceptual design of CLC reactors and process performance

    Submillimetre galaxies reside in dark matter haloes with masses greater than 3 × 10^(11) solar masses

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    The extragalactic background light at far-infrared wavelengths comes from optically faint, dusty, star-forming galaxies in the Universe with star formation rates of a few hundred solar masses per year. These faint, submillimetre galaxies are challenging to study individually because of the relatively poor spatial resolution of far-infrared telescopes. Instead, their average properties can be studied using statistics such as the angular power spectrum of the background intensity variations. A previous attempt at measuring this power spectrum resulted in the suggestion that the clustering amplitude is below the level computed with a simple ansatz based on a halo model. Here we report excess clustering over the linear prediction at arcminute angular scales in the power spectrum of brightness fluctuations at 250, 350 and 500 µm. From this excess, we find that submillimetre galaxies are located in darkmatter haloes with a minimum mass, M_(min), such that log_(10)[M_(min)/M_⊙] = 11.5^(+0.7)_(-0.2) at 350 µm, where M_⊙ is the solar mass. This minimum dark matter halo mass corresponds to the most efficient mass scale for star formation in the Universe, and is lower than that predicted by semi-analytical models for galaxy formation

    Two-point microrheology and the electrostatic analogy

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    The recent experiments of Crocker et al. suggest that microrheological measurements obtained from the correlated fluctuations of widely-separatedprobe particles determine the rheological properties of soft, complex materials more accurately than do the more traditional particle autocorrelations. This presents an interesting problem in viscoelastic dynamics. We develop an important, simplifing analogy between the present viscoelastic problem and classical electrostatics. Using this analogy and direct calculation we analyze both the one and two particle correlations in a viscoelastic medium in order to explain this observation

    The response function of a sphere in a viscoelastic two-fluid medium

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    In order to address basic questions of importance to microrheology, we study the dynamics of a rigid sphere embedded in a model viscoelastic medium consisting of an elastic network permeated by a viscous fluid. We calculate the complete response of a single bead in this medium to an external force and compare the result to the commonly-accepted, generalized Stokes-Einstein relation (GSER). We find that our response function is well approximated by the GSER only within a particular frequency range determined by the material parameters of both the bead and the network. We then discuss the relevance of this result to recent experiments. Finally we discuss the approximations made in our solution of the response function by comparing our results to the exact solution for the response function of a bead in a viscous (Newtonian) fluid.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Probing microscopic origins of confined subdiffusion by first-passage observables

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    Subdiffusive motion of tracer particles in complex crowded environments, such as biological cells, has been shown to be widepsread. This deviation from brownian motion is usually characterized by a sublinear time dependence of the mean square displacement (MSD). However, subdiffusive behavior can stem from different microscopic scenarios, which can not be identified solely by the MSD data. In this paper we present a theoretical framework which permits to calculate analytically first-passage observables (mean first-passage times, splitting probabilities and occupation times distributions) in disordered media in any dimensions. This analysis is applied to two representative microscopic models of subdiffusion: continuous-time random walks with heavy tailed waiting times, and diffusion on fractals. Our results show that first-passage observables provide tools to unambiguously discriminate between the two possible microscopic scenarios of subdiffusion. Moreover we suggest experiments based on first-passage observables which could help in determining the origin of subdiffusion in complex media such as living cells, and discuss the implications of anomalous transport to reaction kinetics in cells.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures. Submitted versio

    Variations à court terme des compartiments planctoniques d'un lac humique du Bouclier canadien

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    Les variations spatio-temporelles à court terme des compartiments planctoniques ont été étudiées simultanément du 30 juillet au 5 août 1986 dans un lac humique du Bouclier canadien. L'abondance du bactérioplancton fluctue de 1,4 à 1,7.106 cell. ml.-1 (coloration DAPI) ou de 2,7 à 7,7.106 cell. ml-1; (coloration Acridine Orange). La production du bactérioplancton estimée par incorporation de 3H méthyl thimidine, varie de 4 à 24.106 cell. l-1 h-1. Les valeurs d'activité hétérotrophe potentielle bactérienne estimée par assimilation de 14C glucose, s'échelonnent de 0,007 à 0,065 µg C.l-1. h-1. La biomasse pigmentaire (chlore. a et pheopigments) varie de 6,8 à 21,7 mg.m-3 . La production primaire est très faible (max. : 10 mg C. m-3 .h-1; 20 mg C.m-2 .h-1 ) et décroît très rapidement avec la profondeur (25 % à 82 % dans le premier mètre). Le microzooplancton (Rotifères, Bosmina, nauplies) représente plus de 90 % du peuplement zooplanctonique et les taux de broutage global du macrozooplancton sont faibles (25 % j-1). Les compartiments hétérotrophes prédominent dans le métabolisme du lac par rapport au compartiment autotrophe. Les patrons de variation spatiale reflètent la stratification verticale des compartiments et des processus autotrophes et hétérotrophes. Les maxima de photosynthèse, d'ATP et de production bactérienne se situent dans les eaux épilimnétiques tandis que les maxima d'abondance du bactérioptancton et des pigments se rencontrent dans l'hypolimnion. Le zooplancton est plus dense et broute d'avantage dans la strate 1-3 m. Ces variations spatiales semblent influencer l'activité hétérotrophe potentielle du bactérioptancton. Nos résultats montrent aussi des variations temporelles à court terme de la production primaire, de l'assimilation hétérotrophe et du broutage du macrozooplancton. Cette étude préliminaire met en lumière la nécessité de tenir compte des variations à court terme lors des études des relations trophodynamiques dans les écosystèmes planctoniques.Short term spatial and temporal variations in planktonic compartments were studied simultaneously, from July 30th to August 5th, 1986, in a humic lake on the Canadian Shield. Abundance of bacterioplankton ranged from 1,4 to 1,7 106 cell. ml-1 (DAP1) or from 2,7 to 7,7 106 cell. ml-1 (Acridine Orange). Bacterial production, as measured by incorporation of 3H methyl-thimidine, was estimated at 4-24 106 cells. l-1. h-1 and potential heterotrophic bacterial activity ranged from 0,007 to 0,065 µg C.l-1. h-1, as estimated by 14C glucose incorporation. Pigments biomass (chloro. a and phaeopigments) varied from 6,8 to 21,7 mg m-3. Primary production was low (max. : 10 mg C.m-3. h-1; 20 mg C.m-2. h-1) and decreased rapidly with depth (25-82 % in 1 m depth). Microzooplankton (rotifera, Bosmina, nauplii) accounted for more than 90 % of total numbers and macrozooplankton global grazing rates were low (25 % d-1). The heterotrophic compartments play a greater rate in the lake metabolism than the autotrophic compartment. Spatial variations reflect the stratification of the heterotrophic and autotrophic organisms and processes with depth. Maximum levels in primary production, ATP and bacterial production occur in epilimnetic waters, while maxima in bacterial numbers and algal pigments occur in the hypolimnion. Zooplancton density and macrozooplankton grazing rates were higher in the 1-3 m strata. These spatial patterns seem to influence the vertical profiles of the bacterial potential heterotrophic activity. Our results also show short term temporal variations in primary production, potential heterotrophic activity of bacterioplankton and macrozooplankton grazing rates. This preliminary study stresses the importance of short term variations in the assessment of the trophodynamics of the planktonic food wed

    The role of microtubule movement in bidirectional organelle transport

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    We study the role of microtubule movement in bidirectional organelle transport in Drosophila S2 cells and show that EGFP-tagged peroxisomes in cells serve as sensitive probes of motor induced, noisy cytoskeletal motions. Multiple peroxisomes move in unison over large time windows and show correlations with microtubule tip positions, indicating rapid microtubule fluctuations in the longitudinal direction. We report the first high-resolution measurement of longitudinal microtubule fluctuations performed by tracing such pairs of co-moving peroxisomes. The resulting picture shows that motor-dependent longitudinal microtubule oscillations contribute significantly to cargo movement along microtubules. Thus, contrary to the conventional view, organelle transport cannot be described solely in terms of cargo movement along stationary microtubule tracks, but instead includes a strong contribution from the movement of the tracks.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Is a Classical Language Adequate in Assessing the Detectability of the Redshifted 21cm Signal from the Early Universe?

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    The classical radiometer equation is commonly used to calculate the detectability of the 21cm emission by diffuse cosmic hydrogen at high redshifts. However, the classical description is only valid in the regime where the occupation number of the photons in phase space is much larger than unity and they collectively behave as a classical electromagnetic field. At redshifts z<20, the spin temperature of the intergalactic gas is dictated by the radiation from galaxies and the brightness temperature of the emitting gas is in the range of mK, independently from the existence of the cosmic microwave background. In regions where the observed brightness temperature of the 21cm signal is smaller than the observed photon energy, of 68/(1+z) mK, the occupation number of the signal photons is smaller than unity. Neverethless, the radiometer equation can still be used in this regime because the weak signal is accompanied by a flood of foreground photons with a high occupation number (involving the synchrotron Galactic emission and the cosmic microwave background). As the signal photons are not individually distinguishable, the combined signal+foreground population of photons has a high occupation number, thus justifying the use of the radiometer equation.Comment: 4 pages, Accepted for publication in JCA

    Instrumental and Analytic Methods for Bolometric Polarimetry

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    We discuss instrumental and analytic methods that have been developed for the first generation of bolometric cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarimeters. The design, characterization, and analysis of data obtained using Polarization Sensitive Bolometers (PSBs) are described in detail. This is followed by a brief study of the effect of various polarization modulation techniques on the recovery of sky polarization from scanning polarimeter data. Having been successfully implemented on the sub-orbital Boomerang experiment, PSBs are currently operational in two terrestrial CMB polarization experiments (QUaD and the Robinson Telescope). We investigate two approaches to the analysis of data from these experiments, using realistic simulations of time ordered data to illustrate the impact of instrumental effects on the fidelity of the recovered polarization signal. We find that the analysis of difference time streams takes full advantage of the high degree of common mode rejection afforded by the PSB design. In addition to the observational efforts currently underway, this discussion is directly applicable to the PSBs that constitute the polarized capability of the Planck HFI instrument.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures. for submission to A&