4,432 research outputs found

    Weight Spectrum of Quasi-Perfect Binary Codes with Distance 4

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    We consider the weight spectrum of a class of quasi-perfect binary linear codes with code distance 4. For example, extended Hamming code and Panchenko code are the known members of this class. Also, it is known that in many cases Panchenko code has the minimal number of weight 4 codewords. We give exact recursive formulas for the weight spectrum of quasi-perfect codes and their dual codes. As an example of application of the weight spectrum we derive a lower estimate for the conditional probability of correction of erasure patterns of high weights (equal to or greater than code distance).Comment: 5 pages, 11 references, 2 tables; some explanations and detail are adde


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    Meningkatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi memberikan dampak yang cukup besar bagi setiap instansi maupun masyarakat, sistem informasi diyakini memberi kontribusi terhadap kebutuhan untuk membangun keunggulan kompetitif melalui biaya yang rendah, kualitas yang baik. Salah satu sistem informasi yang sedang berkembang dan membantu perkembangan contohnya pembuatan website perpustakaan. Perpustakaan merupakan kumpulan informasi yang bersifat ilmu pengetahuan, hiburan, rekreasi, dan ibadah yang merupakan kebutuhan hakiki manusia, perpustakaan sebagai tempat untuk mengakses informasi dalam format apapun. Hal ini pun ditemui pada Dinas Kearsipan Dan Perpustakaan Seram Bagian Barat. Dinas Kearsipan Dan Perpustakaan Seram Bagian Barat adalah salah satu dinas dibawah Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat. Dinas ini membawahi unit perpustakaan dan kearsipan. Tingkat pelayanan pada perpustakaan dan kearsipan masih belum tertata dengan baik karena masih menggunakan kearsipan secara manual, permasalahan yang ditemui sering terjadinya kehilangan data buku yang telah diarsipkan maupun buku yang ada pada perpustakaan serta proses peminjaman buku yang tidak terkontrol dengan baik hal ini sangat berpengaruh pada pelayanan perpustakaan sehingga perlu dibuat sebuah sistem informasi perpustakaan berbasis website yang dapat membantu proses pelayanan pada perpustakaan serta dapat dengan mudah dan cepat mengontrol dan menampilkan data-data yang ada pada perpustakaan. Sistem informasi berbasis website juga mempermudah para pengunjung perpustakaan, mereka dapat dengan mudah menggunakan website perpustakaan untuk meminjam buku secara online. Diharapkan website perpustakaan ini dapat membantu dan mempermudah pekerjaan pada Dinas Kearsipan dan Perpustakaan Seram Bagian Barat

    Rehabilitation and Reintroduction of wild born orphan chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) within the pongo and okokong islands of the douala-edea wildlife reserve, Littoral Region Cameroon

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    This study had as main objective to document on the reintroduction of chimpanzees in the Douala-Edea Wildlife Reserve which appears to be the first case of chimpanzee reintroduction in Cameroon. The study was carried out in the South East zone of the Douala-Edea Wildlife Reserve which holds a small chimpanzee sanctuary under the auspices of “Papaye France” association. Data was collected on the field using semi structured questionnaires, interviews and direct observations alongside a participatory action approach at the sanctuary. Data from discussion guide and questionnaires were descriptively analysed and discussed with respect to our objectives. There were 24 orphan chimpanzees all together present in the zone and being cared for by the association PAPAYE France. This association has released 16 chimpanzees on two Islands of the reserve, the first group made of 9 chimpanzees (6 males and 3 females) were released in 2008 on the Pongo Island and a second group made of 6 chimpanzees (4 males and 2 females) were released on the Okokong Island in 2010; one female was later introduced to this group early 2015. These chimpanzees were released after a rehabilitation process not in line with IUCN guidelines for reintroduction of great apes and not following any developed scientific approach or methodology. Despite this, the released chimps are faring well as new births have been recorded on either Islands, chimps feed, nest, movement and vocalize indicating there have gotten adapted to live on the Islands. It was also noted that the sizes of these islands may not maintain a viable, nutritionally self-sustaining population in the long run hence could better serve as a semi naturalistic sanctuary. It is necessary that the carrying capacities of the islands be determined while larger potential release sites be assessed and prepared for an eventual transfer/reintroduction of these apes in the future

    The Perceived Value of Certification by Certified Perioperative Nurses

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    We conducted this study to determine the perceived value of certification in perioperative nursing. Following development and pilot-testing, we mailed the 18-item Likert-type instrument, the Perceived Value of Certification Tool (PVCT), to a sample of 2750 perioperative nurses who had earned the CNOR or CRNFA credential or both. A total of 1398 surveys were returned (50.8% response rate). Factor analysis extracted three factors, accounting for 61% of the variance: personal value, recognition by others, and professional practice. Internal consistency reliability testing (Cronbach\u27s α) identified a standardized α of .924. Over 90% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed with statements about the value of certification related to feelings of personal accomplishment and satisfaction, validating specialized knowledge, indicating professional growth, attainment of a practice standard, personal challenge, and professional commitment, challenge, and credibility. These results are consistent with previously published literature on specialty certification in nursing

    Projected long-term outcomes in patients with type 1 diabetes treated with fast-acting insulin aspart versus conventional insulin aspart in the UK setting

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    Aims: Many patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) fail to achieve optimal glycemic control and mealtime insulins that more closely match physiological insulin secretion can help improve treatment. In the onset 1 trial, fast-acting insulin aspart (faster aspart) was shown to improve glycemic control in patients with T1DM compared with conventional insulin aspart (insulin aspart). In the UK, faster aspart and insulin aspart are associated with the same acquisition cost, and therefore the present analysis assessed the impact of faster aspart versus insulin aspart on long-term clinical outcomes and costs for patients with T1DM in the UK setting. Methods: The QuintilesIMS CORE Diabetes Model was used to project clinical outcomes and costs over patient lifetimes in a cohort with baseline characteristics from the onset 1 trial. Treatment effects were taken from the 26-week main phase of the onset 1 trial, with costs and utilities based on literature review. Future costs and clinical benefits were discounted at 3.5% annually. Results: Projections indicated that faster aspart was associated with improved discounted quality-adjusted life expectancy (by 0.13 quality-adjusted life years) versus insulin aspart). Improved clinical outcomes resulted from fewer diabetes-related complications and a delayed time to their onset with faster aspart. Faster aspart was found to be associated with reduced costs versus insulin aspart (cost savings of GBP 1,715), resulting from diabetes-related complications avoided and reduced treatment costs. Conclusions: Faster aspart was associated with improved clinical outcomes and cost savings versus insulin aspart for patients with T1DM in the UK setting

    Molecular and morphometric variation in European populations of the articulate brachiopod <i>Terebeatulina retusa</i>

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    Molecular and morphometric variation within and between population samples of the articulate brachiopod &lt;i&gt;Terebratulina&lt;/i&gt; spp., collected in 1985-1987 from a Norwegian fjord, sea lochs and costal sites in western Scotland, the southern English Channel (Brittany) and the western Mediterranean, were measured by the analysis of variation in the lengths of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) fragments produced by digestion with nine restriction endonucleases and by multivariate statistical analysis of six selected morphometric parameters. Nucleotide difference within each population sample was high. Nucleotide difference between population samples from the Scottish sites, both those that are tidally contiguous and those that appear to be geographically isolated, were not significantly different from zero. Nucleotide differences between the populations samples from Norway, Brittany, Scotland and the western Mediterranean were also very low. Morphometric analysis confirmed the absence of substantial differentiation

    The interview as narrative ethnography : seeking and shaping connections in qualitative research.

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    Acts of counter-subjectification in qualitative research are always present but are often submerged in accounts that seek to locate the power of subjectification entirely with the researcher. This is particularly so when talking to people about sensitive issues. Based on an interview-based study of infertility and reproductive disruption among British Pakistanis in Northeast England, we explore how we, as researchers, sought and were drawn into various kinds of connections with the study participants; connections that were actively and performatively constructed through time. The three of us that conducted interviews are all female academics with Ph.Ds in anthropology, but thereafter our backgrounds, life stories and experiences diverge in ways that intersected with those of our informants in complex and shifting ways. We describe how these processes shaped the production of narrative accounts and consider some of the associated analytical and ethical implications

    Interactions Between Plastic, Microbial Biofilms and Gammarus pulex : An Initial Investigation

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    There is increasing evidence that microbial biofilms which form on the surface of marine plastics can increase plastics palatability, making it more attractive to organisms. The same information, however, does not exist for freshwater systems. This study observed the response of the freshwater amphipod Gammarus pulex when exposed to 3 cm-diameter discs of biofilm-covered plastic, both alone and when presented alongside its natural food. G. pulex did not fragment or consume the plastic materials, and the presence of colonised plastic in the immediate environment did not alter the amount of time organisms spent interacting with their natural food. This study provides baseline information for virgin and microbially colonised low-density polyethylene and polylactic acid film. Further studies, with other types of plastic possessing different physical properties and with different microbial biofilm compositions are now required to build further understanding of interactions between plastic, microbial biofilms, and freshwater shredding invertebrates

    Surface and Sub-Surface Composition and Properties of Ion-Bombarded Lithium Alloys

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    Lithium-bearing alloys such as Si-Li, Al-Li and Cu-Li are of importance in a variety of technological applications, many of them depending on the fact that the surface composition of these alloys differs significantly from that of the bulk, both at thermal equilibrium and under ion bombardment. During ion sputtering, these materials exhibit a variety of phenomena which affect the surface composition and concentration depth profile in a complex manner. We present here experimental measurements of the surface and near-surface composition profiles of sputtered Cu-Li and Al-Li alloys. The experimental results are interpreted in terms of surface loss and radiation-induced segregation processes. Emphasis is placed on the use of these materials for use as plasma-interactive components in magnetic-confinement fusion applications
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