339 research outputs found

    Infrared polarimetry Anisotropy of polymer nanofibers

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    We present a straightforward and easily interpretable multi scale infrared IR spectroscopic characterization of anisotropy and arrangement of polymer nanofibers. Direct spectral interpretation of fiber bundles and single fibers with respect to their anisotropic properties is possible by applying non invasive IR polarimetry at defined polarization states with spatial resolutions from the macroscale a few mm down to the nanoscale a few 10 nm . A vivid relation is shown to exist between vibrational bands in s polarized reflection and absorption associated photothermal spectra measured by the AFM IR technique. Such a relation is a prerequisite for detailed discussions of IR spectra with respect to complex fiber structures and material


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    Purpose: to compare the results of quantitative and qualitative indicators of dental education of interns and students of the post-graduate education faculty of Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University. Materials and methods. In a comparative study, 129 doctors-interns from the primary specialization cycle on the specialty “Stomatology” and 113 doctors-listeners of the pre-certification cycle “Stomatology” took part from the Western region. The study was carried out in the form of blank test using 80 test questions from the open booklet spring of 2016 “KROK-3. Dentistry”. Statistical processing of materials was carried out using the computer program Statistica 10.0. Results. The greatest difference between the percentages of interns and doctors who listened successfully to individual subtasks was observed in testing for the subtest category P.8 “Inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial area», in which the percentage of interns who made the subtest was 2.32 times higher than the corresponding the indicator among listeners (86.8±1.45) % versus (39.7±2.45) %, p <0.001), and the lowest (1.56 times) – when tested for the subtest category P.13 “Complication that arise due to dental interventions” (86.8±1.38) % vs. (55.5±2.53) %, p <0.001). The average percentage of the test for doctors with a work experience of up to 5 years was (50.36±1.38) %. The lowest result was established by doctors-listeners with a work experience of 5–10 years (32.69±4.88) %. Concerning the difficulties that they encountered during the test, (96.5±1.74) % (109 persons) of the interviewed doctors-listeners indicated that the most difficult was to distinguish answers to questions on the degree of their correctness. According to (84.1±3.44) % of the respondents (95 people), they were not ready to be tested. Conclusions. A comparative study of the quantitative and qualitative indicators of dental education at the postgraduate stage of the training made it possible to find out the absence of the majority of dental doctors with experience of 16 years or more, the skills of this exam. There is a significant regress of the indicators of the preparation of this test among doctors-students with experience in the field of dentistry 5 years or more. Since preparation of doctors for appropriate postgraduate education courses requires a certain amount of time, we believe that in the next 5 years the level of complexity of the exam for practicing doctors should be simpler than “KROK 3. Dentistry” for graduates of medical universities.Мета: порівняти результати кількісних та якісних показників стоматологічної освіти лікарів-інтернів та слухачів факультету післядипломної освіти ЛНМУ імені Данила Галицького. Матеріали і методи. У порівняльному дослідженні взяли участь 129 лікарів-інтернів циклу первинної спеціалізації за спеціальністю «Стоматологія» та 113 лікарів-слухачів передатестаційного циклу «Стомато­логія» Західного регіону. Дослідження проводили у вигляді бланкового тестування з використанням 80 тестових питань з відкритого буклету весна 2016 «КРОК-3. Стоматологія». Статистичну обробку матеріалів проводили за допомогою комп’ютерної програми Statistica 10.0. Результати. Найбільшу різницю між відсотками інтернів та лікарів-слухачів, які успішно склали окремі суб­тести, спостерігали при тестуванні на категорію субтесту П. 8 «Запальні захворювання щелепно-лицевої ділянки», при якій відсоток інтернів, які склали субтест, у 2,32 раза перевищував відповідний показник серед лікарів-слухачів (86,8±1,45 % проти 39,7±2,45 %, р<0,001), а найменшу (1,56 раза) ─ при тестуванні на категорію субтесту П. 13 «Ускладнення, що виникають внаслідок стоматологічних втручань» (86,8±1,38 % проти 55,5±2,53 %, р<0,001). Середній відсотковий показник тесту лікарів-слухачів із стажем роботи до 5 років становив (50,36±1,38) %. Найнижчий результат був встановлений у лікарів-слухачів зі стажем роботи 5–10 років (32,69±4,88) %. Щодо труднощів, які виникали у них під час проходження тесту, то (96,5±1,74) % опитаних лікарів-слухачів (109 осіб) вказали, що найважче було відрізнити відповіді на запитання за ступенем їх правильності. На думку (84,1±3,44) % опитаних (95 осіб), вони були не готові до тестування. Висновки. Проведене порівняльне дослідження кількісних та якісних показників стоматологічної освіти на після­­дипломному етапі підготовки дозволило з’ясувати відсутність у більшості лікарів-стоматологів із стажем 16 років і більше навичок із складання цього іспиту. Встановлено значний регрес показників складання цього тесту в лікарів-слухачів зі стажем роботи 5 років і більше за спеціальністю «Стоматологія». Оскільки підготовка лікарів на відповідних курсах післядипломної освіти потребує певного часу, вважаємо, що протягом найближчих 5 років рівень складності іспиту для практикуючих лікарів повинен бути простішим, аніж «КРОК-3. Стоматологія» для випускників вищих навчальних медичних закладів

    Возможности комплексного ультразвукового исследования с применением современных методик в диагностике рака эндометрия

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    Introduction. An urgent problem of oncogynecology is the diagnosis and treatment of patients with endometrial cancer, the steady growth of which is noted in most developed countries of the world and at the present stage occupies the 2nd place among neoplasms of the reproductive system of women.Purpose. To evaluate the informativity of complex ultrasound examination for diagnostics of endometrial cancer.Material and methods. There were examined 28 patients aged from 45 to 70 y.o. (23 menopausal women — 82,1% and 5 in reproductive status — 17,9%). The diagnosis of endometrial cancer was verified by morphologic and histologic methods. For all the patients there was performed the ultrasound examination including energy Doppler mode, ultrasound elastography, Doppler imaging of uterine and intratumoral vessels, evaluation of M-echo thickness, invasive growth index and rate of myometrial invasion. Studies were performed with ultrasound scanners «ACUSON 2000» by SIEMENS and «Aixplorer» by «SuperSonic Imagine S.A.».Results. Highly and moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma was revealed mostly in patients with Ia and Ib stages while low differentiated adenocarcinoma was revealed mostly in the III stage. The investigation performed ascertained that a complex ultrasound examination with application of dopplerography, sonoelastography, contrast enhanced sonography is highly informative for determination, staging and prediction of endometrial cancer.Conclusion. The results obtained indicate the high efficiency of the diagnostic complex used in identifying the characteristic features of intraorgan and tumor blood flow, as well as tissue stiffness, which play an important role in specifying the stage and prognosis of the disease.Введение. Актуальной проблемой онкогинекологии является диагностика и лечение больных раком эндометрия, неуклонный рост которого отмечается в большинстве развитых стран мира и на современном этапе занимает второе место среди новообразований репродуктивной системы женщин.Цель исследования: оценка возможностей комплексного ультразвукового исследования в диагностике рака эндометрия.Материалы и методы исследования. С установленным диагнозом обследованы 28 пациенток в возрасте от 45 до 70 лет, 18 (64,3%) из которых были старше 51 года. В менопаузальном периоде находилось 23 (82,1%) пациенток, в репродуктивном периоде 5 (19,5%) пациенток. Диагноз рака эндометрия был верифицирован при морфологическом и гистопатологическом исследовании. Всем пациентам выполнено ультразвуковое исследование с допплерометрией, цветовым допплеровском и энергетическим картированием, с орографией и контрастным усилением на аппаратах «ACUSON S2000» фирмы SIEMENS и «Aixplorer» фирмы «SuperSonic Imagine S.A.» (Франция) с применением конвексного датчика 3,5–5,0 МГц и трансвагинального датчика 6,5–7,5 МГц.Результаты. Оценивали толщину М-эхо. Расcчитывали индекс инвазивного роста. Оценивали степень миометральной инвазии. Высоко и умеренно дифференцированная аденокарцинома диагностирована у 44 (89,8%) пациенток при Ia и Ib стадиях заболевания. Умеренно и низко дифференцированная аденокарцинома чаще отмечалась при Ib и III стадиях заболевания. В результате проведенного исследования установлено, что в уточняющей диагностике рака эндометрия высокоинформативным методом является комплексное ультразвуковое исследование с использованием импульсной допплерометрии, допплерографии, соноэластографии и контрастной сонографии.Заключение. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о  высокой эффективности примененного диагностического комплекса в  выявлении характерных особенностей внутриорганного и  опухолевого кровотока, а  также жесткости тканей, играющих важную роль в уточнении стадии и прогнозе заболевания.

    Mutational Specificity of γ-Radiation-Induced Guanine−Thymine and Thymine−Guanine Intrastrand Cross-Links in Mammalian Cells and Translesion Synthesis Past the Guanine−Thymine Lesion by Human DNA Polymerase η†

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    ABSTRACT: Comparative mutagenesis of γ- or X-ray-induced tandem DNA lesions G[8,5-Me]T and T[5-Me,8]G intrastrand cross-links was investigated in simian (COS-7) and human embryonic (293T) kidney cells. For G[8,5-Me]T in 293T cells, 5.8 % of progeny contained targeted base substitutions, whereas 10.0 % showed semitargeted single-base substitutions. Of the targeted mutations, the G f T mutation occurred with the highest frequency. The semitargeted mutations were detected up to two bases 5 ′ and three bases 3 ′ to the cross-link. The most prevalent semitargeted mutation was a C f T transition immediately 5 ′ to the G[8,5-Me]T cross-link. Frameshifts (4.6%) (mostly small deletions) and multiple-base substitutions (2.7%) also were detected. For the T[5-Me,8]G cross-link, a similar pattern of mutations was noted, but the mutational frequency was significantly higher than that of G[8,5-Me]T. Both targeted and semitargeted mutations occurred with a frequency of ∼16%, and both included a dominant G f T transversion. As in 293T cells, more than twice as many targeted mutations in COS cells occurred in T[5-Me,8]G (11.4%) as in G[8,5-Me]T (4.7%). Also, the level of semitargeted single-base substitutions 5 ′ to the lesion was increased and 3 ′ to the lesion decreased in T[5-Me,8]G relative to G[8,5-Me]T in COS cells. It appeared that the majority of the base substitutions at or near the cross-links resulted from incorporation of dAMP opposite the template base, in agreement with the so-called “A-rule”. To determin

    Местный рецидив рака предстательной железы после радикальной простатэктомии. Трансректальная ультразвуковая диагностика

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    Research purpose. Investigate possibilities of the transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) in early diagnostics of the local recurrence of the prostate cancer (PC) following radical prostatectomy (RPE). Materials and methods. 50 PC patients at the age of 52–73 years (mean age – 62,5 years) that have undergone RPE in different clinics were under our observation. Preoperational prostate-specific antigen (PSA) value mounted 1,7–30 ng/ml. The following stages were determined clinically: Т1N0M0 – 8 patients, Т2N0M0 – 42 patients (Т2а – 38, Т2b – 2, T2c – 2). Following RPE, a positive surgical edge was revealed in 7 patients, tumor invasion to the seminal vesicles – in 3. After performed RPE, PSA level was determined 1 time per 3 months and TRUS in B-mode using energetic mapping (EM) was performed in all the patients. For this, MEDISON company SonoAce 8800 device with convex intracavitary sensor with a frequency 7,5 MHz was used. Results. In 1,5 years after RPE, PSA level increase more then 0,2 ng/ml (0,58–28 ng/ml) was observed. Patients have been examined, including: digital rectal investigation (DRI), TRUS of the prostate bed, helical computed tomography (HCT) of the minor pelvis organs, skeleton scintigraphy. DRI revealed a hardening part in 1 patient, bone metastatic lesion in 2 patients. Via HCT of the minor pelvis organs, a pathologic structure in the prostate bed region with invasion of the posterior bladder wall was revealed. By B-mode TRUS using EM, the areas of solid structure in the region of vesico-urethral anastomosis or behind the posterior bladder wall were revealed in 9 patients, including hypoechogenic with deformed coiled vessels – in 6, isoechogenic with solitary signals by EM – in 2, mixed echogenicity with the posterior bladder wall invasion – in 1 patients. By histological examination of the biopsy materials from the doubtful regions, the PC recurrence is diagnosed in 8 patients, in 1 – histologically local PC recurrence has not been confirmed. Conclusions. TRUS with using EM – is a higly informative, economically and clinically significant method of early diagnostics of the local PC recurrence following RPE.

    Epistatic Roles for Pseudomonas aeruginosa MutS and DinB (DNA Pol IV) in Coping with Reactive Oxygen Species-Induced DNA Damage

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is especially adept at colonizing the airways of individuals afflicted with the autosomal recessive disease cystic fibrosis (CF). CF patients suffer from chronic airway inflammation, which contributes to lung deterioration. Once established in the airways, P. aeruginosa continuously adapts to the changing environment, in part through acquisition of beneficial mutations via a process termed pathoadaptation. MutS and DinB are proposed to play opposing roles in P. aeruginosa pathoadaptation: MutS acts in replication-coupled mismatch repair, which acts to limit spontaneous mutations; in contrast, DinB (DNA polymerase IV) catalyzes error-prone bypass of DNA lesions, contributing to mutations. As part of an ongoing effort to understand mechanisms underlying P. aeruginosa pathoadaptation, we characterized hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced phenotypes of isogenic P. aeruginosa strains bearing different combinations of mutS and dinB alleles. Our results demonstrate an unexpected epistatic relationship between mutS and dinB with respect to H2O2-induced cell killing involving error-prone repair and/or tolerance of oxidized DNA lesions. In striking contrast to these error-prone roles, both MutS and DinB played largely accurate roles in coping with DNA lesions induced by ultraviolet light, mitomycin C, or 4-nitroquinilone 1-oxide. Models discussing roles for MutS and DinB functionality in DNA damage-induced mutagenesis, particularly during CF airway colonization and subsequent P. aeruginosa pathoadaptation are discussed