1,672 research outputs found

    Responses of Cyprinus carpio var. communis to Cyhalothrin, a pyrethroid insecticide

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    Haematological and biochemical profiles in a freshwater teleost, Cyprinus carpio var. communis, exposed to sub-lethal toxicity of the insecticide cyhalothrin were studied. During the treatment, erythrocyte count, haemoglobin content and protein content decreased, whereas leucocyte count and glucose level increased. The data are discussed in relation to the significance of haematological and biochemical changes as non-specific biomarkers against anthropogenic stress

    Incidental papillary carcinoma of thyroid in Graves’ disease

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    Traditionally Grave's disease was considered as protection against thyroid cancer. The incidence of papillary carcinoma thyroid in grave’s disease is 2.4%. Thyroid cancer occurring in grave’s disease has higher frequency of persisting or relapsing disease than thyroid cancers occurring in matched euthyroid control patients. Here we present a case of papillary carcinoma in a Grave’s disease patient presented with nodular goiter

    Diffuse Ionized Gas in the Dwarf Irregular Galaxy DDO 53

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    The spectral characteristics throughout the dwarf irregular galaxy DDO 53 are studied. The results are very similar to those for other irregular galaxies: high excitation and low values of the [SII]/Halpha ratio. The most likely ionization source is photon leakage from the classical HII regions, without any other source, although the interstellar medium of the galaxy is quite perturbed. Moreover, the physical conditions throughout the galaxy do not change very much because both the photon leakage percentage and the ionization temperature are very similar. In addition, the determined metal content for two HII regions indicates that DDO 53 is a low-metallicity galaxy.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figures, 7 tables. AJ, in pres

    NGC 602 Environment, Kinematics and Origins

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    The young star cluster NGC 602 and its associated HII region, N90, formed in a relatively isolated and diffuse environment in the Wing of the Small Magellanic Cloud. Its isolation from other regions of massive star formation and the relatively simple surrounding HI shell structure allows us to constrain the processes that may have led to its formation and to study conditions leading to massive star formation. We use images from Hubble Space Telescope and high resolution echelle spectrographic data from the Anglo-Australian Telescope along with 21-cm neutral hydrogen (HI) spectrum survey data and the shell catalogue derived from it to establish a likely evolutionary scenario leading to the formation of NGC 602. We identify a distinct HI cloud component that is likely the progenitor cloud of the cluster and HII region which probably formed in blister fashion from the cloud's periphery. We also find that the past interaction of HI shells can explain the current location and radial velocity of the nebula. The surrounding Interstellar Medium is diffuse and dust-poor as demonstrated by a low visual optical depth throughout the nebula and an average HI density of the progenitor cloud estimated at 1 cm^-3. These conditions suggest that the NGC 602 star formation event was produced by compression and turbulence associated with HI shell interactions. It therefore represents a single star forming event in a low gas density region.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASP. 25 pages, 10 figure

    Cloud-Based Data Analytics on Human Factor Measurement to Improve Safer Transport

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    Improving safer transport includes individual and collective behavioural aspects and their interaction. A system that can monitor and evaluate the human cognitive and physical capacities based on human factor measurement is often beneficial to improve safety in driving condition. However, analysis and evaluation of human factor measurement i.e. demographics, behaviour and physiology in real-time is challenging. This paper presents a methodology for cloud-based data analysis, categorization and metrics correlation in real-time through a H2020 project called SimuSafe. Initial implementation of this methodology shows a step-by-step approach which can handle huge amount of data with variation and verity in the cloud

    Seedbank and Seedling Emergence Characteristics of Weeds in Ricefield Soils of the Muda Granary Area in North-west Peninsular Malaysia

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    Tlie experiment was conducted in the glasshouse of UPM from March 2003 to June 2004 to determine the soil seedbank in the ricefields ot\u27Muda rice granary area in Peninsular Malaysia. Six soil cores of 5 cm in diameter and 10 cm depth were sampled from each of 24 fields. All samples from each individual field were bulked and placed in plastic trays of 38 x 25 x 10 cm. Soil was moistened as required and emergence of weed seedlings were recorded over period of one year. After one year, remaining seeds were separated, removed and identified. The total seed bank was estimated at 1136.48 million/ha of which 62.35% (708.60 million seedlings ha"1) germinated within 12 months and 37.65% (427.88 million seeds ha"1) remained ungerminated. Total of 20 taxa were recognized. Based on importance value (I.V.) the five most dominant species in terms of emerged seedling were Fimbristylis miliacea, Leplochloa chinensis, LitJwigia hyssopifolia, Cyperus difformii and C. iria. Of the remaining seeds the five dominant species with decreasing trend in ranking were F. miliacea, Scirpus lateriflonis, Monochoria vagina/is, L. hyssopifolia and L. chinensis. Ranking of total seed reserves (seedlings+ remaining seeds) were similar to emerged seedling indicating that emerged seedlings reflect the actual weed flora in the Muda area. Among the dominant species F. miliacea accounted for 58.07% of emerged seedlings, 79.31% of remaining seeds and 66.07% of total seed bank. Total seedling emergence of all species was higher in the first observation in April 2003 and cumulative seedling emergence showed no clear peaks

    Study of genetic variation of some eggplant cultivars through RAPD-PCR molecular markers and its relatedness to phomopsis blight disease reaction

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    Disease susceptibility and genetic variability in 10 eggplant genotypes were studied after inoculating Phomopsis vexans under confined field conditions. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to assess genetic variation and relationships among eggplant genotypes. The disease index of leaves ranged 0.208-13.79%, while fruit infection ranged 2.15-42.76%. Two varieties, Dohazari G and Laffa S, were found to be susceptible, 6 were moderately resistant, 1 was moderately susceptible, and BAU Begun-1 was resistant to P. vexans. Amplification of genomic DNA by using 3 RAPD primers produced 20 bands: 14 (70%) were polymorphic and 6 (30%) were monomorphic. The highest intra-variety similarity indices values were found in ISD 006, Ishurdi L, Jessore L, and BAU Begun-1 (100%), while the lowest was in Dohazari G (90%). The lowest genetic distance (0.0513) and the highest genetic identity (0.9500) were observed between the ISD 006 and Ishurdi L combinations. A comparatively higher genetic distance (0.3724) and the lowest genetic identity (0.6891) were observed between the ISD 006 and Dohazari G combinations. A dendogram was constructed based on Nei’s genetic distance, which produced 2 main clusters of the genotypes - Cluster I: ISD 006, Ishurdi L, Marich begun L, BAU Begun-1, Marich begun S, and Chega and Cluster 2: Laffa S, Dohazari G, Jessore L, and Singhnath. Genetic variation and its relationship with disease susceptibility were assessed using RAPD markers, to develop disease-resistant varieties and improve eggplant crops