6,194 research outputs found

    Exciton-polariton emission from organic semiconductor optical waveguides

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    We photo-excite slab polymer waveguides doped with J-aggregating dye molecules and measure the leaky emission from strongly coupled waveguide exciton polariton modes at room temperature. We show that the momentum of the waveguide exciton polaritons can be controlled by modifying the thickness of the excitonic waveguide. Non-resonantly pumped excitons in the slab excitonic waveguide decay into transverse electric and transverse magnetic strongly coupled exciton waveguide modes with radial symmetry. These leak to cones of light with radial and azimuthal polarizations

    Stimulated Emission from a single excited atom in a waveguide

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    We study stimulated emission from an excited two-level atom coupled to a waveguide containing an incident single-photon pulse. We show that the strong photon correlation, as induced by the atom, plays a very important role in stimulated emission. Additionally, the temporal duration of the incident photon pulse is shown to have a marked effect on stimulated emission and atomic lifetime.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Randomly poled crystals as a source of photon pairs

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    Generation of photon pairs from randomly poled nonlinear crystals is investigated using analytically soluble model and numerical calculations. Randomly poled crystals are discovered as sources of entangled ultra broad-band signal and idler fields. Their photon-pair generation rates scale linearly with the number of domains. Entanglement times as short as several fs can be reached. Comparison with chirped periodically-poled structures is given and reveals close similarity.Comment: 13 pages, 29 figure

    Role of entanglement in two-photon imaging

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    The use of entangled photons in an imaging system can exhibit effects that cannot be mimicked by any other two-photon source, whatever the strength of the correlations between the two photons. We consider a two-photon imaging system in which one photon is used to probe a remote (transmissive or scattering) object, while the other serves as a reference. We discuss the role of entanglement versus correlation in such a setting, and demonstrate that entanglement is a prerequisite for achieving distributed quantum imaging.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Non-diffracting Optical Beams in a Three-level Raman System

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    Diffractionless propagation of optical beams through atomic vapors is investigated. The atoms in the vapor are operated in a three-level Raman configuration. A suitably chosen control beam couples to one of the transitions, and thereby creates a spatially varying index of refraction modulation in the warm atomic vapor for a probe beam which couples to the other transition in the atoms. We show that a Laguerre-Gaussian control beam allows to propagate single Gaussian probe field modes as well as multi-Gaussian modes and non-Gaussian modes over macroscopic distances without diffraction. This opens perspectives for the propagation of arbitrary images through warm atomic vapors.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Generation of Entangled Photon Holes using Quantum Interference

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    In addition to photon pairs entangled in polarization or other variables, quantum mechanics also allows optical beams that are entangled through the absence of the photons themselves. These correlated absences, or ``entangled photon holes'', can lead to counter-intuitive nonlocal effects analogous to those of the more familiar entangled photon pairs. Here we report an experimental observation of photon holes generated using quantum interference effects to suppress the probability that two photons in a weak laser pulse will separate at an optical beam splitter.Comment: 4 pages, color figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Discriminating quantum-optical beam-splitter channels with number-diagonal signal states: Applications to quantum reading and target detection

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    We consider the problem of distinguishing, with minimum probability of error, two optical beam-splitter channels with unequal complex-valued reflectivities using general quantum probe states entangled over M signal and M' idler mode pairs of which the signal modes are bounced off the beam splitter while the idler modes are retained losslessly. We obtain a lower bound on the output state fidelity valid for any pure input state. We define number-diagonal signal (NDS) states to be input states whose density operator in the signal modes is diagonal in the multimode number basis. For such input states, we derive series formulas for the optimal error probability, the output state fidelity, and the Chernoff-type upper bounds on the error probability. For the special cases of quantum reading of a classical digital memory and target detection (for which the reflectivities are real valued), we show that for a given input signal photon probability distribution, the fidelity is minimized by the NDS states with that distribution and that for a given average total signal energy N_s, the fidelity is minimized by any multimode Fock state with N_s total signal photons. For reading of an ideal memory, it is shown that Fock state inputs minimize the Chernoff bound. For target detection under high-loss conditions, a no-go result showing the lack of appreciable quantum advantage over coherent state transmitters is derived. A comparison of the error probability performance for quantum reading of number state and two-mode squeezed vacuum state (or EPR state) transmitters relative to coherent state transmitters is presented for various values of the reflectances. While the nonclassical states in general perform better than the coherent state, the quantitative performance gains differ depending on the values of the reflectances.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. This closely approximates the published version. The major change from v2 is that Section IV has been re-organized, with a no-go result for target detection under high loss conditions highlighted. The last sentence of the abstract has been deleted to conform to the arXiv word limit. Please see the PDF for the full abstrac

    Performance of Photon-Pair Quantum Key Distribution Systems

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    We analyze the quantitative improvement in performance provided by a novel quantum key distribution (QKD) system that employs a correlated photon source (CPS) and a photon-number resolving detector (PNR). Our calculations suggest that given current technology, the CPR implementation offers an improvement of several orders of magnitude in secure bit rate over previously described implementations

    To make a nanomechanical Schr\"{o}dinger-cat mew

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    By an explicite calculation of Michelson interferometric output intensities in the optomechanical scheme proposed by Marshall et al. (2003), an oscillatory factor is obtained that may go down to zero just at the time a visibility revival ought to be observed. Including a properly tuned phase shifter offers a simple amendment to the situation. By using a Pockels phase shifter with fast time-dependent modulation in one arm, one may obtain further possibilities to enrich the quantum state preparation and reconstruction abilities of the original scheme, thereby improving the chances to reliably detect genuine quantum behaviour of a nanomechanical oscillator.Comment: For Proc. DICE-2010 (Castiglioncello), to be published in J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 201