1,244 research outputs found

    Upper-surface blowing nacelle design study for a swept wing airplane at cruise conditions

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    A study was made to design two types of overwing nacelles for an existing wing-body at a design condition of Mach = 0.8 and C sub L = 0.2. Internal and external surface contours were developed for nacelles having either a D-shaped nozzle or a high-aspect-ratio nozzle for upper-surface blowing in the powered-lift mode of operation. The goal of the design was the development of external nacelle lines that would minimize high-speed aerodynamic interference effects. Each nacelle type was designed for both two- and four-engine airplanes using an iterative process of aerodynamic potential flow analysis. Incremental nacelle drag estimates were made for flow-through wind tunnel models of each configuration

    Magnetic properties of 3d-impurities substituted in GaAs

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    We have calculated the magnetic properties of substituted 3d-impurities (Cr-Ni) in a GaAs host by means of first principles electronic structure calculations. We provide a novel model explaining the ferromagnetic long rang order of III-V dilute magnetic semiconductors. The origin of the ferromagnetism is shown to be due to delocalized spin-uncompensated As dangling bond electrons. Besides the quantitative prediction of the magnetic moments, our model provides an understanding of the halfmetallicity, and the raise of the critical temperature with the impurity concentration

    Continuous isotopic composition measurements of tropospheric CO<sub>2</sub> at Jungfraujoch (3580 m a.s.l.), Switzerland: real-time observation of regional pollution events

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    A quantum cascade laser based absorption spectrometer (QCLAS) is applied for the first time to perform in situ, continuous and high precision isotope ratio measurements of CO<sub>2</sub> in the free troposphere. Time series of the three main CO<sub>2</sub> isotopologue mixing ratios (<sup>12</sup>C<sup>16</sup>CO<sub>2</sub>, <sup>13</sup>C<sup>16</sup>CO<sub>2</sub> and <sup>12</sup>C<sup>18</sup>O<sup>16</sup>O) have simultaneously been measured at one second time resolution over two years (from August 2008 to present) at the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch (3580 m a.s.l., Switzerland). This work focuses on periods in February 2009 only, when sudden and pronounced enhancements in the tropospheric CO<sub>2</sub> were observed. These short-term changes were closely correlated with variations in CO mixing ratios measured at the same site, indicating combustion related emissions as potential source. The analytical precision of 0.046&permil; (at 50 s integration time) for both &delta;<sup>13</sup>C and &delta;<sup>18</sup>O and the high temporal resolution allowed the application of the Keeling plot method for source signature identification. The spatial origin of these CO<sub>2</sub> emission sources was then determined by backward Lagrangian particle dispersion simulations

    The importance of structural softening for the evolution and architecture of passive margins

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    Lithospheric extension can generate passive margins that bound oceans worldwide. Detailed geological and geophysical studies in present and fossil passive margins have highlighted the complexity of their architecture and their multi-stage deformation history. Previous modeling studies have shown the significant impact of coarse mechanical layering of the lithosphere (2 to 4 layer crust and mantle) on passive margin formation. We built upon these studies and design high-resolution (~100-300 m) thermo-mechanical numerical models that incorporate finer mechanical layering (kilometer scale) mimicking tectonically inherited heterogeneities. During lithospheric extension a variety of extensional structures arises naturally due to (1) structural softening caused by necking of mechanically strong layers and (2) the establishment of a network of weak layers across the deforming multi-layered lithosphere. We argue that structural softening in a multi-layered lithosphere is the main cause for the observed multi-stage evolution and architecture of magma-poor passive margins

    Measuring Client Experiences of Motivational Interviewing During a Lifestyle Intervention

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    The Client Evaluation of Motivational Interviewing was used to assess motivational interviewing experiences in a predominantly female, African American sample from the Southeastern United States who received motivational interviewing-based feedback during a multicomponent lifestyle intervention. Motivational interviewing was experienced differently than a primarily White, male, Northeastern mental health sample

    Spontaneous separation of two-component Fermi gases in a double-well trap

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    The two-component Fermi gas in a double-well trap is studied using the density functional theory and the density profile of each component is calculated within the Thomas-Fermi approximation. We show that the two components are spatially separate in the two wells once the repulsive interaction exceeds the Stoner point, signaling the occurrence of the ferromagnetic transition. Therefore, the double-well trap helps to explore itinerant ferromagnetism in atomic Fermi gases, since the spontaneous separation can be examined by measuring component populations in one well.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, to appear in ep

    Finite-temperature magnetism of Fex_xPd1x_{1-x} and Cox_xPt1x_{1-x} alloys

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    The finite-temperature magnetic properties of Fex_xPd1x_{1-x} and Cox_xPt1x_{1-x} alloys have been investigated. It is shown that the temperature-dependent magnetic behaviour of alloys, composed of originally magnetic and non-magnetic elements, cannot be described properly unless the coupling between magnetic moments at magnetic atoms (Fe,Co) mediated through the interactions with induced magnetic moments of non-magnetic atoms (Pd,Pt) is included. A scheme for the calculation of the Curie temperature (TCT_C) for this type of systems is presented which is based on the extended Heisenberg Hamiltonian with the appropriate exchange parameters JijJ_{ij} obtained from {\em ab-initio} electronic structure calculations. Within the present study the KKR Green's function method has been used to calculate the JijJ_{ij} parameters. A comparison of the obtained Curie temperatures for Fex_xPd1x_{1-x} and Cox_xPt1x_{1-x} alloys with experimental data shows rather good agreement.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Complex itinerant ferromagnetism in noncentrosymmetric Cr11Ge19

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    The noncentrosymmetric ferromagnet Cr11Ge19 has been investigated by electrical transport, AC and DC magnetization, heat capacity, x-ray diffraction, resonant ultrasound spectroscopy, and first principles electronic structure calculations. Complex itinerant ferromagnetism in this material is indicated by nonlinearity in conventional Arrott plots, unusual behavior of AC susceptibility, and a weak heat capacity anomaly near the Curie temperature (88 K). The inclusion of spin wave excitations was found to be important in modeling the low temperature heat capacity. The temperature dependence of the elastic moduli and lattice constants, including negative thermal expansion along the c axis at low temperatures, indicate strong magneto-elastic coupling in this system. Calculations show strong evidence for itinerant ferromagnetism and suggest a noncollinear ground state may be expected

    Integrated Management of Industrial and Municipal Wastewater in China. - Demonstration Project in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province

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    Årsliste 2000The city of Jiaxing in Zhejiang Province is a medium-size, rapidly expanding Chinese city located in a flat landscape with numerous canals. These are used for navigation, fishing, aquaculture and as drinking and industrial water source, but also as recipients for domestic and industrial wastewater and runoff from agriculture, paved roads and solid waste landfills in the area. The canals are severely polluted. NIVA has been assisting Jiaxing Environmental Protection Bureau (JEPB) in finding solutions to the local wastewater problems. The industry in the area discharges substantial quantities of potentially toxic wastewater to the sewer systems. There are, however, good possibilities for cleaner production routines in various factories. Several measures facilitate the transport of sewage to the nearby Hangzhou Bay, and sewage treatment processes before final disposal have been identified. The project has identified current and future wastewater production and recipient status. Based on pilot-plant operation and computer models a complete system for sewage collection and treatment has been suggested. This is based on transport of untreated sewage to Hanfzhou Bay where the construction of a sewage treatment plant is planned. The treatment methodology is based on a flexible chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT), followed by a biological step at a later stage. The project findings put emphasis on knowledge transfer and strengthening of JEPB resources to find solutions to the water-related problems in the city. In addition a detailed abatement plan should be developed, taking existing water quality, user interests and future water quality objectives into account.Direktoratet for Utviklingshjelp (NORAD