526 research outputs found

    Conservation with local people: Medicinal plants as cultural keystone species in the Southern Alps

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    The concept of “cultural keystone species” (CKS) combines ecological and socioeconomic aspects and has a great potential for improving the overall success of conservation and restoration of ecosystems. In our study, we combined an ecological analysis of traditional medicinal plant species with an explorative analysis of the stakeholder landscape to understand the importance of plants for local communities. We investigate the feasibility of the CKS concept for traditional medicinal plants using the Southern Alps (Northern Italy) as a case study. Based on a comprehensive survey of traditional medicinal plants, we analyzed the habitats where they occur and their significance as CKS candidates. We applied the index of identified cultural influence (ICI). We identified some of the relevant stakeholders and their potential interest in traditional medicinal plants. From a total of 273 native medicinal species, we ranked the 10 most important CKS candidates. These comprised species with different ecology such as the herbs Achillea millefolium agg., Alchemilla xanthochlora, Arnica montana, Hypericum perforatum, Matricaria chamomilla, Peucedanum ostruthium, Urtica dioica, the shrub Juniperus communis, and the tree species Betula pendula. By merging their importance for the local communities with their occurrences in the habitats of South Tyrol, the concept of CKS can stimulate species and habitat conservation, and ecosystem restoration

    Apocynum venetum L. and Apocynum pictum Schrenk (Apocynaceae) as multi-functional and multi-service plant species in Central Asia: a review on biology, ecology, and utilization

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    During the second half of the 20th century cotton was strongly promoted along the rivers of Central Asia. The irrigation agriculture resulted in wide spread soil salinization and severe water shortages within the river systems. Most prominent example is the desiccation of the Aral Sea. The natural vegetation along the rivers of Central Asia is adapted to periods of water shortage, is very productive, and contains plant species with valuable utilization opportunities. We reviewed the literature about Apocynum venetumL. and A. pictum Schrenk, two plant species of those riparian ecosystems, which are used as fibre and medicinal plants. A. venetum and A. pictum yield fibres, which can be used as textiles, though the fibres best are blended with cotton and/or chemical fibres. Though, the fibre extraction process needs more research attention. Furthermore, the literature shows that Apocynum leafs are used to produce antihypertonic tea and medicine. Both species grow under the arid climate of Central Asia without irrigation, because they exploit groundwater. Furthermore, both species can withstand higher soil salinization levels than cotton. Both species can be used and provide an income to local people under conditions, which are unfavourable to grow crops under irrigation. Such conditions are unreliable water supply for irrigation systems and/or saline soils

    Confidence interval estimation for the changepoint of treatment stratification in the presence of a qualitative covariate-treatment interaction

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    The goal in stratified medicine is to administer the \textquotedblbest\textquotedbl treatment to a patient. Not all patients might benefit from the same treatment; the choice of best treatment can depend on certain patient characteristics. In this article, it is assumed that a time-to-event outcome is considered as a patient-relevant outcome and a qualitative interaction between a continuous covariate and treatment exists, ie,~that patients with different values of one specific covariate should be treated differently. We suggest and investigate different methods for confidence interval estimation for the covariate value, where the treatment recommendation should be changed based on data collected in a randomized clinical trial. An adaptation of Fieller's theorem, the delta method, and different bootstrap approaches (normal, percentile-based, wild bootstrap) are investigated and compared in a simulation study. Extensions to multivariable problems are presented and evaluated. We observed appropriate confidence interval coverage following Fieller's theorem irrespective of sample size but at the cost of very wide or even infinite confidence intervals. The delta method and the wild bootstrap approach provided the smallest intervals but inadequate coverage for small to moderate event numbers, also depending on the location of the true changepoint. For the percentile-based bootstrap, wide intervals were observed, and it was slightly conservative regarding coverage, whereas the normal bootstrap did not provide acceptable results for many scenarios. The described methods were also applied to data from a randomized clinical trial comparing two treatments for patients with symptomatic, severe carotid artery stenosis, considering patient's age as predictive marker

    Sexual harassment and eating disorders in female elite athletes - A controlled study

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    The aims were to examine the percentage of female elite athletes and controls reporting sexual harassment and abuse (SHAB), and whether a higher percentage of female athletes with eating disorders (ED) had experienced SHAB. A questionnaire was administered to the total population of female elite athletes (n=660) and controls (n=780) aged 15-39 years. SHAB were measured through 11 questions, ranging from light to severe SHAB. In addition, questions about dietary-, menstrual- and training history and the Eating Disorder Inventory were included. The response rate was 88% for athletes and 71% for controls. Athletes (n=121) and controls (n=81) classified as “at risk” for ED and non-ED controls participated in a clinical interview. A higher percentage of controls, compared with athletes reported experiences of SHAB in general (59% vs. 51%, p<0.001). A lower percentage of athletes had experienced SHAB in sports than outside sport (28% vs.39%, p<0.001). A higher percentage of ED athletes than non-ED athletes had experienced SHAB (66% vs.48%) (p<0.01), both inside sport and outside sport. In spite of the fact that a higher percentage of controls compared with athletes had experienced SHAB, it is necessary to formulate clear guidelines, set up educational workshops and implement intervention programs for both ED and SHAB in sport

    Investigating the contribution of IL-17A and IL-17F to the host response during Escherichia coli mastitis

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    Mastitis remains a major disease of cattle with a strong impact on the dairy industry. There is a growing interest in understanding how cell mediated immunity contributes to the defence of the mammary gland against invading mastitis causing bacteria. Cytokines belonging to the IL-17 family, and the cells that produce them, have been described as important modulators of the innate immunity, in particular that of epithelial cells. We report here that expression of IL-17A and IL-17F genes, encoding two members of the IL-17 family, are induced in udder tissues of cows experimentally infected with Escherichia coli. The impact of IL-17A on the innate response of bovine mammary epithelial cells was investigated using a newly isolated cell line, the PS cell line. We first showed that PS cells, similar to primary bovine mammary epithelial cells, were able to respond to agonists of TLR2 and to LPS, provided CD14 was added to the culture medium. We then showed that secretion of CXCL8 and transcription of innate immunity related-genes by PS cells were increased by IL-17A, in particular when these cells were stimulated with live E. coli bacteria. Together with data from the literature, these results support the hypothesis that IL-17A and IL-17 F could play an important role in mediating of host-pathogen interactions during mastitis