370 research outputs found

    The release of eosinophil chemotactic activity and eosinophil chemokinesis inhibitory activity by mononuclear cells from atopic asthmatic and non-atopic subjects.

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    The goal of our study was to assess the chemotactic activity for eosinophils (ECA) and neutrophils (NCA) and histamine releasing activity (HRA) in crude supernatants of mononuclear cells in monosensitized atopic asthmatics and healthy controls. Chemotactic activity for ECA and neutrophils was measured in supernatants of cultured mononuclear cells with modified Boyden's chamber and HRA was assessed on healthy donor basophils. With respect to ECA generation two distinct subgroups of subjects were distinguished: releasers [ECA (+)] and non-releasers [ECA (-)]. In atopic and non-atopic ECA (+) the mean ECA index was 3.78 +/- 0.49 and 2.47 +/- 0.27 respectively (P > 0.05). Supernatants from the remaining subjects (seven of 22 atopic and five of 11 non-atopic) did not express ECA, but revealed significant inhibitory activity for chemokinesis of eosinophils (mean chemotactic index 0.25 +/- 0.16 and 0.48 +/- 0.22 for atopic and non-atopic non-releasers respectively). Stimulation with antigen of MNC from atopic and with PHA from non-atopic ECA (-) restored cells ability to release ECA. Sephadex gel chromatography revealed that supernatants of MNC contained chemotactic and chemokinesis inhibitory activity in different fractions. The spontaneous productions of NCA and HRA by mononuclear cells was similar in ECA releasers and non-releasers, although the HRA was higher following stimulation with PHA in the non-atopic ECA (+) subgroup. Our study demonstrated, for the first time, that MNC are capable of generating not only chemotactic activity but also chemokinesis inhibitory activity for eosinophils

    Childhood nourishment vs. adult obesity

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    Otyłość jest jedną z najczęściej występujących chorób cywilizacyjnych. W rezultacie, na szeroką skalę, niesie za sobą ogromne zniszczenia w organizmie ludzkim przyczyniając się do powstawania takich chorób jak: nadciśnienie tętnicze, cukrzyca, miażdżyca i wiele innych. Są one przyczynami częstego pogorszenia komfortu życia, a nierzadko także przedwczesnej śmierci. Otyłość jest najbardziej powszechna w krajach rozwiniętych, gdzie ludność miejscowa nie cierpi z powodu niedostatku żywności. Wysoki po-ziom stopy życiowej nie warunkuje jednak automatycznie dużej ilości ludzi otyłych. Występowaniu otyłości sprzyja bowiem szereg uwarunkowań i właśnie tym czynnikom poświęcone jest opracowanie. Autorzy szczególną uwagę zwracają na zwyczaje żywieniowe nabyte we wczesnym okresie życia i późniejsze problemy z wagą w wieku dorosłym.Obesity is one of the most common modern-age diseases. As a result, it widely brings about massive destructive impacts to human organism, contributing to the illnesses such as: arterial hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis and many others. They often inter-fere with the quality of life and their leading to premature death is not uncommon whatsoever. Obesity is most common is well-developed countries, where the locals do not suffer from the shortage of food. High living standards are not synonymous with numerous obese people, though. The occurrence of obesity is caused by many determinants and this paper is devoted to those factors specifically. The authors pay special attention to dietary habits early on in life and subsequent weight-related problems of adult life

    In vitro culture of segment from shoots of Ricinus communis L. and Euphorbia lathyris L.

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    Przeprowadzono badania in vitro nad wzrostem, organogenezą i anatomią zrostu wycinków pobranych z łodygi rącznika i wilczomlecza tyrlicza. Badano aktywność działania kwasu indolooctowego (IAA), kinetyny (K) i adeniny (A) dodanych do czterokrotnie stężonej pożywki mineralnej White'a. Zauważono, że działanie IAA i K można korelować zmieniając stężenie A. Stwierdzono, że przyrost masy kalusa zależy w większym stopniu niż organogeneza od takich czynników, jak: temperatura, nasłonecznienie i pora roku. Ani skład pożywki, ani wspomniane wyżej czynniki zewnętrzne nie wywierają większego wpływu na proces zrastania się póżnogatunkowych wycinków. Obydwa gatunki charakteryzuje znaczna tolerancja immunologiczna na soki ustrojowe partnera doświadczenia. Wydaje się, że obecność tkanek wilczomleczy wpływa stymulująco na procesy zrostowe i rozwój kalusa u rącznika. Nie zauważono wyraźnych różnic histologicznych w przypadku hodowli roślin in vitro i in vivo. Jednak wyraźny efekt elongacyjny komórek miękiszu kory pierwotnej, perycyklu i rdzenia u rącznika należałoby prawdopodobnie przypisać działaniu IAA. Natomiast efekty organogenetyczne (rozwijani

    Discrimination of papillary thyroid cancer from non-cancerous thyroid tissue based on lipid profiling by mass spectrometry imaging

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    Introduction: The distinction of papillary thyroid carcinomas from benign thyroid lesions has important implication for clinical management. Classification based on histopathological features can be supported by molecular biomarkers, including lipidomic signatures, identified with the use of high-throughput mass spectrometry techniques. Formalin fixation is a standard procedure for stabilization and preservation of tissue samples, therefore this type of samples constitute highly valuable source of clinical material for retrospective molecular studies. In this study we used mass spectrometry imaging to detect lipids discriminating papillary cancer from not cancerous thyroid directly in formalin-fixed tissue sections. Material and methods: For this purpose imaging and profiling of lipids present in non-malignant and cancerous thyroid tissue specimens were conducted. High resolution MALDI-Q-Ion Mobility-TOF-MS technique was used for lipidomic analysis of formalin fixed thyroid tissue samples. Lipids were identified by the comparison of the exact molecular masses and fragmentation pathways of the protonated molecule ions, recorded during the MS/MS experiments, with LIPID MAPS database. Results: Several phosphatidylcholines (32:0, 32:1, 34:1 and 36:3), sphingomyelins (34:1 and 36:1) and phosphatidic acids (36:2 and 36:3) were detected and their abundances were significantly higher in cancerous tissue compared to non-cancerous tissue. The same lipid species were detected in formalin-fixed as in fresh-frozen tissue, but [M + Na]+ions were the most abundant in formalin fixed whereas [M + K]+ions were predominant in fresh tissue. Conclusions: Our results prove the viability of MALDI-MSI for analysis of lipid distribution directly in formalin-fixed tissue, and the potential for their use in the classification of thyroid diseases

    Anterior gradient protein 2 promotes survival, migration and invasion of papillary thyroid carcinoma cells

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    Through a transcriptome microarray analysis, we have isolated Anterior gradient protein 2 (AGR2) as a gene up-regulated in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). AGR2 is a disulfide isomerase over-expressed in several human carcinomas and recently linked to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Here, we analyzed the expression of AGR2 in PTC and its functional role

    Temporal and spatiotemporal autocorrelation of daily concentrations of Alnus, Betula, and Corylus pollen in Poland

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    The aim of the study was to determine the characteristics of temporal and space–time autocorrelation of pollen counts of Alnus, Betula, and Corylus in the air of eight cities in Poland. Daily average pollen concentrations were monitored over 8 years (2001–2005 and 2009–2011) using Hirst-designed volumetric spore traps. The spatial and temporal coherence of data was investigated using the autocorrelation and cross-correlation functions. The calculation and mathematical modelling of 61 correlograms were performed for up to 25 days back. The study revealed an association between temporal variations in Alnus, Betula, and Corylus pollen counts in Poland and three main groups of factors such as: (1) air mass exchange after the passage of a single weather front (30–40 % of pollen count variation); (2) long-lasting factors (50–60 %); and (3) random factors, including diurnal variations and measurements errors (10 %). These results can help to improve the quality of forecasting models

    Zeros and the functional equation of the quadrilateral zeta function

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    In this paper, we show that all real zeros of the bilateral Hurwitz zeta function Z(s,a):=ζ(s,a)+ζ(s,1a)Z(s,a):=\zeta (s,a) + \zeta (s,1-a) with 1/4a1/21/4 \le a \le 1/2 are on only the non-positive even integers exactly same as in the case of (2s1)ζ(s)(2^s-1) \zeta (s). We also prove that all real zeros of the bilateral periodic zeta function P(s,a):=Lis(e2πia)+Lis(e2πi(1a))P(s,a):={\rm{Li}}_s (e^{2\pi ia}) + {\rm{Li}}_s (e^{2\pi i(1-a)}) with 1/4a1/21/4 \le a \le 1/2 are on only the negative even integers just like ζ(s)\zeta (s). Moreover, we show that all real zeros of the quadrilateral zeta function Q(s,a):=Z(s,a)+P(s,a)Q(s,a):=Z(s,a) + P(s,a) with 1/4a1/21/4 \le a \le 1/2 are on only the negative even integers. On the other hand, we prove that Z(s,a)Z(s,a), P(s,a)P(s,a) and Q(s,a)Q(s,a) have at least one real zero in (0,1)(0,1) when 0<a<1/20<a<1/2 is sufficiently small. The complex zeros of these zeta functions are also discussed when 1/4a1/21/4 \le a \le 1/2 is rational or transcendental. As a corollary, we show that Q(s,a)Q(s,a) with rational 1/4<a<1/31/4 < a < 1/3 or 1/3<a<1/21/3 < a < 1/2 does not satisfy the analogue of the Riemann hypothesis even though Q(s,a)Q(s,a) satisfies the functional equation that appeared in Hamburger's or Hecke's theorem and all real zeros of Q(s,a)Q(s,a) are located at only the negative even integers again as in the case of ζ(s)\zeta (s).Comment: 12 pages. We changed the title. Some typos are correcte

    Gene signature of the post-Chernobyl papillary thyroid cancer

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    Purpose: Following the nuclear accidents in Chernobyl and later in Fukushima, the nuclear community has been faced with important issues concerning how to search for and diagnose biological consequences of low-dose internal radiation contamination. Although after the Chernobyl accident an increase in childhood papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) was observed, it is still not clear whether the molecular biology of PTCs associated with low-dose radiation exposure differs from that of sporadic PTC. Methods: We investigated tissue samples from 65 children/young adults with PTC using DNA microarray (Affymetrix, Human Genome U133 2.0 Plus) with the aim of identifying molecular differences between radiation-induced (exposed to Chernobyl radiation, ECR) and sporadic PTC. All participants were resident in the same region so that confounding factors related to genetics or environment were minimized. Results: There were small but significant differences in the gene expression profiles between ECR and non-ECR PTC (global test, p &lt; 0.01), with 300 differently expressed probe sets (p &lt; 0.001) corresponding to 239 genes. Multifactorial analysis of variance showed that besides radiation exposure history, the BRAF mutation exhibited independent effects on the PTC expression profile; the histological subset and patient age at diagnosis had negligible effects. Ten genes (PPME1, HDAC11, SOCS7, CIC, THRA, ERBB2, PPP1R9A, HDGF, RAD51AP1, and CDK1) from the 19 investigated with quantitative RT-PCR were confirmed as being associated with radiation exposure in an independent, validation set of samples. Conclusion: Significant, but subtle, differences in gene expression in the post-Chernobyl PTC are associated with previous low-dose radiation exposure