18 research outputs found

    Tata bahasa transformasi bahasa Jawa tingkat krama (tata kalimat)

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    Buku Tata Bahasa Transformasi Bahasa Jawa Tingkat Krama (tata Kalimat) ini merupakan salah satu hasil Proyek Penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah Jawa Tengah tabun 1988/1989 yang pelaksanaannya dipercayakan kepada tim peneliti dari Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni 1K1P Semarang. Penelitian ini bertujuan memerikan kaidah pembenlukan (kaidah generatif-tranformasi) kalimal turunan dari kalimal dasar dalam bahasa lawa baku ragam krama. Dengan tujuan itu diharapkan bahwa hasil penelitian ini dapat mengungkapkan macam-macam pola kalimat dasar dan kaidah-kaidah pembentukan berbagai tipe kalimat turunan dalam bahasa lawa baku ragam krama


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    Tuna longline and troll line are two dominant tuna fishing fleets in Palabuhanratu port. Tuna longline and troll line yielded around 7.06 thousand tons or 89.12 % of total fish production. The main problem of tuna industry was thing related to resource and capturing capacity. This study aimed to understand the capacity, efficiency, and total factor productivity of fisheries business of tuna in PPN Palabuhanratu, using Data Envelope Analysis (DEA) approach. The study was done in harbour area of Palabuhanratu, from January to March 2014. The time series data from 2010 to 2013 were obtained, covering the production of tuna longline and marine hook boats, input USAge (boat, fuel, feed, fishermen, ice box, trip number, oil, water, capturing device). Under variable return to scale assumption, the result showed that business capacity of tuna in Palabuhanratu has been efficient. According to Malmquist approach, we found an important indicator of business productivity, ie. Index of total factor productivity change. Malmquist index of troll line was 0.851, while the Malmquist index of tuna longline was 1.139. Both indices showed the magnitude of productive change of the fleets. The annual change of total factor productivity could be described by the change of TFPCH from 2010 to 2013, the respective value of each year were 0.480; 1.945 and 1.023. Those showed the magnitude of productive change of fisheries business of tuna in PPN in Palabuhanratu


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    Sumatera bagian utara mempunyai daerah potensi rawan petir karena daerah ini mempunyai topografi yang memungkinkan tumbuhnya awan-awan konvektif di sekitar lereng pegunungan arah timur seperti kota Medan. Bencana petir dapat berupa serangan petir yang mengganggu transmisi listrik tegangan tinggi, dan dapat merenggut nyawa bagi yang terkena serangan langsung. Begitu besar bahaya yang ditimbulkan akibat adanya sambaran petir ini, sehingga masyarakat perlu waspada dan hati-hati pada saat terjadi hujan disertai petir, apalagi bagi masyarakat yang tinggal berada di bawah atau di sekitar menara BTS (base tranceiver station). Hal ini dikarenakan secara umum petir akan dominan menyambar bagian-bagian di permukaan bumi yang memiliki struktur tinggi (gedung-gedung tinggi, tower BTS, menara transmisi tegangan tinggi) dan dominan memilih struktur yang terbuat dari material konduktif seperti metal. Adanya analisis pemetaan sambaran petir akibat bangunan BTS terhadap lingkungan dan sekitarnya di kota Medan dapat membantu semua pihak dalam meminimalisir resiko bencana yang diakibatkan oleh sambaran petir. Berdasarkan hasil overlay peta klasifikasi intensitas sambaran petir menunjukkan intensitas petir tinggi terdapat pada kecamatan yang banyak terdapat bangunan BTS.   Northern Sumatra has a lightning-prone areas because it has topography that allows the growth of convective clouds around the mountain slopes direct to the east, such as Medan. Lightning disasters can manifest as lightning attack which with interfere the high voltage electricity transmission, and can be fatal whoever who comes into direct contact with it. The danger caused by a lightning strike is so great, so that the community has to be extra needs to be vigilant and cautious at the time of rain accompanied by lightning, especially for those living under or around the base tranceiver station (BTS). This is because lightning generally prefer to strike parts of the earth that has high structures, such as tall buildings, tower base stations, high voltage transmission towers and are more attracted to structures that made of conductive material like  metal. With the existence of the mapping analysis of lightning strike because of BTS Building towards the environment and its surrounding in Medan can help all parties in minimalize the risk of disaster caused by lightning strikes. Based on the intensity classification map overlay, it is shown that the intensity of a lightning attack high in the area that has many BTS buildings