232 research outputs found

    Hybrid analytical and numerical approach for modeling fluid flow in simplified three-dimensional fracture networks

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    <jats:p>Modeling fluid flow in three-dimensional fracture networks is required in a wide variety of applications related to fractured rocks. Numerical approaches developed for this purpose rely on either simplified representations of the physics of the considered problem using mesh-free methods at the fracture scale or complex meshing of the studied systems resulting in considerable computational costs. Here, we derive an alternative approach that does not rely on a full meshing of the fracture network yet maintains an accurate representation of the modeled physical processes. This is done by considering simplified fracture networks in which the fractures are represented as rectangles that are divided into rectangular subfractures such that the fracture intersections are defined on the borders of these subfractures. Two-dimensional analytical solutions for the Darcy-scale flow problem are utilized at the subfracture scale and coupled at the fracture-network scale through discretization nodes located on the subfracture borders. We investigate the impact of parameters related to the location and number of the discretization nodes on the results obtained, and we compare our results with those calculated using reference solutions, which are an analytical solution for simple configurations and a standard finite-element modeling approach for complex configurations. This work represents a first step towards the development of 3D hybrid analytical and numerical approaches where the impact of the surrounding matrix will be eventually considered.</jats:p&gt

    Modality-specific tracking of attention and sensory statistics in the human electrophysiological spectral exponent

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    A hallmark of electrophysiological brain activity is its 1/f-like spectrum – power decreases with increasing frequency. The steepness of this ‘roll-off’ is approximated by the spectral exponent, which in invasively recorded neural populations reflects the balance of excitatory to inhibitory neural activity (E:I balance). Here, we first establish that the spectral exponent of non-invasive electroencephalography (EEG) recordings is highly sensitive to general (i.e., anaesthesia-driven) changes in E:I balance. Building on the EEG spectral exponent as a viable marker of E:I, we then demonstrate its sensitivity to the focus of selective attention in an EEG experiment during which participants detected targets in simultaneous audio-visual noise. In addition to these endogenous changes in E:I balance, EEG spectral exponents over auditory and visual sensory cortices also tracked auditory and visual stimulus spectral exponents, respectively. Individuals’ degree of this selective stimulus–brain coupling in spectral exponents predicted behavioural performance. Our results highlight the rich information contained in 1/f-like neural activity, providing a window into diverse neural processes previously thought to be inaccessible in non-invasive human recordings

    Prefrontal Cortex Lesions Impair Object-Spatial Integration

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    How and where object and spatial information are perceptually integrated in the brain is a central question in visual cognition. Single-unit physiology, scalp EEG, and fMRI research suggests that the prefrontal cortex (PFC) is a critical locus for object-spatial integration. To test the causal participation of the PFC in an object-spatial integration network, we studied ten patients with unilateral PFC damage performing a lateralized object-spatial integration task. Consistent with single-unit and neuroimaging studies, we found that PFC lesions result in a significant behavioral impairment in object-spatial integration. Furthermore, by manipulating inter-hemispheric transfer of object-spatial information, we found that masking of visual transfer impairs performance in the contralesional visual field in the PFC patients. Our results provide the first evidence that the PFC plays a key, causal role in an object-spatial integration network. Patient performance is also discussed within the context of compensation by the non-lesioned PFC

    A simulation-calibrated limit on the H i power spectrum from the GMRT Epoch of Reionization experiment

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    The Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope Epoch of Reionization experiment is an ongoing effort to measure the power spectrum from neutral hydrogen at high redshift. We have previously reported an upper limit of (70 mK)^2 at wavenumbers of k ≈ 0.65 h Mpc^(−1) using a basic piecewise-linear foreground subtraction. In this paper, we explore the use of a singular value decomposition to remove foregrounds with fewer assumptions about the foreground structure. Using this method, we also quantify, for the first time, the signal loss due to the foreground filter and present new power spectra adjusted for this loss, providing a revised measurement of a 2σ upper limit at (248 mK)^2 for k = 0.50 h Mpc^(−1). While this revised limit is larger than previously reported, we believe it to be more robust and still represents the best current constraint on reionization at z ≈ 8.6
