169 research outputs found

    Efficacy of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) supplement in management of constipation among nursing home residents

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Constipation is a significant problem in the elderly, specifically nursing home and/or extended-care facility residents are reported to suffer from constipation. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are beneficial probiotic organisms that contribute to improved nutrition, microbial balance, and immuno-enhancement of the intestinal tract, as well as diarrhea and constipation effect. The objective of this study was to investigate the efficacy of this LAB supplement in the management of nursing home residents.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Nineteen subjects (8M, 11F; mean age 77.1 ± 10.1) suffering with chronic constipation were assigned to receive LAB (3.0 × 10<sup>11 </sup>CFU/g) twice (to be taken 30 minutes after breakfast and dinner) a day for 2 weeks in November 2008. Subjects draw up a questionnaire on defecation habits (frequency of defecation, amount and state of stool), and we collected fecal samples from the subjects both before entering and after ending the trial, to investigate LAB levels and inhibition of harmful enzyme activities. Results were tested with SAS and Student's t-test.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Analysis of questionnaire showed that there was an increase in the frequency of defecation and amount of stool excreted in defecation habit after LAB treatment, but there were no significant changes. And it also affects the intestinal environment, through significantly increase (<it>p </it>< 0.05) fecal LAB levels. In addition, tryptophanase and urease among harmful enzyme activities of intestinal microflora were significantly decreased (<it>p </it>< 0.05) after LAB treatment.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>LAB, when added to the standard treatment regimen for nursing home residents with chronic constipation, increased defecation habit such as frequency of defecation, amount and state of stool. So, it may be used as functional probiotics to improve human health by helping to prevent constipation.</p

    Computational Study of Hippocampal-Septal Theta Rhythm Changes Due to Beta-Amyloid-Altered Ionic Channels

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    Electroencephagraphy (EEG) of many dementia patients has been characterized by an increase in low frequency field potential oscillations. One of the characteristics of early stage Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an increase in theta band power (4–7 Hz). However, the mechanism(s) underlying the changes in theta oscillations are still unclear. To address this issue, we investigate the theta band power changes associated with β-Amyloid (Aβ) peptide (one of the main markers of AD) using a computational model, and by mediating the toxicity of hippocampal pyramidal neurons. We use an established biophysical hippocampal CA1-medial septum network model to evaluate four ionic channels in pyramidal neurons, which were demonstrated to be affected by Aβ. They are the L-type Ca2+ channel, delayed rectifying K+ channel, A-type fast-inactivating K+ channel and large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel. Our simulation results demonstrate that only the Aβ inhibited A-type fast-inactivating K+ channel can induce an increase in hippocampo-septal theta band power, while the other channels do not affect theta rhythm. We further deduce that this increased theta band power is due to enhanced synchrony of the pyramidal neurons. Our research may elucidate potential biomarkers and therapeutics for AD. Further investigation will be helpful for better understanding of AD-induced theta rhythm abnormalities and associated cognitive deficits

    Nationwide monitoring of end-of-life care via the Sentinel Network of General Practitioners in Belgium: the research protocol of the SENTI-MELC study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>End-of-life care has become an issue of great clinical and public health concern. From analyses of official death certificates, we have societal knowledge on how many people die, at what age, where and from what causes. However, we know little about how people are dying. There is a lack of population-based and nationwide data that evaluate and monitor the circumstances of death and the care received in the final months of life. The present study was designed to describe the places of end-of-life care and care transitions, the caregivers involved in patient care and the actual treatments and care provided to dying patients in Belgium. The patient, residence and healthcare characteristics associated with these aspects of end-of-life care provision will also be studied. In this report, the protocol of the study is outlined.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>We designed a nationwide mortality follow-back study with data collection in 2005 and 2006, via the nationwide Belgian Sentinel Network of General Practitioners (GPs) i.e. an existing epidemiological surveillance system representative of all GPs in Belgium, covering 1.75% of the total Belgian population. All GPs were asked to report weekly, on a standardized registration form, every patient (>1 year) in their practice who had died, and to identify patients who had died "non-suddenly." The last three months of these patients' lives were surveyed retrospectively. Several quality control measures were used to ensure data of high scientific quality.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>In 2005 and 2006, respectively 1385 and 1305 deaths were identified of which 66% and 63% died non-suddenly. The first results are expected in 2007. Via this study, we will build a descriptive epidemiological database on end-of-life care provision in Belgium, which might serve as baseline measurement to monitor end-of-life care over time. The study will inform medical practice as well as healthcare authorities in setting up an end-of-life care policy. We publish the protocol here to inform others, in particular countries with analogue GP surveillance networks, on the possibilities of performing end-of-life care research. A preliminary analysis of the possible strengths, weaknesses and opportunities of our research is outlined.</p

    Computerized respiratory sound analysis in people with dementia: a first-step towards diagnosis and monitoring of respiratory conditions

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    Computerized respiratory sound analysis has been shown to be an objective and reliable way to assess respiratory diseases. However, its application in non-collaborative populations, such as people with dementia, is still unknown. Therefore this study aimed to characterize normal and adventitious respiratory sounds (NRS; ARS) in older people with and without dementia. A cross-sectional study including two groups of 30 subjects with dementia and 30 subjects without dementia was performed. Digital auscultation was used to record NRS and ARS per breathing-phase (inspiration/expiration) at trachea and thorax. Frequency at percentiles 25, 50 and 75, frequency at maximum-intensity, maximum-intensity (I max) and mean-intensity (I mean) characterized NRS. Crackle number, frequency, initial-deflection-width, 2cycle-duration, and largest-deflection-width and wheeze number, frequency and occupation-rate characterized ARS. Groups were similar in socio-demographics, except for anthropometrics. No significant differences were found between groups in NRS frequency or ARS at trachea or thorax. Significant lower I max (inspiration: 36.88(29.42;39.92) versus 39.84(36.50;44.17) p  =  0.007; expiration: 34.51(32.06;38.87) versus 42.33(36.92;44.98) p  <  0.001) and I mean (inspiration: 15.23(12.08;18.60) versus 18.93(15.64;21.82) p  =  0.003 and expiration: 14.57(12.08;18.30) versus 18.87(15.64;21.44) p  =  0.001) at trachea and higher I mean (inspiration: 17.29(16.04;19.31) versus 16.45(15.05; 18.79) p  =  0.005 and expiration: 16.71(15.31;18.56) versus 16.38(14.40;17.85) p  =  0.011) at thorax were found in subjects with dementia when compared with subjects without dementia. To conclude, people with and without dementia had similar NRS and ARS characteristics, except for NRS intensity. Computerized respiratory sound analysis was feasible in a non-collaborative population. Further research is needed to enhance the use of respiratory acoustics in non-collaborative populations, with strong potential to be applied in different settings for diagnosis and monitoring purposes

    Geriatric palliative care: a view of its concept, challenges and strategies.

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    In aging societies, the last phase of people's lives changes profoundly, challenging traditional care provision in geriatric medicine and palliative care. Both specialties have to collaborate closely and geriatric palliative care (GPC) should be conceptualized as an interdisciplinary field of care and research based on the synergies of the two and an ethics of care.Major challenges characterizing the emerging field of GPC concern (1) the development of methodologically creative and ethically sound research to promote evidence-based care and teaching; (2) the promotion of responsible care and treatment decision making in the face of multiple complicating factors related to decisional capacity, communication and behavioural problems, extended disease trajectories and complex social contexts; (3) the implementation of coordinated, continuous care despite the increasing fragmentation, sectorization and specialization in health care.Exemplary strategies to address these challenges are presented: (1) GPC research could be enhanced by specific funding programs, specific patient registries and anticipatory consent procedures; (2) treatment decision making can be significantly improved using advance care planning programs that include adequate decision aids, including those that address proxies of patient who have lost decisional capacity; (3) care coordination and continuity require multiple approaches, such as care transition programs, electronic solutions, and professionals who act as key integrators