557 research outputs found

    Peran Celah Antar Tajuk Tegakan dan Seed Bank Tanah terhadap Regenerasi Hutan

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    . This research aimed to estimated seed composition in seed bank and detected ability of growing at some gaps measures between strightened coronets in fields. Seed emergence energy in seed bank in field only 49 % from all the viable seed. Viable wedge staying in topsoil ( 0- 5 cm) have growing ability of compared by more emergence is deeper coat below its. Subterranean wedge domineered by exotic type wedge having the character of invasif and plant under, only a few type and amount of trees seeds in seed banks available for emergences. In consequence to take care of forest regeneration take place balance hence exotic types especially having the character of invasif have to be controlled by the population

    Optimizing the development of teachers' motivation to teach in disadvantaged areas in Indonesia

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    The concept of teaching motivation is very important for individual development and refers to the teacher's thoughts and feelings about himself to engage in teaching activities. Previous studies have reported a significant role of teachers’motivation to teach who can improve a variety of positive outcomes. Teacher's motivation to teach depends on the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of basic psychological needs, namely basic psychological needs satisfaction for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Furthermore, basic psychological needs satisfaction can be met if there is support from the social environment, such as a positive school climate. Positive school climate as one source of motivation can motivate teachers to improve teaching competence in schools. This paper is a literature review of several school climate research findings and basic psychological needs satisfactionon teaching motivation. It aims to explore the role of the school climate and basic psychological needs satisfaction, which can serve as the basis for further research in optimizing the development of teacher motivation to teach in disadvantaged areas.The empirical information can be used as a basis in determining the form of guidance for teachers in disadvantaged areas especially in East Java in order to have a high work motivation

    Pengaruh Sertifikasi dan Supervisi Kepala Sekolah terhadap Kinerja Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Hayatul Islam Jakarta

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    Theoretically, this study aims to determine the effect of certification and supervision of school principals on the performance of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Hayatul Islam teachers. While the practical purpose is to express the symptoms of teacher performance, so that from this study suggestions and recommendations for improvement are proposed. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The population in this study was MI Hayatul Islam's teachers, amounting to 10 people, and the unit of analysis used as samples were 6 teachers who had passed the certification. The research instrument used was a questionnaire, while the analytical method used was Non Parametric Kruskall Wallis. The results of the study revealed that certification had an effect on the performance of MI Hayatul Islam teachers with KW value of -38,438 <12,5916. Supervision of Headmasters influences the performance of MI Hayatul Islam teachers with KW value of -38.559981 <12.5916. Certification and the supervision of Principal School jointly affect the performance of MI Hayatul Islam's teachers. The results of the study mentioned that the average effect was not the same as the KW result = 12,534 <12.5916. These could be concluded that the influence of teacher certification and principal supervision toward MI Hayatul Islam teachers who has been certified is different, both in quality and quantit

    (R)Evolusi Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen dalam Mentransformasi Kehidupan Siswa

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    If we look deeper, one of the most important issues in the education world is that we (as teachers) are not doing the education in the real sense, but merely teach as a formality. Transformation happens only on transfer of knowledge that only involves the role of science teachers and students ignorance. So, the teacher does not give an understanding to the students, but only move a formula or proposition for students to memorize which then will be issued if necessary. Therefore, it is necessary to have r(evolution) which is not only good, but more importantly, can transform the lives of students. We are fully aware that this time, the teacher is an agent of change which has the task of both institutional and non-institutional. Teacheris a person who daily teach spiritual values, norms, morals, ethics, and positive character habituation.Jika kita melihat lebih dalam, salah satu permasalahan terpenting dalam dunia pendidikan sesungguhnya adalah kita (sebagai guru) tidak sedang melakukan tugas pendidikan dalam arti sesungguhnya, namun hanya sekedar mengajar secara formalitas. Transformasi yang terjadi hanya sebatas transfer ilmu yang hanya melibatkan peran keilmuan guru dan kebodohan murid. Dalam proses mengajar yang demikian, guru tidak memberikan pemahaman kepada anak didik, namun hanya memindahkan sejumlah rumusan atau dalil kepada siswa untuk dihafal yang kemudian akan dikeluarkan jika diperlukan. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan adanya r(evolusi) yang tidak hanya baik, tetapi yang lebih penting, yaitu dapat mentransformasi kehidupan siswa. Kita sadar sepenuhnya, bahwa saat ini, guru merupakan satu-satunya agen Perubahan yang memiliki tugas baik secara institusional maupun non-institusional. Gurulah yang setiap hari mengajarkan nilai rohani, norma, moral, etika, serta pembiasaan karakter positif
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