1,199 research outputs found

    Crossing steam and media literacy at preschool and primary school levels: Teacher training, workshop planning, its implementation, monitoring and assessment

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    Seventeen workshops on STEAM and Media Literacy, involving 500 children aged 3-10, their families and other community members, in a pandemic context, was the end result of the third phase of the ‘Digital Citizenship Academy’. This community-based action research project began in early 2015, in a Lisbon neighbourhood of Portugal. The workshops were planned, implemented, monitored and assessed by 29 teachers during an online training initially planned to be developed on site. Despite the Covid-19 outbreak, teachers implemented strategies to overcome the lack of resources and autonomy of many students, especially younger ones, and the training focus remained on the production of scientific, artistic, technological, but also media content. The workshops allowed the creation of media and STEAM products primarily focused on the arts, but in which science, technology, engineering and mathematics were present. Results point to the fact that STEAM projects gain in relevance when associated with Media Literacy activities, and vice versa. Although there is a general feeling that the situation resulting from the pandemic prevented the achievement of more significant results, the training course was suitable to pedagogical practices, provided an opportunity for sharing of experiences, practices and ideas, fostered cooperation and interdisciplinary, and resulted in useful resources.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Iterated tubular algebras

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    Diretrizes para implantação de gestão ambiental nas unidades da Embrapa.

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    Sistema de gestão ambiental - Uma proposta corporativa para a Embrapa; Educação ambiental dos empregados; Gerenciamento de resíduos de laboratórios; Gerenciamento de resíduos de campos experimentais; Gerenciamento de resíduos em geral e otimização do uso da água e energia; Adequação das fazendas experimentais da Embrapa à legislação ambiental. Autores: Edmar das Mercês Penha, CTAA; Juarez Barbosa Tomé Júnior, DPD; Kelly de Oliveira Cohen, CPAC; Maria Augusta Doetzer Rosot, CNPF; Marilice Cordeiro Garrastazú, CNPF; Ricardo de Oliveira Encarnação, DRM; Rodiney de Arruda Mauro, CNPGC; Sandra de Angelis, CNPF; Valéria Sucena Hammes, CNPMA; Yeda Maria Malheiros de Oliveira, CNPF.bitstream/item/32966/1/Livro-Diretrizes.pd

    New methods to reconstruct XmaxX_{\rm max} and the energy of gamma-ray air showers with high accuracy in large wide-field observatories

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    Novel methods to reconstruct the slant depth of the maximum of the longitudinal profile (\Xmax) of high-energy showers initiated by gamma-rays as well as their energy (E0E_0) are presented. The methods were developed for gamma rays with energies ranging from a few hundred GeV to 10\sim 10 TeV. An estimator of \Xmax is obtained, event-by-event, from its correlation with the distribution of the arrival time of the particles at the ground, or the signal at the ground for lower energies. An estimator of E0E_0 is obtained, event-by-event, using a parametrization that has as inputs the total measured energy at the ground, the amount of energy contained in a region near to the shower core and the estimated \Xmax. Resolutions about 40(20)g/cm240 \, (20)\,{\rm g/cm^2} and about 30(20)%30 \, (20)\% for, respectively, \Xmax and E0E_0 at 1(10) TeV1 \, (10) \ \rm{TeV} energies are obtained, considering vertical showers. The obtained results are auspicious and can lead to the opening of new physics avenues for large wide field-of-view gamma-ray observatories. The dependence of the resolutions with experimental conditions is discussed.Comment: 11 pages; 15 figures, to appear in EPJ

    Dynamic critical exponents of the Ising model with multispin interactions

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    We revisit the short-time dynamics of 2D Ising model with three spin interactions in one direction and estimate the critical exponents z,z, θ,\theta, β\beta and ν\nu. Taking properly into account the symmetry of the Hamiltonian we obtain results completely different from those obtained by Wang et al.. For the dynamic exponent zz our result coincides with that of the 4-state Potts model in two dimensions. In addition, results for the static exponents ν\nu and β\beta agree with previous estimates obtained from finite size scaling combined with conformal invariance. Finally, for the new dynamic exponent θ\theta we find a negative and close to zero value, a result also expected for the 4-state Potts model according to Okano et al.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, corrected Abstract mistypes, corrected equation on page 4 (Parameter Q

    Equivalence of stationary state ensembles

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    We show that the contact process in an ensemble with conserved total particle number, as simulated recently by Tome and de Oliveira [Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001) 5463], is equivalent to the ordinary contact process, in agreement with what the authors assumed and believed. Similar conserved ensembles and equivalence proofs are easily constructed for other models.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    N-acetylcysteine serves as substrate of 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase and stimulates sulfide metabolism in colon cancer cells

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    Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is an endogenously produced signaling molecule. The enzymes 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase (MST), partly localized in mitochondria, and the inner mitochondrial membrane-associated sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase (SQR), besides being respectively involved in the synthesis and catabolism of H2S, generate sulfane sulfur species such as persulfides and polysulfides, currently recognized as mediating some of the H2S biological effects. Reprogramming of H2S metabolism was reported to support cellular proliferation and energy metabolism in cancer cells. As oxidative stress is a cancer hallmark and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) was recently suggested to act as an antioxidant by increasing intracellular levels of sulfane sulfur species, here we evaluated the effect of prolonged exposure to NAC on the H2S metabolism of SW480 colon cancer cells. Cells exposed to NAC for 24 h displayed increased expression and activity of MST and SQR. Furthermore, NAC was shown to: (i) persist at detectable levels inside the cells exposed to the drug for up to 24 h and (ii) sustain H2S synthesis by human MST more effectively than cysteine, as shown working on the isolated recombinant enzyme. We conclude that prolonged exposure of colon cancer cells to NAC stimulates H2S metabolism and that NAC can serve as a substrate for human MST

    A bibliometric based analysis to identify promising domains of decarbonisation technologies

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    The high volume of research outputs related to technologies and strategies for decarbonisation can make it challenging to understand the relevance of the presented proposals. In this paper, a bibliometric-based analysis is proposed to understand better the domains and subdomains of decarbonisation technologies that have given more attention by the scientific community. The results show that carbon capture technologies, renewable energy sources, electric mobility, green hydrogen, and storage systems are the technology innovations that have received the most attention in the period 2013 to 2021. These results confirm the traditional supply-side orientation of research on technology innovations.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    15 years of experience with quality control of WLS fibres for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter

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    We describe a test bench to measure the optical properties of scintillating and Wavelength-Shifting fibers, called the Fibrometer. The accuracy, stability and reproducibility were assessed, and the quality control of WLS fibers for the upgrade of the STIC luminosity monitor at DELPHI and for the Tile calorimeter of ATLAS is reported