25 research outputs found

    Current perspectives on opisthorchiasis control and cholangiocarcinoma detection in southeast asia (Review)

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    Similar to bile duct cancer or cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) in the western world, opisthorchiasis-associated CCA in Southeast Asia is an aggressive cancer with high mortality rates. It is known to cause a significant health burden in the opisthorchiasis region in Thailand and possibly throughout mainland Southeast. To reduce this health burden, a comprehensive prevention and control program for opisthorchiasis, as well as CCA, is required. In this review, our aim is to provide a brief update of the current situation regarding the natural history of opisthorchiasis and health burden of CCA in Southeast Asia. A comprehensive approach to tackling these issues being implemented in Thailand under the "Cholangiocarcinoma Screening and Care Program" is described. This comprehensive program consists of a three stage prevention and patient care program. The primary prevention component involves opisthorchiasis screening using a new and sensitive urine assay. The secondary prevention component involves screening for CCA and periductal fibrosis, with suspected CCA patients following the protocol for confirmation and appropriate treatment. Due to the eco-epidemiology of opisthorchiasis-induced CCA, the anticipated impacts and outcomes of the program include short-, medium-, and the long-term goals for the reduction of CCA incidence. To achieve long-term sustainable impacts, concerted efforts to raise social awareness and participating action by general public, non-government organizations, and government agencies are necessary. The strategic plans developed for this program can be expanded for use in other endemic areas as well as being a model for use in other chronic diseases

    Elevated Plasma IL-6 Associates with Increased Risk of Advanced Fibrosis and Cholangiocarcinoma in Individuals Infected by Opisthorchis viverrini

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    Opisthorchis viverrini is considered among the most important of the food-borne trematodes due to its strong association with advanced periductal fibrosis and bile duct cancer (cholangiocarcinoma). We investigated the relationship between plasma levels of Interleukin (IL)-6 and the risk of developing advanced fibrosis and bile duct cancer from chronic Opisthorchis infection. We show that IL-6 circulates in plasma at concentrations 58 times higher in individuals with advanced fibrosis than age, sex, and nearest-neighbor matched controls and 221 times higher in individuals with bile duct cancer than controls. We also observed a dose-response relationship between increasing levels of plasma IL-6 and increasing risk of advanced fibrosis and bile duct cancer; for example, in age and sex adjusted analyses, individuals with the highest quartiles of plasma IL-6 had a 19 times greater risk of developing advanced periductal fibrosis and a 150 times greater risk of developing of bile duct cancer than individuals with no detectable level of plasma IL-6. Finally, we show that a single plasma IL-6 measurement has excellent positive predictive value for the detection of both advanced bile duct fibrosis and bile duct cancer in regions with high O. viverrini transmission. These data support our hypothesis that common mechanisms drive bile duct fibrosis and bile duct tumorogenesis from chronic O. viverrini infection. Our study also adds a unique aspect to the literature on circulating levels of IL-6 as an immune marker of hepatobiliary pathology by showing that high levels of circulating IL-6 in plasma are not related to infection with O. viverrini, but to the development of the advanced and often lethal pathologies resulting from chronic O. viverrini infection

    Methodological issues in conducting a survey of construction workers in Northeastern Thailand

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    Social and health problems among the construction workers in Thailand were studied in a multicenter cross-sectional survey. This paper documents methodological issues related to conducting the survey in the northeastern Thailand. These issues include defining suitable sampling frames for building sites and workers and collecting data. A number of practical problems and the approaches to solve them are discussed

    Working and living conditions of construction workers: Comparison between large and small construction sites in Northeastern Thailand

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    This study examined differences in working and living conditions of construction workers in large and small construction sites in Northeastern Thailand. Data were collected by questionnaires, through observation and interviewing. A total of 812 construction workers from 20 large sites and 24 small sites were studied. Working and living conditions among the construction workers were generally poor. However, they were better at the large sites than the small ones. The data suggest an urgent need to improve sanitation and safety conditions on the construction sites and camp sites, including personal protective devices and improved welfare for the workers and their families

    Misoprostol as an adjunct to standard uterotonics for treatment of post-partum haemorrhage: a multicentre, double-blind randomised trial

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    BACKGROUND: Post-partum haemorrhage is a leading cause of global maternal morbidity and mortality. Misoprostol, a prostaglandin analogue with uterotonic activity, is an attractive option for treatment because it is stable, active orally, and inexpensive. We aimed to assess the eff ectiveness of misoprostol as an adjunct to standard uterotonics compared with standard uterotonics alone for treatment of post-partum haemorrhage. METHODS: Women delivering vaginally who had clinically diagnosed post-partum haemorrhage due to uterine atony were enrolled from participating hospitals in Argentina, Egypt, South Africa, Thailand, and Vietnam between July, 2005, and August, 2008. Computer-generated randomisation was used to assign women to receive 600 μg misoprostol or matching placebo sublingually; both groups were also given routine injectable uterotonics. Allocation was concealed by distribution of sealed and sequentially numbered treatment packs in the order that women were enrolled. Providers and women were masked to treatment assignment. The primary outcome was blood loss of 500 mL or more within 60 min after randomisation. Analysis was by intention to treat. This study is registered, number ISRCTN34455240. FINDINGS: 1422 women were assigned to receive misoprostol (n=705) or placebo (n=717). The proportion of women with blood loss of 500 mL or more within 60 min was similar between the misoprostol group (100 [14%]) and the placebo group (100 [14%]; relative risk 1.02, 95% CI 0・79–1・32). In the fi rst 60 min, an increased proportion of women on misoprostol versus placebo, had shivering (455/704 [65%] vs 230/717 [32%]; 2・01, 1・79–2・27) and body temperature of 38°C or higher (303/704 [43%] vs 107/717 [15%]; 2・88, 2・37–2・50). INTERPRETATION: Findings from this study do not support clinical use of 600 μg sublingual misoprostol in addition to standard injectable uterotonics for treatment of post-partum haemorrhage. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and UNDP/UNFPA/WHO/World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction.Mariana Widmer, Jennifer Blum, G Justus Hofmeyr, Guillermo Carroli, Hany Abdel-Aleem, Pisake Lumbiganon, Nguyen Thi Nhu Ngoc, Daniel Wojdyla, Jadsada Thinkhamrop, Mandisa Singata, Luciano E Mignini, Mahmoud Ahmad Abdel-Aleem, Tran Son Thach and Beverly Winikof