143 research outputs found

    Uji Antimikroba Fraksi Ekstrak Metanol, Etil Asetat dan n-Heksana Daun Tabar-Tabar (Costus speciosus) dan Toksisitasnya Terhadap Larva Udang

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    A Study on antimicrobial examination of fractions of methanol, ethyl-acetate, and n-hexane extract of tabar-tabar (Costus speciosus) leaf to bacteria (Bacillus sp., Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Serratia marcescens) and yeast (Candida albicans), and their toxicity to brine-shrimp (Artemia salina) larvae has been done. Examination of antimicrobial activities to the microbes were done by agar diffusion method, while test for toxicity was done by exposing 2 days-old larvae to certain concentration of the extract. Preliminary tests on phytochemical compounds in leaf were done by Mayer’s, FeCl3, Mg-HCl, foam, and 10% NaOH in methanol tests. The results showed that methanol leaf extract of tabar-tabar in general inhibited more in the growth of gram-positive Bacillus sp. and S. aureus rather than to other tested microbes. Compared to methanol and ethyl-acetate fraction, n-hexane fraction of the leaf inhibited more Bacillus sp. and E. coli. Interestingly, C. albicans was highly inhibited by n-hexane fractions. LC50 of methanol extract, ethyl-acetate, and n-hexane fraction, were 45.53, 478.37, and 824.20 ppm, respectively. Preliminary test on phytochemical compounds showed saponin was only detected in fractions of methanol and ethyl acetate extracts, steroid was detected in fraction of methanol, while triterpenoid was detected in fraction of n-hexane extract. Phenolic was detected in all extract fractions, while flavonoid, kumarin, and alkaloid on the other hand were not detected

    Pengaruh Berbagai Jenis Kompos Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Sukun (Artocarpus Communis Forst) Di Daerah Tangkapan Air Danau Toba Kecamatan Haranggaol Horison

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    The Catchment Area of Lake Toba experienced considerable environmental damage at this time. Lake Toba community activities that transform forests into agricultural land requiring rehabilitation efforts so that the condition of soil fertility can be restored. One of the efforts is to plant breadfruit because breadfruit has high adaptability, fast growing, does not have a requirement to grow a lot and suitable to grow in the highlands. This study aimed to observed the response of seedling growth breadfruit (Artocarpus communis Forst) for the provision of additional materials to the growing media water-retaining compost. Type of compost that was used there are 4 types of Bernas, Bokashi, Rice Husk, Municipal Solid Waste. This study was conducted in September-November 2014. The study was conducted at Catchment Area of Lake Toba, District Haranggaol, Simalungun. The results showed that the use of different types of compost did not significantly affect the average height increment, diameter, leaf area, crown area, number of leaves and water content

    Analisis Komparasi Pendapatan USAha Ternak Kambing Peranakan Ettawah (Pe) Di Desa Sambongrejo Kecamatan Sambong Kabupaten Blora (the Comparative Analysis of Ettawah Crossbreed Goats Farming Income at Sambongrejo Village, Sambong District, in Blora Regency

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    The comparative analysis of Ettawah Crossbreed goats farming income was conducted on July – August 2006 at Sambongrejo Village, Sambong District, in Blora Regency with survey method. Sixty respondents were selected by simple random sampling from 370 goat farmer and divided strata 1 for possesing upper of average (≥ 0,91 AU) and strata 2 for possesing lower of average (< 0,91 AU). The result of research indicated that strata possesing 1 were capable to gaves income more than strata possesing 2, income and cost ratio indicated strata 1 were 54,50% and strata 2 were 44,54%. Income of strata 1 were Rp. 2.420.989,53/year with possesing average 1,09 animal unit gaves income per year per animal were Rp. 310.952,78. Income of strata 2 were Rp. 1.417.219,15/year with possesing average 0,73 animal unit gaves incoming per year per animal were Rp. 271.795,45. Based from the differential testing to income average of strata 1 and strata 2, showed highly significant it mean that income average of strata 1 and strata 2 were significant different

    Analisis Kesalahan Penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia Dalam Laporan Hasil Observasi Pada Siswa SMP

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    : The purpose of this research is to describes: (1) the error model of Indonesian language that includes errors in spelling, diction, sentence, and paragraph; (2) causes of error in the observation report of SMP Negeri 8 Surakarta grade eight students; and (3) the effort which is done to solve the errors. This research is a qualitative descriptive research with a sample observation report of the SMP Negeri 8 Surakarta grade eight students. The results of this research are as follows. Firstly, the error of Indonesian language found in the observation report of SMP Negeri 8 Surakarta grade eight students includes: errors in spelling are 163; errors in diction; errors in sentence ; and errors in paragraph. Secondly, the factors of error in the observation report of SMP Negeri 8 Surakarta grade eight students causes by four factors, among other: mastery of spelling USAge less than adequate; inacuracy in writing; lack of writing motivation; lack of vocabulary. Thirdly, the efforts have been made to minimize the errors include: implementing a process approach to teach writing, improving students\u27 language mastery; having more practice in writing

    Faktor Pemengaruh dan Pemecahannya dalam Pembelajaran Membaca-menulis Permulaan

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    This study aimed to describe: 1) the implementation of learning to read-write for the beginners 2) to identify the influences factors, and 3) how to solve those factors of influences. The populations were students and one classroom teacher of SDN Cinderejo Surakarta. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and document analysis. Sampling determined through purposive sampling technique. The results of the study concluded: 1) RWB learning component involves students, teachers, objectives, materials, methods, media, and evaluation. Various components are interrelated. 2) Barriers to learning RWB included the internal and external obstacles. (3) To overcome internal barriers were done through learning process, while external barriers pursued through the outside component of the learning process in the classroom RWB
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