123 research outputs found

    Sistem Injeksi Bahan Bakar Sepeda Motor Satu Silinder Empat Langkah

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    Fuel Injection System for One Cylinder Motor Cycle Engine. Fuel injection has been developed for many years. Butits common application is limited on car's engine. With many reason fuel injection systems in motorcycle one cylinderengine has not been widely used yet. Fuel Injection System allows the amount of fuel, injected to be controlledappropriate to engine parameters such as engine speed, amount of air inducted to cylinder, temperature, for each cycle,over the entire engine operating conditions. This fuel injection research is done to find out the Volumetric Efficiency ofthe intake manifold system, the amount of fuel need to be injected for each engine cycle, and the engine characteristicsover variation of test conditions. This research based on Honda CB100 engine, at applied thermodynamic Laboratory ofMechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering University of Indonesia. Experiment data from thisresearch shows the characteristics of injector duration as functions of engine speed, intake pressure, on one cylinderengine and the results of this research shows a good Volumetric Efficiency of the intake manifold designed using CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamic)

    Sistem Informasi Geografi Pemetaan Lokasi Praktek Bidan di Kabupaten Kudus

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    Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi moderen saat ini sangat pesat terutama bidang kesehatan yang menjadi kebutuhan pokok masyarakat. Karena itu masyarakat tidak bisa lepas dari tokoh kesehatan yang berperan dalam mewujudkan kehidupan masyarakat yang sehat terutama adalah seorang bidan. Kurangnya informasi tentang lokasi praktek bidan selain puskesmas di pedesaan menyulitkan masyarakat jika berada dalam situasi darurat terutama saat melahirkan terutama daerah Kabupaten Kudus. Maka harapan dapat dibuat sebuah sistem pemetaan yang memudahkan masyarakat Kabupaten Kudus dalam rangka meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan dengan menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografi menggunakan metode waterfall diharapkan masyarakat dengan mudah menemukan lokasi praktek bidan dengan cepat dalam segala situasi dengan metode cluster hierarki wilayah berdasarkan desa. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terciptamya sebuah sistem aplikasi yang menangani pemetaan bidan secara online yang mudah diakses masyarakat kudus

    Analisa Pengaruh Produk, Kualitas Pelayanan, Harga, Dan Store Atmosphere Terhadap Minat Beli Di Dream of Khayangan Art Resto Surabaya

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    The rapid economic development of Indonesia looks of many emerging business ventures , one of which is a culinary efforts pretty much in demand. Surabaya including cities with high growth in the culinary business. Many businesses and restaurants where to eat cause tighter competition. Consumers are also increasingly critical in determining the choice of a restaurant that buying interest is not only based on product, service quality, and price. Dream of Khayangan Art Resto Surabaya as one of the restaurants in Surabaya are able to compete and survive , implementing a strategy not only to maintain the product, quality of service, price, but also store atmosphere.This study aims to analyze the influence of product, quality of service, price, and store atmosphere on buying interest Khayangan Dream of Art Resto Surabaya. This study will be carried out by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents consumers Dream of Khayangan Art Resto Surabaya. The analysis technique used is quantitative analysis with multiple linear regression method. The research proves that there is a significant effect of the product, quality of service, price, and store atmosphere on consumer buying interest in Dream of Khayangan Art Resto Surabaya

    Rumah Budaya sebagai Ruang Publik untuk Mengembangkan Kegiatan Kepariwisataan di Desa Wisata Rawabogo, Kecamatan Ciwidey, Kabupaten Bandung

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    Desa Rawabogo, Kecamatan Ciwidey, Kabupaten Bandung, telah terpilih menjadi Desa Wisata. Terpilihnya desa ini sebagai Desa Wisata bukanlah tanpa alasan. Setiap desa yang terpilih menjadi Desa Wisata tentu memiliki daya tarik wisata yang dapat mengundang wisatawan untuk datang ke desa tersebut. Namun, yang harus dipertimbangkan untuk menjadi Desa Wisata tidak cukup hanya adanya daya tarik wisata tetapi juga adanya fasilitas-fasilitas dan infrastruktur yang memadai yang mendukung dan mempermudah para wisatawan untuk datang ke desa tersebut, misalnya akses jalan yang mudah dan aman, sarana transportasi, dan akomodasi yang terdiri dari fasilitas penginapan dan rumah makan. Banyak hal yang perlu dipersiapkan untuk benar benar menjadi Desa Wisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu masyarakat Desa Rawabogo mempersiapkan diri menjadi Desa Wisata. Apabila Desa Rawabogo telah menjadi Desa Wisata yang memiliki fasilitas-fasilitas yang memadai maka akan semakin banyak wisatawan yang datang. Dengan semakin banyaknya para wisatawan yang datang maka perekonomian desa tersebut akan semakin meningkat karena para wisatawan akan memberikan banyak penghasilan bagi masyarakat dari fasilitas penginapan, rumah makan, jajanan, pertunjukan kesenian, kerajinan tangan dan lain-lain yang disediakan oleh desa tersebut. Tujuan jangka panjang penelitian ini jelas adalah peningkatan perekonomian masyarakat Desa Rawabogo.Fasilitas-fasilitas yang perlu dilengkapi oleh Desa Rawabogo begitu banyak sehingga tidak mungkin dipenuhi dalam waktu singkat. Ini harus dilakukan secara bertahap. Penelitian ini membantu masyarakat desa untuk melihat kebutuhan apa yang penting dan mendesak untuk dipenuhi demi pengembangan desa tersebut sebagai Desa Wisata. Target khusus penelitian ini adalah membantu masyarakat desa untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian, ternyata Rumah Budaya adalah kebutuhan yang harus dipenuhi terlebih dahulu. Dengan demikian, para peneliti dengan dibantu beberapa orang (diantaranya Bapak Bambang, koordinator Gladi Budaya PKH-UNPAR dan Bapak Lilik Alika, salah satu dosen pembimbing Gladi Budaya) membantu mewujudkan Rumah Budaya ini. Dengan demikian, target konkret penelitian ini atau indikator keberhasilan dalam penelitian ini adalah berdirinya Rumah Budaya. Penelitian ini merupakan wujud pengabdian peneliti kepada masyarakat

    Integrasi Data Dengan Web Service Pada Aplikasi Indekost Online Berbasis Website Dan Mobile

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    The information system which until now growing rapidly create all the jobs in this life many who have gone aided by information technology. The technology can help more easily, quickly, safely and effectively clear it is helpful to anyone who use it. Including to assist students in finding a boarding house when they study / lectures as well as the owner of the boarding house in home market. The need for a boarding house is important, since the students who did the study for a long time and needed a place to stay in the area. And it makes the issue of how these students can seek the appropriate boarding houses, given some constraints such as do not know the area, or have a friend who can demonstrate appropriate boarding house for students.The management system is a system that embodies or can be a friend to the students who feel confused in finding an appropriate boarding houses as well as assist in marketing the owner of a boarding house online. System focused in finding the appropriate criteria for boarding up with the booking to boarding room can be done with this system. Success in implementing this system is to work well to help the students in the search for the location of the appropriate boarding house. From the search, until the online booking can be done with media E-mail. As well as providing benefits to the owner of the boarding house to be able to market the house fullest

    Estimation Of Net Primary Production (Npp) Using Remote Sensing Approach And Plant Physiological Modeling(pendugaan Net Primary Production (Npp) Menggunakan Pendekatan Penginderaan Jauh dan Modeling Fisiologis Tanaman)

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    Information Net Primary Production (NPP) of tropical forests is important for the development of realistic global carbon budgets and for projecting how these ecosystems will be affected by climate changes. This research utilized remotely sensed data and micrometeorological measurement to provide information on vegetation condition. The objective of this research is to estimate spatial NPP using remote sensing approach and plant physiological/micrometeorological modeling. The estimation of NPP is conducted using modeling approach, which is based on relationship between radiation use efficiency, photosyntetically active radiation and fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation by the plants's canopy. Trend of NDVI derived using micrometeorological measurement showed an increase from 2001 to 2002, and then decrease from 2002 to 2004. Average different values (delta) between both methods used to derive NDVI is relatively constant around 0.33 with a high correlation of r2 = 0.98. Using remotely sensed data, the highest NPP values estimated is in year 2003 with value range between 2000 – 2500 (gC m-2 yr-1), less than 2% of the whole forest area. In 2003, 75% area has NPP between 1500 – 2000 (gC m-2 yr-1), meanwhile for 2002 and 2004 it is only 21% and 50 %, respectively. NPP values estimated using micrometeorological measurement show the increasing of NPP values from 2002 to 2003, and then decrease from 2003 to 2004. There is strong correlation between NPP values derived from the two methods with r2 = 0.98
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