10 research outputs found

    Sustained incentive value of heroin-related cues in short- and long-term abstinent heroin users

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    Models of addiction and addiction memory propose that drug-associated cues elicit incentive effects in drug users, which play an important role in maintenance of drug use and relapse. Incentive effects have been demonstrated for smoking and alcohol-related cues but evidence for heroin-related cues has been inconclusive. Furthermore, it is unknown whether appetitive effects of heroin-related cues persist after prolonged abstinence, although heroin addiction is known to have high relapse rates. Therefore, we investigated implicit and explicit valence of heroin-related cues in dependent users at different stages of abstinence using affective startle modulation. In Study I, 15 current heroin users were measured before and after detoxification. Correspondingly, 15 healthy control participants were tested twice at an interval of 14 days. In Study II, 14 long-term abstinent heroin users were additionally measured in a single session. Implicit processing of drug-related stimuli was assessed using affective startle modulation by pictures of heroin and smoking scenes. Explicit reactions were measured using ratings of valence and craving. In contrast to controls, heroin-dependent participants showed a clear reduction of startle response during heroin-related pictures (p<0.05). Detoxification did not significantly change their startle responses to heroin-cues. No difference between non-detoxified current and long-term abstinent heroin users was found in implicit reactions to heroin-cues, whereas explicit measures differed between both groups (all p<0.05). After detoxification and even after prolonged abstinence, heroin cues still exert implicit appetitive effects in heroin users. This implies that drug-induced adaptations of reward circuits are long-lasting, resulting in a highly stable addiction memory

    Neural Responses to BEGIN- and END-Stimuli of the Smoking Ritual in Nonsmokers, Nondeprived Smokers, and Deprived Smokers

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    Drug-associated stimuli (cues) have a prominent role in addiction research because they are able to provoke craving and relapses. Generally, drug cues are seen as conditioned excitatory stimuli, which elicit drug seeking and usage. However, newer data suggest differential effects for smoking stimuli depending on their stage in the smoking ritual. Specifically, stimuli associated with the terminal stage of smoke consumption (END-stimuli) may evoke reactivity opposite to the reactivity evoked by stimuli associated with the beginning of smoke consumption (BEGIN-stimuli). This fMRI study compared 20 nondeprived smokers with 20 nonsmokers to unravel the influence of smoking-related pictures displaying the beginning (BEGIN-stimuli) and termination (END-stimuli) of the smoking ritual on neural activity in the addiction network. In addition, 20 deprived smokers (12 h deprivation) were investigated to explore the effects of deprivation on the processing of these stimuli. In nondeprived smokers, BEGIN-stimuli reliably activated the addiction network (for example, the ventral striatum, orbitofrontal cortex, and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)). In contrast, END-stimuli triggered a differential pattern of activations as well as deactivations; deactivations were found in the ventral striatum and the ACC. Deprivation had no clear effect on the responses triggered by BEGIN-stimuli, but affected the reactivity to END-stimuli. Our data clearly suggest that stimuli associated with different stages of the smoking ritual trigger differential neuronal responses. While BEGIN-stimuli generally seem to activate the addiction network, END-stimuli presumably have some inhibitory properties. This new finding might add to a more differentiated understanding of cue reactivity and addiction

    A Current Understanding of the Behavioral Neuroscience of Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder and Problematic Pornography Use

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