47 research outputs found

    Collaborative virtual 3D environment for internet-accessible physics experiments

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    Immersive 3D worlds have increasingly raised the interest of researchers and practitioners for various learning and training settings over the last decade. These virtual worlds can provide multiple communication channels betweeen users and improve presence and awareness in the learning process. Consequently virtual 3D environments facilitate collaborative learning and training scenarios. In this paper we focus on the integration of internet-accessible physics experiments (iLabs) combined with the TEALsim 3D simulation toolkit in project Wonderland, Sun's toolkit for creating collaborative 3D virtual worlds. Within such a collaborative environment these tools provide the opportunity for teachers and students to work together as avatars as they control actual equipment, visualize physical phenomenon generated by the experiment, and discuss the results. In particular we will outline the steps of integration, future goals, as well as the value of a collaboration space in Wonderland's virtual world

    Evaluation results of a 3D virtual environment for internet-accessible physics experiments

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    In the science of physics the interrelation of physical theory, model and experiement is hard to comprehend, therefore group learning becomes more important. This fact, combined with the opportunity to work on practical experiences over distance in a collaboratively way, has raised worldwide the interest of creating new learning environments based on 3D virtual worlds.This paper outlines an evaluation that was performed to determine whether the addition of collaborative virtual learning environment (CVLE) to an internet-accessible physics experiment (iLab) would improve learning experience. We wanted to assess if the developed CLVE helps participants to achieve a better understanding of physics phenomena. Within this CLVE avatars represent learners and they are able to communicate and collaborate in a way similar to real life in order to perform physics experiments using the TEAL simulation toolkit. One of the major findings of this evaluation indicates that the reconsideration of design and additional items at the 3D visualization could further improve the learning process in the CLVE in a more effective way

    Exact Results for a Three-Body Reaction-Diffusion System

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    A system of particles hopping on a line, singly or as merged pairs, and annihilating in groups of three on encounters, is solved exactly for certain symmetrical initial conditions. The functional form of the density is nearly identical to that found in two-body annihilation, and both systems show non-mean-field, ~1/t**(1/2) instead of ~1/t, decrease of particle density for large times.Comment: 10 page

    Proxima Centauri b: A Strong Case for Including Cosmic-Ray-induced Chemistry in Atmospheric Biosignature Studies

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    Due to its Earth-like minimum mass of 1.27 M-E and its close proximity to our solar system, Proxima Centauri b is one of the most interesting exoplanets for habitability studies. Its host star, Proxima Centauri, is however a strongly flaring star, which is expected to provide a very hostile environment for potentially habitable planets. We perform a habitability study of Proxima Centauri b assuming an Earth-like atmosphere under high stellar particle bombardment, with a focus on spectral transmission features. We employ our extensive model suite calculating energy spectra of stellar particles, their journey through the planetary magnetosphere, ionosphere, and atmosphere, ultimately providing planetary climate and spectral characteristics, as outlined in Herbst et al. Our results suggest that together with the incident stellar energy flux, high particle influxes can lead to efficient heating of the planet well into temperate climates, by limiting CH4 amounts, which would otherwise run into antigreenhouse for such planets around M stars. We identify some key spectral features relevant for future spectral observations: First, NO2 becomes the major absorber in the visible, which greatly impacts the Rayleigh slope. Second, H2O features can be masked by CH4 (near-infrared) and CO2 (mid- to far-infrared), making them nondetectable in transmission. Third, O-3 is destroyed and instead HNO3 features become clearly visible in the mid- to far-infrared. Lastly, assuming a few percent of CO2 in the atmosphere, CO2 absorption at 5.3 mu m becomes significant (for flare and nonflare cases), strongly overlapping with a flare related NO feature in Earth\u27s atmosphere

    How the Replica-Symmetry-Breaking Transition Looks Like in Finite-Size Simulations

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    Finite-size effects in the mean-field Ising spin glass and the mean-field three-state Potts glass are investigated by Monte Carlo simulations. In the thermodynamic limit, each model is known to exhibit a continuous phase transition into the ordered state with a full and a one-step replica-symmetry breaking (RSB), respectively. In the Ising case, Binder parameter g calculated for various finite sizes remains positive at any temperature and crosses at the transition point, while in the Potts case g develops a negative dip without showing a crossing in the g>0 region. By contrast, non-self averaging parameters always remain positive and show a clear crossing at the transition temperature in both cases. Our finding suggests that care should be taken in interpreting the numerical data of the Binder parameter, particularly when the system exhibits a one-step-like RSB.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Model of Cluster Growth and Phase Separation: Exact Results in One Dimension

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    We present exact results for a lattice model of cluster growth in 1D. The growth mechanism involves interface hopping and pairwise annihilation supplemented by spontaneous creation of the stable-phase, +1, regions by overturning the unstable-phase, -1, spins with probability p. For cluster coarsening at phase coexistence, p=0, the conventional structure-factor scaling applies. In this limit our model falls in the class of diffusion-limited reactions A+A->inert. The +1 cluster size grows diffusively, ~t**(1/2), and the two-point correlation function obeys scaling. However, for p>0, i.e., for the dynamics of formation of stable phase from unstable phase, we find that structure-factor scaling breaks down; the length scale associated with the size of the growing +1 clusters reflects only the short-distance properties of the two-point correlations.Comment: 12 page

    Coarsening and persistence in a class of stochastic processes interpolating between the Ising and voter models

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    We study the dynamics of a class of two dimensional stochastic processes, depending on two parameters, which may be interpreted as two different temperatures, respectively associated to interfacial and to bulk noise. Special lines in the plane of parameters correspond to the Ising model, voter model and majority vote model. The dynamics of this class of models may be described formally in terms of reaction diffusion processes for a set of coalescing, annihilating, and branching random walkers. We use the freedom allowed by the space of parameters to measure, by numerical simulations, the persistence probability of a generic model in the low temperature phase, where the system coarsens. This probability is found to decay at large times as a power law with a seemingly constant exponent θ0.22\theta\approx 0.22. We also discuss the connection between persistence and the nature of the interfaces between domains.Comment: Late

    Splitting the voter criticality

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    Recently some two-dimensional models with double symmetric absorbing states were shown to share the same critical behaviour that was called the voter universality class. We show, that for an absorbing-states Potts model with finite but further than nearest neighbour range of interactions the critical point is splitted into two critical points: one of the Ising type, and the other of the directed percolation universality class. Similar splitting takes place in the three-dimensional nearest-neighbour model.Comment: 4 pages, eps figures include

    Universal Geometric Graphs

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    We introduce and study the problem of constructing geometric graphs that have few vertices and edges and that are universal for planar graphs or for some sub-class of planar graphs; a geometric graph is \emph{universal} for a class H\mathcal H of planar graphs if it contains an embedding, i.e., a crossing-free drawing, of every graph in H\mathcal H. Our main result is that there exists a geometric graph with nn vertices and O(nlogn)O(n \log n) edges that is universal for nn-vertex forests; this extends to the geometric setting a well-known graph-theoretic result by Chung and Graham, which states that there exists an nn-vertex graph with O(nlogn)O(n \log n) edges that contains every nn-vertex forest as a subgraph. Our O(nlogn)O(n \log n) bound on the number of edges cannot be improved, even if more than nn vertices are allowed. We also prove that, for every positive integer hh, every nn-vertex convex geometric graph that is universal for nn-vertex outerplanar graphs has a near-quadratic number of edges, namely Ωh(n21/h)\Omega_h(n^{2-1/h}); this almost matches the trivial O(n2)O(n^2) upper bound given by the nn-vertex complete convex geometric graph. Finally, we prove that there exists an nn-vertex convex geometric graph with nn vertices and O(nlogn)O(n \log n) edges that is universal for nn-vertex caterpillars.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures; a 12-page extended abstracts of this paper will appear in the Proceedings of the 46th Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2020

    Spin-photon interface and spin-controlled photon switching in a nanobeam waveguide

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    Access to the electron spin is at the heart of many protocols for integrated and distributed quantum-information processing [1-4]. For instance, interfacing the spin-state of an electron and a photon can be utilized to perform quantum gates between photons [2,5] or to entangle remote spin states [6-9]. Ultimately, a quantum network of entangled spins constitutes a new paradigm in quantum optics [1]. Towards this goal, an integrated spin-photon interface would be a major leap forward. Here we demonstrate an efficient and optically programmable interface between the spin of an electron in a quantum dot and photons in a nanophotonic waveguide. The spin can be deterministically prepared with a fidelity of 96\%. Subsequently the system is used to implement a "single-spin photonic switch", where the spin state of the electron directs the flow of photons through the waveguide. The spin-photon interface may enable on-chip photon-photon gates [2], single-photon transistors [10], and efficient photonic cluster state generation [11]