940 research outputs found

    Studies on isolation and characterisation and its effect of seed inoculation of PGPR (Pseudomonas fluorescens) on yield of tomato

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    Soil samples of five different locations of rhizosphere of tomato.  The sample used for identification of Pseudomonas fluorescens and characterisation based on biochemical characteristics.  The best isolate PF-5 used for seed treatment of with tomato variety PKM-1.  The higher fruit yield was recorded in the triple combination of Pseudomonas fluorescens + Azotobacterchroococcum + Azospirillum brasilense @ 900g/plant-1 followed by Pseudomonas + Azotobacter

    Formulation and Invitro Evaluation of Novel Sustained Release Matrix Tablets of Aceclofenac using Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis Leaves Mucilage.

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    An ideal drug delivery system should aid in the optimization of drug therapy by delivering an appropriate amount to the intended site and at a desired rate. Hence, the DDS should deliver the drug at a rate dictated by the needs of the body over the period of treatment. An oral drug delivery system providing a uniform drug delivery can only partly satisfy therapeutic and biopharmaceutical needs, as it doesn‟t take in to account the site specific absorption rates within the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Therefore there is a need of developing drug delivery system that release the drug at the right time, at the specific site and with the desired rate. In present investigation an attempt has been made to design and develop Aceclofenac sustained release matrix tablets using hibiscus rosa-sinensis leaves mucilage and povidone, as release retarding polymers. Aceclofenac is widely used as a centrally acting muscle relaxant; therefore have been selected to prepare sustained release dosage forms. An ideal matrix formulation prepared with different polymers and diluents concentrations should release its content in a sustained profile a reasonable length of time and preferably with Korsmeyer-peppas kinetic. The active pharmaceutical ingredient Aceclofenac was evaluated for its physical characteristics, analytical profiles and drug polymer compatibility study. The granules were prepared by wet granulation method. The prepared granules were evaluated for Angle of repose, Bulk density, Tapped density and Carr‟s index. The results obtained were found to be satisfactory and within the specified limits. After compression parameters like Thickness, Hardness, Weight variation, Friability, content uniformity and In-Vitro release studies were evaluated


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    Objective: The aim of the present investigation was to determine the in vitro antioxidant and anticancer activity of the ethanol extract of Ulva lactuca L. Methods: The present study was to investigate the antioxidant and anticancer activity of U. lactuca L. The extract of U. lactuca L. was extracted by ethanol and subject to analysis. An in vitro antioxidant activity of the ethanol extract of U. lactuca L. was performed by 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl free radical scavenging assay. Simultaneously anticancer activity was also performed using blood cancer (MOLT-3) cell line, and the species showed a strong selective cell proliferation inhibition of the cancer cell line. Results: The scavenging activity was measured and determined to be 78.5%. This might be due to high polyphenolic compounds and flavonoid contents of the extract, which showed maximum growth inhibition of 74.4%. Conclusion: Thus, the study concludes that the constituents of seaweeds can act as potent in treating various diseases and can be used as an alternative for therapeutic treatment

    Plants used as Medicine by Paliyar Tribes of Shenbagathope in Virudhunagar District of Tamilnadu, India

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    The traditional medicinal uses of 58 angiospermic plant species belonging to 54 genera of 31 families for various diseases and ailments like wounds, cuts, stomach pain, diabetes, fever, cold, poisonous bites etc., by the Paliyar tribes of Shenbagathope in Virudhunagar district of Tamilnadu, India, are mentioned. Generally, fresh part of the plant is used for the preparation of medicine. When fresh plant parts are not available, dried parts are also used. Attention should be made on proper exploitation and utilization of these ethnomedicinally important plant species

    A database management system for selection of steel

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    Selection of an ideal material for a given application will be a relatively simple matter, if perfect or near perfect materials are available. Such a material will have high strength, high toughness, good ductility and good fabricability. These properties would not necessarily be compatible in an existing material. Compromises and trade-offs among various properties become inevitable. On the other hand, infinite number of possible materials in various forms and its usage are so intertwined in all industries that a person can have no real comprehension of the characteristics of all the materials. A computer assistance either in the form of a software or a database is therefore unavoidable. A database is developed to assist in the selection of steels for scientific and engineering applications. A program is written in Foxpro to identify the ideal steel based on its tensile strength, elongation, toughness and hardness. The program can select the suitable steels and can generate the forging temper-ature, heat treatment procedure, etc. The input data are obtained from various handbooks and textbooks. A Pentium-586 with FOXPRO is used to build the prototype database management system in DOS environment. Human interface with the system is enhanced by the user-friendly menus. The database can be made compatible easily to a wide variety of micro, mini and mainframe computers

    Isolation, Identification, Morphological Studies and Lipid Granules Staining (Nile red) of Different Micro-Algae for Biodiesel Production from Fresh Water and Saline Water

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    In the present study, the algal samples were collected from temple tanks, saline water in Chennai, Mahapaliburam and Kovallam. Collections were carried out during the month of September 2010 and February 2011. Samples were studied in the laboratory and identified. In their surveyed the population, identification, morphological, and examined the Nile red method with microalgae genus of various classes. Various physical and chemical treatments were applied to the existing Nile red method to improve the effectiveness and efficiency. The following algae were present Chlorella vulgaris, Nannnochloropsis, Dunaliella tertiolecta, Tetraselmis suecica, Chlorococcum humicolo, Scenedesmus acuminatus, Amphora coffeaformis, and Nitzschia longissima. Algae are described with photographs

    समुद्रि अलंकारी मछलियों का टिकाऊ व्यवसाय का विकास

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    कृपया पूरा लेखा पढ

    Crystal structure of isobutyl 4-(2-chloro-phenyl)-5-cyano-6-{(E)-[(dimethylamino)-methylidene]amino}-2-methyl-4H-pyran-3-carboxylate

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    The authors thank Dr Babu Varghese, Senior Scientific Officer SAIF, IIT Madras, India, for carrying out the data collection.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Length based population characteristics and fishery of skipjack tuna, <em>Katsuwonus pelamis</em> (Linnaeus, 1758) from Tuticorin waters, Tamil Nadu, India.

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    52-59Fishery and population characteristics of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) along Tuticorin coast were studied for the period of one year from June 2016 to May 2017. Population parameters of Katsuwonus pelamis based on the length frequency data collected from fish landing centers of Tuticorin. Lengths ranging from 25 to 80 cm total length were observed and analyzed in current study. The population parameters L∞, K, M, Z and F were estimated as 95.70 cm, 0.40 year-1, 0.73, 1.63 and 0.90 respectively. Virtual Population Analysis (VPA) indicated that noticeable fishing mortality starts from 35-39 cm class interval and continued increasing till 50-54 length class. Afterwards a general decline in fishing mortality was observed with a relatively heavy fishing pressure on penultimate length class. The exploitation ratio (E) of 0.55 was derived from present study which is less than the maximum exploitation ratio (Emax = 0.805) indicating a scope for potential increase in production