1,102 research outputs found

    Interview with Warren Rudman by Brien Williams

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    Biographical NoteWarren B. Rudman was born on May 18, 1930, and served as a Republican in the U.S. Senate from 1980-1993 representing New Hampshire. He worked with George Mitchell on the Iran-Contra and Sharm el-Sheikh committees, but they had known each other earlier through their respective legal careers. He was appointed by President Clinton to the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board and served from 1993-2001. SummaryInterview includes discussion of: legal careers; Iran-Contra; position of Senate majority leader; Sharm el-Sheikh Fact-Finding Committee; Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act to balance the budget; relationships between senators; and changes in the Senate over the years

    The Law of Unintended Results: The Independent Counsel Law

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    The Seventh Annual Frank M. Coffin Lecture on Law and Public Service was held on October 1, 1998. Warren B. Rudman, former United States Senator from New Hampshire, presented The Law of Unintended Results: The Independent Counsel Law

    Government financial support for civil aircraft research, technology and development in four European countries and the United States

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    Data on the levels of government financial support for civil aircraft airframe and engine (CAAE) research and technology (R&T) in the United States and Europe (United Kingdom, West Germany, France and The Netherlands) and means of comparing these levels are provided. Data are presented for the years 1974-1977. European R&T expenditure data were obtained through visits to each of the four European countries, to the Washington office of the European Communities, and by a search of applicable literature. CAAE R&T expenditure data for the United States were obtained from NASA and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

    Nonconstant electronic density of states tunneling inversion for A15 superconductors: Nb3Sn

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    We re-examine the tunneling data on A15 superconductors by performing a generalized McMillan-Rowell tunneling inversion that incorporates a nonconstant electronic density of states obtained from band-structure calculations. For Nb3Sn, we find that the fit to the experimental data can be slightly improved by taking into account the sharp structure in the density of states, but it is likely that such an analysis alone is not enough to completely explain the superconducting tunneling characteristics of this material. Nevertheless, the extracted Eliashberg function displays a number of features expected to be present for the highest quality Nb3Sn samples.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Sources of implicit attitudes.

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    have a negative evaluation of smoking derived from your childhood experiences. Indeed, the explosion of interest in implicit attitudes rests on the fact that welllearned attitudes are accessed automatically (i.e., without effort or control) in the presence of attitude objects. A third possibility-and the hypothesis tested by this research-is that your explicit, self-reported attitude will stem largely from recent experiences (and therefore be positive), whereas your implicit attitude will be influenced by your childhood experiences with smoking (and therefore be negative). If your explicit and implicit attitudes have disparate sources, we would not expect them to covary or even to share the same valence IMPLICIT AND EXPLICIT ATTITUDES Operationally, response latency (implicit) measures assume that performing tasks in which responses and attitudes are congruent (i.e., well associated) is easier than performing tasks in which responses and attitudes are incongruent. Because latency judgments do not depen

    What makes an operational Farm Soil Carbon Code? Insights from a global comparison of existing soil carbon codes using a structured analytical framework

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    Soils have the potential to sequester and store significant amounts of carbon, contributing towards climate change mitigation. Soil carbon markets are now emerging to pay farmers for changes in land use or management that absorb carbon from the atmosphere, governed by codes that ensure additionality, permanence and non-leakage whilst protecting against unintentional reversals. This paper represents the first global comparative analysis of agricultural soil carbon codes, providing new insights into the wide range of approaches currently used to govern these emerging markets internationally. To do this, the paper first develops an analytical framework for the systematic comparison of codes, which could be applied to the analysis of codes in other land uses and habitats. This framework was then used to identify commonalities and differences in methods, projects, administration and commercialisation and associated code documents for 12 publicly available codes from the UK, France, Australia, USA and international bodies. Codes used a range of mechanisms to manage: additionality (including legal, adoption, financial viability and investment tests); uncertainty and risks around soil carbon sequestration (including minimum permanence periods, carbon buffers, contractual arrangements and/or insurance policies); leakage (including restriction of eligible practices and monitoring to subtract leakage from verified sequestration); baselines (including multi-year and variable buffers based on empirical data or models); measurement, reporting and verification methods (stipulating time intervals, methods, data sources and assessments of uncertainty); auditing; resale of carbon units; stakeholder engagement; and approaches to ensure market integrity (such as buyer checks). The paper concludes by discussing existing MRV methods and codes that could be adapted for use in the UK and evaluates the need for an over-arching standard for soil carbon codes in the UK, to which existing codes and other schemes already generating soil carbon credits could be assessed and benchmarked

    “I h 8 u”: Findings from a five-year study of text and e-mail bullying

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    Copyright @ 2010 British Educational Research Association. The final version of this article is available at the link below.This study charts reports of nasty or threatening text and e-mail messages received by students in academic years 7 and 8 (11-13 years of age) attending 13 secondary schools in the North of England between 2002-2006. Annual surveys were undertaken on behalf of the local education authority (LEA) to monitor bullying. Results indicated that, over five years, the number of pupils receiving one or more nasty or threatening text messages or e-mails increased significantly, particularly among girls. However, receipt of frequent nasty or threatening text and e-mail messages remained relatively stable. For boys, being a victim of direct-physical bullying was associated with receiving nasty or threatening text and e-mail messages; for girls it was being unpopular among peers. Boys received more hate-related messages and girls were primarily the victims of name-calling, Findings are discussed with respect to theoretical and policy developments, and recommendations for future research are offered

    Traditional Taxonomic Groupings Mask Evolutionary History: A Molecular Phylogeny and New Classification of the Chromodorid Nudibranchs

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    Chromodorid nudibranchs (16 genera, 300+ species) are beautiful, brightly colored sea slugs found primarily in tropical coral reef habitats and subtropical coastal waters. The chromodorids are the most speciose family of opisthobranchs and one of the most diverse heterobranch clades. Chromodorids have the potential to be a model group with which to study diversification, color pattern evolution, are important source organisms in natural products chemistry and represent a stunning and widely compelling example of marine biodiversity. Here, we present the most complete molecular phylogeny of the chromodorid nudibranchs to date, with a broad sample of 244 specimens (142 new), representing 157 (106 new) chromodorid species, four actinocylcid species and four additional dorid species utilizing two mitochondrial markers (16s and COI). We confirmed the monophyly of the Chromodorididae and its sister group relationship with the Actinocyclidae. We were also able to, for the first time, test generic monophyly by including more than one member of all 14 of the non-monotypic chromodorid genera. Every one of these 14 traditional chromodorid genera are either non-monophyletic, or render another genus paraphyletic. Additionally, both the monotypic genera Verconia and Diversidoris are nested within clades. Based on data shown here, there are three individual species and five clades limited to the eastern Pacific and Atlantic Oceans (or just one of these ocean regions), while the majority of chromodorid clades and species are strictly Indo-Pacific in distribution. We present a new classification of the chromodorid nudibranchs. We use molecular data to untangle evolutionary relationships and retain a historical connection to traditional systematics by using generic names attached to type species as clade names

    Maximal rates of excretion and synthesis of urea in normal and cirrhotic subjects.

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    A B S T R A C T When normal individuals eat 0.33 g protein N/kg body weight (BW)3' per day, they excrete 10-15 mg urea N/h per kg BW3'4. If they now ingest (at 0 h) 0.27 (dose A), 0.40 (dose B), 0.53 (dose C), 0.94 (dose D), or 1.33 (dose E) g protein N/kg BW3' (in the form of casein, ovalbumin, or lactalbumin), the rate of urea N excretion accelerates within 4 h. At dose C a maximal rate of urinary urea N excretion (MRUE) is reached, which averages 55 mg urea N/h per kg BW3' and which persists for 16 h. Higher doses of protein do not further accelerate urea excretion, but prolong the duration of MRUE to 28 h (after dose E). Blood urea N (BUN) rises by These findings indicate that MRUE corresponds to a period of maximal rate of urea synthesis (MRUS). MRUS is greater than MRUE because one fraction of newly formed urea is hydrolyzed in the gastrointestinal tract, and another fraction may accumulate temporarily in body water during the MRUE period. Oral neomycin reduces the proportion of urea hydrolyzed in the gut to less than 20%; its extent is measured by recovery in the urine of a tracer dose of ["4C]urea injected intramuscularly during determination of MRUE. Accumulation of urea in body water is estimated from increment in BUN during the period of MRUE measurement (8-24 h after dose E of casein) and from body wate