800 research outputs found

    Acute influence of cigarette smoke in platelets, catecholamines and neurophysins in the normal conditions of daily life

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    Cigarette smoking is firmly linked to the occurrence of acute coronary events. In twenty-two healthy volunteers in normal conditions of daily life we studied the acute influence of smoking on the following parameters: beta-thromboglobulin, thromboxane B2, epinephrine, norepinephrine, estrogen-stimulated neurophysin, and nicotine-stimulated-neurophysin. Our results show that in our population and following our protocol, smoking did not induce platelet activation, thromboxane formation, catecholamine release or estrogen-stimulated-neurophysin secretion. However, smoking did provoke a significant increase of nicotine-stimulated-neurophysin (p<0.05) which reflects vasopressin increase and which might explain the high incidence of ischaemic accidents in cigarette smoking via the vasoactive properties of vasopressi

    The Prosocial Versus Proself Power Holder: How Power Influences Sacrifice in Romantic Relationships

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    Romantic partners often have to sacrifice their interests to benefit their partner or to maintain the relationship. In the present work, we investigated whether relative power within the relationship plays an important role in determining the extent to which partners are likely to sacrifice. Drawing from both classic theories and recent research on power, we tested two competing predictions on the relationship between power and sacrifice in romantic relationships. We tested whether (a) power is negatively related to sacrifice and (b) power is positively related to sacrifice. Furthermore, we also explored whether the association between power and sacrifice is moderated by commitment and inclusion of the other in the self. To test our hypotheses, we used different methodologies, including questionnaires, diary studies, and videotaped interactions. Results across the five studies (N = 1,088) consistently supported the hypothesis that power is negatively related to tendencies to sacrifice in close relationships

    Mass Spectrometry Imaging Disclosed Spatial Distribution of Defense-Related Metabolites in Triticum spp

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    Fusarium Head Blight is the most common fungal disease that strongly affects Triticum spp., reducing crop yield and leading to the accumulation of toxic metabolites. Several studies have investigated the plant metabolic response to counteract mycotoxins accumulation. However, information on the precise location where the defense mechanism is taking place is scarce. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the specific tissue distribution of defense metabolites in two Triticum species and use this information to postulate on the metabolites’ functional role, unlocking the “location-to-function” paradigm. To address this challenge, transversal cross-sections were obtained from the middle of the grains. They were analyzed using an atmospheric-pressure (AP) SMALDI MSI source (AP-SMALDI5 AF, TransMIT GmbH, Giessen, Germany) coupled to a Q Exactive HF (Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH, Bremen, Germany) orbital trapping mass spectrometer. Our result revealed the capability of (AP)-SMALDI MSI instrumentation to finely investigate the spatial distribution of wheat defense metabolites, such as hydroxycinnamic acid amides, oxylipins, linoleic and α-linoleic acids, galactolipids, and glycerolipids

    Cardioprotection by cocoa polyphenols and ω-3 fatty acids: A disease-prevention perspective on aging-associated cardiovascular risk

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the leading cause of death today. Many of the biochemical alterations associated with the pathophysiology of CVD can be modified by adequate intakes of bioactive nutrients through a correct diet or supplementation. Recently, there has been growing public and clinical interest in cocoa polyphenols (CPs) and omega-3 (ω-3) fatty acids. A plethora of nutritional intervention trials and experimental studies demonstrates that consumption of these bioactive food compounds is beneficial to promote cardiovascular health. The purpose of this review is to summarize the major cardioprotective effects of CPs and ω-3 fatty acids, providing a scientific rationale for incorporating the combination of these molecules as a nutritional intervention in the prevention of CVD. Although several studies have shown the individual cardioprotective nature of these compounds, a combination treatment with CPs and ω-3 fatty acids may be a promising approach to enhance the preventive value of these molecules and reduce cardiovascular risk factors associated with aging. Therefore, this article also reviews some of the key studies on the interaction between CPs and the metabolism of ω-3 fatty acids

    Quantification of valvular regurgitation by cardiac blood pool scintigraphy: correlation with catheterization

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    The diagnosis of valvular regurgitation (R) is usually based on clinical signs. Quantification conventionally requires catheterization (C). We have quantified R with cardiac blood pool scintigraphy (CBPS) and compared the results with those obtained by C. Regurgitant fraction (RF) determined by C was calculated with the technique of Dodge. Forward output was measured by thermodilution or cardiogreen dilution. The RF at CBPS was obtained by the stroke index ratio (SIR) minus 1.2 divided by SIR, where SIR is the ratio of the stroke counts of left venticle over those of the right ventricle. Stroke counts are calculated directly from the time-activity curves. Each time-activity curve was obtained by drawing one region of interest around each diastolic image. The correction factor (1.2) was calculated from a large normal population. 22 patients had aortic R, 7 mitral R, 12 both, 8 patients had no evidence of regurgitation. RF of the patients with R varied from 27 to 71% (x = 42%) at C and from 26 to 74% (Y = 41%) at CBPS. Linear regression shows a good correlation coefficient (r = 0.82). The regression equation is y = 0.93x + 1.8. No correlation was found between RF (CBPS or C) and the severity of R assessed visually from angiography. In conclusion: CBPS, a non-invasive method, allows easy and repeatable determination of RF and correlates well with data obtained at catheterizatio

    On the importance of hydrodynamic interactions in polyelectrolyte electrophoresis

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    The effect of hydrodynamic interactions on the free-solution electrophoresis of polyelectrolytes is investigated with coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations. By comparing the results to simulations with switched-off hydrodynamic interactions, we demonstrate their importance in modelling the experimentally observed behaviour. In order to quantify the hydrodynamic interactions between the polyelectrolyte and the solution, we present a novel way to estimate its effective charge. We obtain an effective friction that is different from the hydrodynamic friction obtained from diffusion measurements. This effective friction is used to explain the constant electrophoretic mobility for longer chains. To further emphasize the importance of hydrodynamic interactions, we apply the model to end-labeled free-solution electrophoresis.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures; accepted for publication in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    An emerging picture of the seed desiccome: confirmed regulators and newcomers identified using transcriptome comparison

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    Desiccation tolerance (DT) is the capacity to withstand total loss of cellular water. It is acquired during seed filling and lost just after germination. However, in many species, a germinated seed can regain DT under adverse conditions such as osmotic stress. The genes, proteins and metabolites that are required to establish this DT is referred to as the desiccome. It includes both a range of protective mechanisms and underlying regulatory pathways that remain poorly understood. As a first step toward the identification of the seed desiccome of Medicago truncatula, using updated microarrays we characterized the overlapping transcriptomes associated with acquisition of DT in developing seeds and the re-establishment of DT in germinated seeds using a polyethylene glycol treatment (−1.7 MPa). The resulting list contained 740 and 2829 transcripts whose levels, respectively, increased and decreased with DT. Fourty-eight transcription factors (TF) were identified including MtABI3, MtABI5 and many genes regulating flowering transition and cell identity. A promoter enrichment analysis revealed a strong over-representation of ABRE elements together with light-responsive cis-acting elements. In Mtabi5 Tnt1 insertion mutants, DT could no longer be re-established by an osmotic stress. Transcriptome analysis on Mtabi5 radicles during osmotic stress revealed that 13 and 15% of the up-regulated and down-regulated genes, respectively, are mis-regulated in the mutants and might be putative downstream targets of MtABI5 implicated in the re-establishment of DT. Likewise, transcriptome comparisons of the desiccation sensitive Mtabi3 mutants and hairy roots ectopically expressing MtABI3 revealed that 35 and 23% of the up-regulated and down-regulated genes are acting downstream of MtABI3. Our data suggest that ABI3 and ABI5 have complementary roles in DT. Whether DT evolved by co-opting existing pathways regulating flowering and cellular phase transition and cell identity is discussed