1,245 research outputs found

    Rocket engine analog simulation

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    Mathematical equations simulate the operation of a rocket engine, simulate destructive and nondestructive tests to verify engine design feasibility, and investigate nonlinear variations in engine performance


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    The growth and the yield of the tomato plant in southern hot-arid areas of Italy, depending on the satisfaction of water needs. The aim is to evaluate the effect of the distance between drippers on the marketable yield of tomatoes because the installation depend mainly on the number of drippers. Were compared 4 dripper intervals: 15, 30, 60 and 90 cm. The results show that the distance between the drippers must be determined according to the hydraulic characteristics of the soil. In soils with a clay matrix characterized by a low infiltration rate, it seems useful to position the drippers at a distance between 60 and 90 cm

    Interpretazione delle sentenze della Corte europea dei diritti ai fini dell'esecuzione (giudiziaria) e interpretazione della sua giurisprudenza ai fini dell'applicazione della CEDU

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    Lo scritto esamina le differenti problematiche connesse all\u2019interpretazione delle sentenze della Corte europea dei diritti dell\u2019uomo sia ai fini della loro esecuzione, qualora si tratti di sentenze rese nei confronti dell\u2019Italia, sia ai pi\uf9 ampi fini di applicazione delle norme interne secondo il sistema inaugurato dalle sentenze gemelle del 2007. Se sotto il primo profilo l\u2019interprete \ue8 tenuto in primo luogo a ricercare le indicazioni provenienti direttamente dalla Corte di Strasburgo con riguardo agli articoli 41 e 46 CEDU; il secondo tipo di attivit\ue0 interpretativa richiede una pi\uf9 approfondita conoscenza del linguaggio della Corte dei diritti, delle sue nozioni autonome, dei canoni ermeneutici cui ricorre, cos\uec da giungere alla individuazione non gi\ue0 di \u201cprincipi di diritto\u201d, nozione tipica delle Corti di legittimit\ue0 cui sfugge la concretezza del caso di specie, quanto piuttosto dei precedenti rilevanti da utilizzare nel ragionamento giuridico secondo la tecnica del distinguishing. Il lavoro tiene conto della recente sentenza n. 49 del 2015 della Corte costituzionale relativa alla confisca urbanistica.The paper deals with the different issues related to the interpretation of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights: both in view of their enforcement (in the case of judgments against Italy), and in view of internal rules application according to the system inaugurated by the 2007 of the Constitutional Court. Under the first profile the interpreter is required to follow the suggestions coming directly from the Court especially with respect to Articles 41 and 46 ECHR; the second type profile requires a deeper knowledge of the language of the Court, its autonomous concepts, the criteria of interpretation which the Court uses in order to identify not "principles of law" (typical notion of Court of Cassation which escapes the reality of the case), but rather then relevant precedents, using the technique of distinguishing. The paper takes into account the recent ruling no. 49 of 2015 of the Constitutional Court about the confiscation of property

    Una democrazia multilivello : un possibile raccordo fra Regioni, Stato e Unione Europea (a partire dalla giurisprudenza della Corte Costituzionale)

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    L\u2019articolo - che riproduce la relazione svolta dall\u2019autrice in occasione del seminario sulle riforme costituzionali organizzato dalla Fondazione Basso a Roma il 20 giugno 2014 - affronta talune delle problematiche del regionalismo italiano nel quadro di una democrazia multilivello, muovendo dalla giurisprudenza costituzionale e dalla proposta di riforma presentata dal Governo e oggi in discussione, con l'obiettivo di individuare una possibile sede di raccordo politico-legislativo tra Regioni, Stato ed Unione europea

    La "manutenzione" del giudizio in via principale

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    Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) is the typical cereal crop in semi-arid Italian environments, and Sicily, is one of the regions of southern Italy where the cultivation of durum wheat is very spread. The thesis was the comparison of 14 genotypes of durum wheat located in 11 locations typical of the Sicilian cropland in the years 2006-2011. The analysis of the results has allowed to study the productive and qualitative behavior of the tested genotypes. In addition, the study of interaction genotype-environment, has allowed to verify the yield stability in quantity and the quality of the grain by the individual genotypes

    Homogenization of magnitudes of the ISC Bulletin

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    We implemented an automatic procedure to download the hypocentral data of the online Bulletin of the International Seismological Centre (ISC) in order to produce in near real-time a homogeneous catalogue of the Global and EuroMediterranean instrumental seismicity to be used for forecasting experiments and other statistical analyses. For the interval covered by the reviewed ISC Bulletin, we adopt the ISC locations and convert the surface wave magnitude (Ms) and short-period body-wave magnitude (mb) as computed by the ISC to moment magnitude (Mw), using empirical relations. We merge the so obtained proxies with real Mw provided by global and EuroMediterranean moment tensor catalogues. For the most recent time interval (about 2 yr) for which the reviewed ISC Bulletin is not available, we do the same but using the preferred (prime) location provided by the ISC Bulletin and converting to Mw the Ms and mb provided by some authoritative agencies. For computing magnitude conversion equations, we use curvilinear relations defined in a previous work and the chi-square regression method that accounts for the uncertainties of both x and y variables

    Note minime sulla illegittimità del quesito referendario

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