127 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hasil belajar siswa dan respon siswa terhadap metode ice breaker pada proses pembelajaran menerapkan dasar-dasar teknik digital. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen, subyek penelitianadalah siswa kelas X TAV SMK Muhammadiyah1 Gresik dan obyek penelitian adalah penerapan metode ice breaker dalam proses pembelajaran menerapkan dasar-dasar teknik digital, instrumen penelitian berupa angket respon siswa dan soal tes (post test), metode tes digunakan untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa dan metode angket digunakan untuk mengetahui bagaimana respon siswa dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode ice breaker. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa:1) hasil belajar siswa, dimana pada kelas eksperimen adalah 94,11% dan pada kelas kontrol adalah 50%, dengan demikian KK dari dari kelas ekperimen lebih baik dari kelas kontrol sebesar 44,11%. Hasil KK dari post test apabila di sesuaikan dengan pedoman ketuntasan klasikal (KK) di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik, yaitu dengan ketentuan ≥ 75% dengan demikian hasil belajar siswa kelas X TAV SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik dengan penerapan ice breaker dapat dinyatakan tuntas dengan persentase KK sebesar 94,11%. 2) nilai rata rata  jawaban respon siswa kelas X TAV SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik, jumlah siswa yang memilih jawaban sangat setuju (SS) yaitu 54,11%, setuju (S) 37,35% dan netral (N) 8,52% siswa dengan demikian metode ice breaker dalam proses pembelajaran menerapkan dasar-dasar teknik digital mendapatkan respon positif dari siswa. Kata kunci: ice breaker, eksperimen, respon Abstract This study aims to identify study result of the students and response students against a method of ice breaker on the learning process apply the rudiments of engineering digital This type of research is a research experiment, the subjects of the research are students of class X TAV SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik and the object of research is the application of methods of ice breaker in the learning process applying digital engineering basics, research instrument in the form of the now student response and questions (post test) test, the test method used to determine student learning outcomes and methods used now to find out how the students responses follow the learning process by using the method of the ice breaker. The result showed that: 1) study result of the students, where on class experiment is 94,11 % and to that class of control is 50 %, thus families of of a class of ekperimen better of a class of control of 44,11 %.The result of families of post test if have adaptable with guidelines classical completeness (KK) in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik, namely by provisions > 75 % thus study result of the student grade X TAV SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik by the application of ice breaker can be expressed been solved by the percentage of families of 94,11 %. 2) the value of intermediate answer response graders X TAV SMK  Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik, the number of students who chose answer couldn't agree (SS) is 54,11 %, agree (S) is 37,35 % and neutral (N) is 8,52 percent of students thus a method of ice breaking in the process of learning the rudiments of the technique of applying digital responded positively by the students. Key words: ice breaker, the experiment, the respons

    A review on noise suppression and aberration compensation in holographic particle image velocimetry

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    Understanding three-dimensional (3D) fluid flow behaviour is undeniably crucial in improving performance and efficiency in a wide range of applications in engineering and medical fields. Holographic particle image velocimetry (HPIV) is a potential tool to probe and characterize complex flow dynamics since it is a truly three-dimensional three-component measurement technique. The technique relies on the coherent light scattered by small seeding particles that are assumed to faithfully follow the flow for subsequent reconstruction of the same the event afterward. However, extraction of useful 3D displacement data from these particle images is usually aggravated by noise and aberration which are inherent within the optical system. Noise and aberration have been considered as major hurdles in HPIV in obtaining accurate particle image identification and its corresponding 3D position. Major contributions to noise include zero-order diffraction, out-of-focus particles, virtual image and emulsion grain scattering. Noise suppression is crucial to ensure that particle image can be distinctly differentiated from background noise while aberration compensation forms particle image with high integrity. This paper reviews a number of HPIV configurations that have been proposed to address these issues, summarizes the key findings and outlines a basis for follow-on research

    Aberration compensation of holographic particle images using digital holographic microscopy

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    Characterisation of small and large-scale vortices in turbulent flows demands a system with high spatial resolution. The measurement of high spatial resolution, three-dimensional vector displacements in fluid mechanics using holography, is usually hampered by aberration. Aberration poses some problems in particle image identification due to low fidelity of real image reconstruction. Phase mismatch between the recording and the reconstruction waves was identified as the main source of aberration in this study. This paper demonstrates how aberration compensation can be achieved by cross-correlating the complex amplitude of an aberrated reconstructed object with the phase conjugate of a known reference object in the plane of the hologram (frequency space). Results favourably show significant increase in Strehl ratio and suppression of background noise that are more pronounced for particle images of 10 and 5 microns. It is clear from the work conducted that wavefront aberration measurement and compensation of holographic microscopic objects are now possible with the use of a variant digital holographic microscop

    An experimental investigation of three-dimensional particle aggregation using digital holographic microscopy

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    The tendency of particles to aggregate depends on particle-particle and particle-fluid interactions. These interactions can be characterized but it requires accurate 3D measurements of particle distributions. We introduce the application of an off-axis digital holographic microscopy for measuring distributions of dense micrometer (2 μm) particles in a liquid solution. We demonstrate that digital holographic microscopy is capable of recording the instantaneous 3D position of particles in a flow volume. A new reconstruction method that aids identification of particle images was used in this work. About 62% of the expected number of particles within the interrogated flow volume was detected. Based on the 3D position of individual particles, the tendency of particle to aggregate is investigated. Results show that relatively few particles (around 5–10 of a cohort of 1500) were aggregates. This number did not change significantly with time

    Numerical Analysis Of Swirl Intensity In Turbulent Swirling Pipe Flows

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    Swirling flows are often observed in nature such as weather systems, cyclones and tornados. A number of applications use swirling nature of flow for enhanced mixing, heat transport and other transport phenomena. Naturally occurring swirls as well as induced swirls are often usually turbulent in nature. Understanding the flow physics of turbulent swirling flow is important for better understanding and control of processes involving swirling flows. With the increase of computational resources and advancements in turbulent flow modelling, it is now possible to simulate highly complex flow structures. Here turbulent swirling flow induced by guide vanes is studied using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations in a two-dimensional axisymmetric channel. The results for the variation of velocity components are compared with the work of an earlier research. The results are initially compared for the evaluation of best discretisation scheme. It was observed that the second-order and third-order schemes produced similar results. To simulate the turbulent flow two equations (k-ε) model and the five equations Reynolds Stress Model (RSM) are used. The comparison of both models with higher order discretisation schemes shows that the standard k-ε model is incapable of predicting the main features of the flow whilst RSM yields result close to the experimental data


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hasil belajar siswa dan respon siswa terhadap metode ice breaker pada proses pembelajaran menerapkan dasar-dasar teknik digital. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen, subyek penelitianadalah siswa kelas X TAV SMK Muhammadiyah1 Gresik dan obyek penelitian adalah penerapan metode ice breaker dalam proses pembelajaran menerapkan dasar-dasar teknik digital, instrumen penelitian berupa angket respon siswa dan soal tes (post test), metode tes digunakan untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa dan metode angket digunakan untuk mengetahui bagaimana respon siswa dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode ice breaker. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa:1) hasil belajar siswa, dimana pada kelas eksperimen adalah 94,11% dan pada kelas kontrol adalah 50%, dengan demikian KK dari dari kelas ekperimen lebih baik dari kelas kontrol sebesar 44,11%. Hasil KK dari post test apabila di sesuaikan dengan pedoman ketuntasan klasikal (KK) di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik, yaitu dengan ketentuan ≥ 75% dengan demikian hasil belajar siswa kelas X TAV SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik dengan penerapan ice breaker dapat dinyatakan tuntas dengan persentase KK sebesar 94,11%. 2) nilai rata rata  jawaban respon siswa kelas X TAV SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik, jumlah siswa yang memilih jawaban sangat setuju (SS) yaitu 54,11%, setuju (S) 37,35% dan netral (N) 8,52% siswa dengan demikian metode ice breaker dalam proses pembelajaran menerapkan dasar-dasar teknik digital mendapatkan respon positif dari siswa. Kata kunci: ice breaker, eksperimen, respon Abstract This study aims to identify study result of the students and response students against a method of ice breaker on the learning process apply the rudiments of engineering digital This type of research is a research experiment, the subjects of the research are students of class X TAV SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik and the object of research is the application of methods of ice breaker in the learning process applying digital engineering basics, research instrument in the form of the now student response and questions (post test) test, the test method used to determine student learning outcomes and methods used now to find out how the students responses follow the learning process by using the method of the ice breaker. The result showed that: 1) study result of the students, where on class experiment is 94,11 % and to that class of control is 50 %, thus families of of a class of ekperimen better of a class of control of 44,11 %.The result of families of post test if have adaptable with guidelines classical completeness (KK) in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik, namely by provisions > 75 % thus study result of the student grade X TAV SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik by the application of ice breaker can be expressed been solved by the percentage of families of 94,11 %. 2) the value of intermediate answer response graders X TAV SMK  Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik, the number of students who chose answer couldn't agree (SS) is 54,11 %, agree (S) is 37,35 % and neutral (N) is 8,52 percent of students thus a method of ice breaking in the process of learning the rudiments of the technique of applying digital responded positively by the students. Key words: ice breaker, the experiment, the respons

    Medicinal formulations of a Kanda tribal healer – a tribe on the verge of disappearance in Bangladesh

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    The Kanda tribe is one of the lesser known small tribes of Bangladesh with an estimated population of about 1700 people (according to them), and on the verge of extinction as a separate entity. To some extent, they have assimilated with the surrounding mainstream Bengali-speaking population, but they still maintain their cultural practices including traditional medicinal practices, for which they have their own tribal healers. Nothing at all has been documented thus far about their traditional medicinal practices and formulations, which are on the verge of disappearance. The Kanda tribe can be found only in scattered tea gardens of Sreemangal in Sylhet district of Bangladesh; dispersion of the tribe into small separated communities isalso contributing to the fast losing of traditional medicinal practices. The objective of the present study was to conduct an ethnomedicinal survey among the traditional healers of the Kanda tribe (in fact, only one such healer was found after extensive searches). Information was collected from the healer with the help of a semi-structured questionnaire and the guided field-walk method. A total of 24 formulations were obtained from the healer containing 34 plants including two plants, which could not beidentified. Besides medicinal plants, the Kanda healer also used the body hairs of the Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus) and bats (Pteropus giganteus giganteus) in one of his formulation for treatment of fever with shivering. The ailments treated by the Kanda healer were fairly common ailments like cuts and wounds, skin diseases, helminthiasis, fever,  respiratory problems (coughs, asthma), gastrointestinal disorders (stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea), burning sensations during urination, various types of pain (headache, body ache, toothache, ear ache), conjunctivitis, poisonous snake, insect or reptile bites, jaundice, andbone fractures. A number of important drugs in allopathic medicine like quinine, artemisinin, and morphine (to name only a few) have been discovered from observing indigenous medicinal practices. From that view point, the formulations used by the Kanda healer merit scientific studies for their potential in the discovery of cheap and effective new drugs. Scientific validation of the medicinal formulations of the Kanda healer can also be effective for treatment of ailments among this tribe, which does not have or does not want to have any contact with modern medicine

    Automatic Probe Movement Guidance for Freehand Obstetric Ultrasound

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    We present the first system that provides real-time probe movement guidance for acquiring standard planes in routine freehand obstetric ultrasound scanning. Such a system can contribute to the worldwide deployment of obstetric ultrasound scanning by lowering the required level of operator expertise. The system employs an artificial neural network that receives the ultrasound video signal and the motion signal of an inertial measurement unit (IMU) that is attached to the probe, and predicts a guidance signal. The network termed US-GuideNet predicts either the movement towards the standard plane position (goal prediction), or the next movement that an expert sonographer would perform (action prediction). While existing models for other ultrasound applications are trained with simulations or phantoms, we train our model with real-world ultrasound video and probe motion data from 464 routine clinical scans by 17 accredited sonographers. Evaluations for 3 standard plane types show that the model provides a useful guidance signal with an accuracy of 88.8% for goal prediction and 90.9% for action prediction.Comment: Accepted at the 23rd International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2020
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