365 research outputs found

    Red supergiant star studies with CO5BOLD and Optim3D

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    We describe recent work focused towards a better understanding of red supergiant stars using 3D radiative-hydrodynamics (RHD) simulations with CO5BOLD. A small number of simulations now exist that span up to seven years of stellar time, at various numerical resolutions. Our discussion concentrates on interferometric and spectroscopic observations. We point out a number of problems, in particular the line depth and line width that are not well reproduced by simulations. The most recent introduction of a non-grey treatment of the radiation field dramatically improved the match with observations, without solving all difficulties. We also review the newly revived effective temperature scale controversy, and argue that it will only be solved using 3D RHD models.Comment: To be published on the proceedings of the CO5BOLD workshop 2012 on Memorie della SAIt Supplementi, Vol. 24, E. Caffau & L. Sbordone eds. (http://www.lsw.uni-heidelberg.de/co5bold/workshop/

    Atmospheric dynamics of red supergiant stars and applications to Interferometry

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    We have written a 3D radiative transfer code that computes emerging spectra and intensity maps. We derive from radiative hydrodynamic (RHD) simulations of RSG stars carried out with CO5BOLD (Freytag et al. 2002) observables expected for red supergiant stars (RSG) especially for interferometric observations, with emphasis on small scale structures. We show that the convection-related surface structures are detectable in the H band with today's interferometers and that the diameter measurement should not be too dependent on the adopted model. The simulations are a great improvement over parametric models for the interpretation of interferometric observations.Comment: 6 pages, SF2A 2007 conferenc

    New ATLAS9 And MARCS Model Atmosphere Grids for the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE)

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    We present a new grid of model photospheres for the SDSS-III/APOGEE survey of stellar populations of the Galaxy, calculated using the ATLAS9 and MARCS codes. New opacity distribution functions were generated to calculate ATLAS9 model photospheres. MARCS models were calculated based on opacity sampling techniques. The metallicity ([M/H]) spans from -5 to 1.5 for ATLAS and -2.5 to 0.5 for MARCS models. There are three main differences with respect to previous ATLAS9 model grids: a new corrected H2O linelist, a wide range of carbon ([C/M]) and alpha element [alpha/M] variations, and solar reference abundances from Asplund et al. 2005. The added range of varying carbon and alpha element abundances also extends the previously calculated MARCS model grids. Altogether 1980 chemical compositions were used for the ATLAS9 grid, and 175 for the MARCS grid. Over 808 thousand ATLAS9 models were computed spanning temperatures from 3500K to 30000K and log g from 0 to 5, where larger temperatures only have high gravities. The MARCS models span from 3500K to 5500K, and log g from 0 to 5. All model atmospheres are publically available online.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Optical and near-infrared spectrophotometric properties of Long Period Variables and other luminous red stars

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    Based on a new and large sample of optical and near-infrared spectra obtained at the Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories (Lancon & Wood 1998; Lancon & Wood, in preparation), spectrophotometric properties of cool oxygen- and carbon-rich Long Period Variables and supergiants are presented. Temperatures of oxygen-rich stars are assigned by comparison with synthetic spectra computed from up-to-date oxygen-rich model atmosphere grids. The existence of reliable optical and near-infrared temperature indicators is investigated. A narrow relation between the bolometric correction BC(I) and the broad-band colour I-J is obtained for oxygen-rich cool stars. The ability of specific near-infrared indices to separate luminosity classes, atmospheric chemistry or variability subtypes is discussed. Some comments are also given on extinction effects, water band strengths in Long Period Variables and the evaluation of 12CO/13CO ratio in red giants.Comment: 14 pages, 21 figures, Latex, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics main journal. Also available at http://www-astro.ulb.ac.be/~ralvarez

    Circumstellar effects on the Rb abundances in O-rich AGB stars

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    For the first time we explore the circumstellar effects on the Rb (and Zr) abundance determination in O-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars by considering the presence of a gaseous circumstellar envelope with a radial wind. A modified version of the spectral synthesis code Turbospectrum was used to deal with extended atmosphere models and velocity fields. The Rb and Zr abundances were determined from the resonant 7800A Rb I line and the 6474A ZrO bandhead, respectively, in five representative O-rich AGB stars with different expansion velocity and metallicity. By using our new dynamical models, the Rb I line profile (photospheric and circumstellar components) is very well reproduced. Interestingly, the derived Rb abundances are much lower (by 1-2 dex) in those O-rich AGB stars showing the higher circumstellar expansion velocities. The Zr abundances, however, remain close to the solar values. The Rb abundances and Rb/Zr ratios derived here significantly alleviate the problem of the present mismatch between the observations of intermediate-mass (4-8 solar masses) Rb-rich AGB stars and the AGB nucleosynthesis theoretical predictions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics Letters (7 pages, 5 figures, and 2 tables); final version (language corrected

    Envelope tomography of long-period variable stars: I. The Schwarzschild mechanism and the Balmer emission lines

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    This paper is the first one in a series devoted to the study of the dynamics of the atmospheres of long-period variable stars. Results from a two-month-long monitoring of the Mira variables RT Cyg and X Oph around maximum light with the ELODIE spectrograph at the Haute-Provence Observatory are presented. The monitoring covers phases 0.80 to 1.16 for RT Cyg and phases 0.83 to 1.04 for X Oph. The cross-correlation profile of the spectrum of RT Cyg with a K0 III mask confirms that the absorption lines of RT Cyg in the optical domain appear double around maximum light. No line doubling was found in the optical spectrum of X Oph around maximum light, indicating that this feature is not common to all long-period variables. This paper also presents the application to RT Cyg of a new tomographic technique deriving the velocity field across the atmosphere by cross-correlating the optical spectrum with numerical masks constructed from synthetic spectra and probing layers of increasing depths. This technique reveals that both the temporal evolution of the line doubling, and its variation with depth in the atmosphere of RT Cyg, are consistent with the ``Schwarzschild scenario''. This scenario relates the temporal evolution of the red and blue peaks of the double absorption lines to the progression of a shock wave in the atmosphere. The temporal evolution of the Balmer Halpha, H beta, Hgamma and Hdelta emission lines around maximum light is also presented for RT Cyg and X Oph. The velocity variations of Halpha and of the absorption lines are discussed in the framework of two competing models for the formation of Balmer emission lines in long-period variable stars.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, Latex, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics main journal. Also available at http://www-astro.ulb.ac.be/Html/ps.htm

    Potassium: a new actor on the globular cluster chemical evolution stage. The case of NGC 2808

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    We derive [K/Fe] abundance ratios for 119 stars in the globular cluster NGC 2808, all of them having O, Na, Mg and Al abundances homogeneously measured in previous works. We detect an intrinsic star-to-star spread in the Potassium abundance. Moreover [K/Fe] abundance ratios display statistically significant correlations with [Na/Fe] and [Al/Fe], and anti-correlations with [O/Fe] and [Mg/Fe]. All the four Mg deficient stars ([Mg/Fe]<0.0) discovered so far in NGC 2808 are enriched in K by ~0.3 dex with respect to those with normal [Mg/Fe]. NGC 2808 is the second globular cluster, after NGC 2419, where a clear Mg-K anti-correlation is detected, albeit of weaker amplitude. The simultaneous correlation/anti-correlation of [K/Fe] with all the light elements usually involved in the chemical anomalies observed in globular cluster stars, strongly support the idea that these abundance patterns are due to the same self-enrichment mechanism that produces Na-O and Mg-Al anti-correlations. This finding suggests that detectable spreads in K abundances may be typical in the massive globular clusters where the self-enrichment processes are observed to produce their most extreme manifestations.Comment: Accepted for publication by ApJ, 5 pages, 3 figure

    Late-Type Red Supergiants: Too Cool for the Magellanic Clouds?

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    We have identified seven red supergiants (RSGs) in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and four RSGs in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), all of which have spectral types that are considerably later than the average type observed in their parent galaxy. Using moderate-resolution optical spectrophotometry and the MARCS stellar atmosphere models, we determine their physical properties and place them on the H-R diagram for comparison with the predictions of current stellar evolutionary tracks. The radial velocities of these stars suggest that they are likely all members of the Clouds rather than foreground dwarfs or halo giants. Their locations in the H-R diagram also show us that those stars are cooler than the current evolutionary tracks allow, appearing to the right of the Hayashi limit, a region in which stars are no longer in hydrodynamic equilibrium. These stars exhibit considerable variability in their V magnitudes, and three of these stars also show changes in their effective temperatures (and spectral types) on the time-scales of months. One of these stars, [M2002] SMC 055188, was caught in an M4.5 I state, as late as that seen in HV 11423 at its recent extreme: considerable later, and cooler, than any other supergiant in the SMC. In addition, we find evidence of variable extinction due to circumstellar dust and changes in the stars' luminosities, also consistent with our recent findings for HV 11423 - when these stars are hotter they are also dustier and more luminous. We suggest that these stars have unusual properties because they are in an unstable (and short-lived) evolutionary phase.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures; submitted to the Astrophysical Journa
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