1,116 research outputs found

    EpidemioloÅ”ki značaj određivanja olova, kadmija, bakra i cinka u kosi i trajnim zubima osoba koje žive u blizini topionice olova

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    In this paper the content of lead, cadmium, copper and zinc was analysed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (model Unicam SP 90), in the hair of 200 persons residing in the immediate vicinity (within a distance of 5 km) of a lead smeltery and in a control group of 200 persons living at a distance greater than 10 km from the main air pollution source. Statistically significant differences in the content of the metals were found, the probability range being 0.05-0.01. The concentration of lead, cadmium, copper and zinc in permanent teeth was also analysed in relation to the distance of the residence from the lead smeltery in a group of 111 persons living 1-5 km from it and in 23 persons living in the area 20 to 30 km away. The established differences were statistically significant for all analysed metals with the exception of zinc.Autori iznose rezultate merenja sadržaja olova, kadmija, bakra i cinka u 200 uzoraka kose muÅ”karaca i žena koji žive u blizini topionice olova i u uzorcima kose jednakog broja kontrolnih osoba koje žive daleko od topionice olova. Olovo, kadmij, bakar i cink određivani su atomskom apsorpcijskom spektrofotometrijom. Nađene su značajne razlike u koncentraciji ispitivanih metala između eksponirane i kontrolne skupine (p<0,05 i p<0,01). Koncentracije olova, kadmija, bakra i cinka merene su i u trajnim zubima 111 osoba koje žive u blizini topionice kao i u zubima 23 kontrolne osobe koje žive daleko od topionice. I u ovim su uzorcima utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u koncentracijama svih metala osim cinka između dviju ispitivanih grupa

    Interface solitons in locally linked two-dimensional lattices

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    Existence, stability and dynamics of soliton complexes, centered at the site of a single transverse link connecting two parallel 2D (two-dimensional) lattices, are investigated. The system with the on-site cubic self-focusing nonlinearity is modeled by the pair of discrete nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equations linearly coupled at the single site. Symmetric, antisymmetric and asymmetric complexes are constructed by means of the variational approximation (VA) and numerical methods. The VA demonstrates that the antisymmetric soliton complexes exist in the entire parameter space, while the symmetric and asymmetric modes can be found below a critical value of the coupling parameter. Numerical results confirm these predictions. The symmetric complexes are destabilized via a supercritical symmetry-breaking pitchfork bifurcation, which gives rise to stable asymmetric modes. The antisymmetric complexes are subject to oscillatory and exponentially instabilities in narrow parametric regions. In bistability areas, stable antisymmetric solitons coexist with either symmetric or asymmetric ones.Comment: 9 figure

    The cycles of revolution: how Wegener and Milanković changed the earth sciences

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    The year 1912 is annus mirabilis for Earth sciences. In two crucial papers Alfred Wegener and Milutin Milanković independently set up revolutionary theories based on far-reaching visions of continental drift and climate orbital forcing. Their contributions simultaneously did for the Earth sciences what the theory of evolution did for biology and what the theory of relativity did for physics. They provided Earth sciences with a comprehensive perspective of Earthā€™s dynamics in both astronomical and terrestrial terms, and revolutionized geology by abandoning the ideas of a climatologically self-sufficient Earth and unmovable continents ā€“ remnants of the old geocentric picture of the unmoving, centered Earth. In the secular sense they finally completed the heliocentric theory that was set up by Copernicus. This paper follows the strange synchronicity in their life and work cycles

    Models of spin-orbit coupled oligomers

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    We address the stability and dynamics of eigenmodes in linearly-shaped strings (dimers, trimers, tetramers, and pentamers) built of droplets of a binary Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). The binary BEC is composed of atoms in two pseudo-spin states with attractive interactions, dressed by properly arranged laser fields, which induce the (pseudo-) spin-orbit (SO) coupling. We demonstrate that the SO-coupling terms help to create eigenmodes of particular types in the strings. Dimer, trimer, and pentamer eigenmodes of the linear system, which correspond to the zero eigenvalue (EV, alias chemical potential) extend into the nonlinear ones, keeping an exact analytical form, while tetramers do not admit such a continuation, because the respective spectrum does not contain a zero EV. Stability areas of these modes shrink with the increasing nonlinearity. Besides these modes, other types of nonlinear states, which are produced by the continuation of their linear counterparts corresponding to some nonzero EVs, are found in a numerical form (including ones for the tetramer system). They are stable in nearly entire existence regions in trimer and pentamer systems, but only in a very small area for the tetramers. Similar results are also obtained, but not displayed in detail, for hexa- and septamers.Comment: Chaos, in pres

    Uticaj genotipa i perioda laktacije na količinu, fizičke i hemijske osobine ovčijeg mleka

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    Two genotype of sheep have been utilized in the conduct of the experiment composed of 60 ewes from Pirot x Virtemberg as genotype 1 and 60 ewes of Improved Pirot as genotype 2. All the ewes were reared under identical conditions and without any differences in nutrition and management during the whole period under study. The collection of Milk sampling was done in morning and evening during periods (1, 2, 3) of lactation duration. The average lactation duration and average total milk of the two genotypes were very close and has a minimal difference of 0.467 day and 1.562 kg, in favor of genotype 2. The differences between genotypes were not significant (P>0,05). Regarding physical and chemical properties of milk for both genotypes, the difference were very minimal such as follows; viscosity Pa x s - 0.006, electrical conductivity Ī© - 0.018, density kg/m3 -0,001, freezing, t 0C - 0.013, LD number - 0.028 total solids, % - 0.014, fat,% - 0,026, protein,% - 0.085, lactose,% - 0.038, ash,% - 0,021, acidity, 0SH - 0.209. The results indicated that the properties of milk for both genotypes were very near to each other. It can be interpreted that the breeds utilized in the experiment were comparable due to similar characteristics perhaps. The effect of genotype was very significant only for the % protein of the milk. The lactation periods were highly significant in all physical and chemical properties of milk.Istraživanja su obavljena kod dve rase ovaca i to 60 grla Pirotska x Virtemberg kao genotip 1 i 60 ovaca pirotske oplemenjene populacije, kao genotip 2. Sve životinje su držane u istim proizvodnim uslovima na farmi u Vrnjačkoj Banji. Prosečne vrednosti trajanja laktacije i mleka dobijenog u periodu laktacije su bile vrlo ujednačene, tako da nije utvrđen uticaj genotipa na ova svojstva. Takođe, razlike između fizičko hemijskih osobina mleka, u većini slučajeva su bile nesignifikantne. Uticaj genotipa kao fiksnog faktora je bio vrlo signifikantan samo kod sadržaja proteina u mleku ovaca (P (lt) 0.01). Međutim utvrđeno je da period laktacije ima vrlo signifikantan uticaj na sva posmatrana fizička i hemijska svojstva mleka

    No evidence that priming analytic thinking reduces belief in conspiracy theories:A Registered Report of high-powered direct replications of Study 2 and Study 4 from Swami, Voracek, Stieger, Tran, and Furnham (2014)

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    Analytic thinking is reliably associated with lower belief in conspiracy theories. However, evidence for whether increasing analytic thinking can reduce belief in conspiracies is sparse. As an exception to this, Swami et al. (2014) showed that priming analytical thinking through a verbal fluency task (i.e., scrambled sentence task) or a processing fluency manipulation (i.e., difficult-to-read fonts) reduced belief in conspiracy theories. To probe the robustness of these effects, in this Registered Report, we present two highly powered (i.e., 95%) direct replications of two of the original studies (i.e., Studies 2 and 4). We found no evidence that priming analytic thinking through the scrambled sentence task (NĀ =Ā 302), nor the difficult-to-read fonts (NĀ =Ā 488) elicited more analytic thinking, nor reduced belief in conspiracy theories. This work highlights the need for further research to identify effective ways of inducing analytic thinking in order to gauge its potential causal impact on belief in conspiracies

    Workplace bullying in Serbia: The relation of self-labeling and behavioral experience with job-related behaviors

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    Workplace bullying has been identified as a widespread problem in contemporary organizational research. The aim of the paper was to acquire theoretically based and comparable findings about workplace bullying in Serbia: to explore the behavioral experience and self-labeling approaches (applying the Negative Acts Questionnaire - Revised, NAQ-R) and their relationship with job-related behaviors. The sample comprised 1,998 employees. Prevalence rates of workplace bullying based on self-labeling and behavior experience approaches overlap significantly (70% of employees operationally identified as bullied had also labeled themselves as bullied). Both the self-labeling and behavioral experience approach showed significant correlations with job-related behaviors (perceived threat to a total job, absenteeism, intention to leave, and perceived productivity). Previously bullied, presently bullied and non-bullied employees differed significantly on all four job-related behaviors, with large effect size for the intention to leave and medium effect size for the perceived threat to a total job. The findings support combining self-labeling and behavioral experience approaches in workplace bullying research. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179018

    Usporedba internetskih i papir-olovka ispitivanja zadovoljstva poslom

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    Parallel to the rising availability and application of Web-based organizational research, the issue of its validity becomes increasingly important. The research was designed to reveal any existing differences in job satisfaction survey data gathered using Intranet and paper-and-pencil administration modes. A sample of employees in one large organization in Serbia (N = 1923), answered either Intranet (N = 425) or paper-based job satisfaction survey (N = 1498). A 50-item version of a Job Satisfaction Scale was highly reliable for both data collection techniques. There was a significant method effect on all the checked indicators: demographic characteristics of Intranet and paper sub-samples based (gender, age, length of service and educational level); proportion of missing answers (on items about job satisfaction and demographic data), satisfaction with specific items and dimensions of job satisfaction, as well as overall job satisfaction. Interaction effects of administration mode by gender, age, length of service and education were not significant. Results stress that before accepting Webbased organizational surveys as a new gold standard we need empirical evidence that Web-based data can be combined and/or compared with paper-based data.Usporedo sa sve većom dostupnosti i primjenom internetskih organizacijskih istraživanja, pitanje njihove valjanosti postaje sve važnije. Istraživanje je usmjereno na pitanje postoje li razlike u podacima o zadovoljstvu poslom prikupljenih pomoćuintraneta i papir-olovka upitnika. Uzorak su činili zaposlenici velike tvrtke u Srbiji (N = 1923), koji su odgovorili na upitnike pomoću intraneta (N = 425) ili papir-olovka upitnika (N = 1498). Ljestvica zadovoljstva poslom od 50 čestica pokazala se visokopouzdanom za obje metode prikupljanja podataka. Utvrđen je značajan utjecaj metode na sve označene pokazatelje: sastav intranet i papir-olovka poduzoraka na temelju spola, dobi, staža i obrazovanja; udio neodgovorenih pitanja (na česticama o zadovoljstvu poslom i demografskim podacima), zadovoljstvo s određenim facetama (česticama) i dimenzijama zadovoljstva poslom te ukupno zadovoljstvo poslom. Interakcijski pokazatelji za spol, dob, staž i razinu obrazovanja u obje skupine nisu bili značajni. Rezultati upućuju na potrebu za jasnim rezultatima o mogućnostima generalizacije takvih upitnika prije njihova postavljanja kao standarda ispitivanja
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