315 research outputs found

    The effect of grading the atomic number at resistive guide element interface on magnetic collimation

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    Using 3 dimensional numerical simulations, this paper shows that grading the atomic number and thus the resistivity at the interface between an embedded high atomic number guide element and a lower atomic number substrate enhances the growth of a resistive magnetic field. This can lead to a large integrated magnetic flux density, which is fundamental to confining higher energy fast electrons. This results in significant improvements in both magnetic collimation and fast-electron-temperature uniformity across the guiding. The graded interface target provides a method for resistive guiding that is tolerant to laser pointing

    Enhancing relativistic electron beam propagation through the use of graded resistivity guides

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    We show, using three dimensional hybrid particle-in-cell simulations, that fast electron transport is improved in a resistive guide when using a linear decreasing gradient in the resistivity between the guide and substrate. We observe increased heating-at-depth along the guide and significantly reduced heating inhomogeneity. These improvements result from an increase in the width of the collimating magnetic field, improving fast electron confinement and limiting the growth of magnetic fields in the interior of the guide

    Study of relativistic electron beam production and transport in high-intensity laser interaction with a wire target by integrated LSP modeling

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    The results of a numerical study of high-intensity short-pulse laser interaction with wire targets are presented. Fast electron production and transport in solid density plasma is modeled using the implicit hybrid particle-in-cell code LSP [D. R. Welch et al., Phys. Plasmas 13, 063105 (2006)]. These simulations were performed with realistic target size and laser parameters and over times much longer than the laser pulse. Nonlinear interaction processes, i.e., microchanneling and density steepening, have been observed. The spectrum of the relativistic electrons produced has a reduced slope temperature compared to that predicted by ponderomotive scaling. Preformed underdense plasma has been found to bottleneck fast electrons due to the intense magnetic fields generated near the critical surface. In a thin long wire target, the overall propagation length of the fast electrons is about 160 mu m; however, surface fields guide a small fraction of electrons to longer distances. These results are in good agreement with the experiments and have demonstrated that the modeling of electron transport relevant to fast ignition can be pursued in an integrated manner. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics

    Evaluation of fatigue damage in steel structural components by magnetoelastic Barkhausen signal analysis

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    This paper is concerned with using a magnetic technique for the evaluation of fatigue damage in steel structural components. It is shown that Barkhausen effect measurements can be used to indicate impending failure due to fatigue under certain conditions. The Barkhausen signal amplitude is known to be highly sensitive to changes in density and distribution of dislocations in materials. The sensitivity of Barkhausen signal amplitude to fatigue damage has been studied in the low‐cycle fatigue regime using smooth tensile specimens of a medium strength steel. The Barkhausen measurements were taken at depths of penetration of 0.02, 0.07, and 0.2 mm. It was found that changes in magnetic properties are sensitive to microstructural changes taking place at the surface of the material throughout the fatigue life. The changes in the Barkhausen signals have been attributed to distribution of dislocations in stage I and stage II of fatigue life and the formation of a macrocrack in the final stage of fatigue

    Laboratory measurements of resistivity in warm dense plasmas relevant to the microphysics of brown dwarfs

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    Since the observation of the first brown dwarf in 1995, numerous studies have led to a better understanding of the structures of these objects. Here we present a method for studying material resistivity in warm dense plasmas in the laboratory, which we relate to the microphysics of brown dwarfs through viscosity and electron collisions. Here we use X-ray polarimetry to determine the resistivity of a sulphur-doped plastic target heated to Brown Dwarf conditions by an ultra-intense laser. The resistivity is determined by matching the plasma physics model to the atomic physics calculations of the measured large, positive, polarization. The inferred resistivity is larger than predicted using standard resistivity models, suggesting that these commonly used models will not adequately describe the resistivity of warm dense plasma related to the viscosity of brown dwarfs

    Investigating behavioural and computational approaches for defining imprecise regions

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    People often communicate with reference to informally agreedplaces, such as β€œthe city centre”. However, views of the spatial extent of such areas may vary, resulting in imprecise regions. We compare perceptions of Sheffield’s City Centre from a street survey to extents derived from various web-based sources. Such automated approaches have advantages of speed, cost and repeatability. We show that footprints from web sources are often in concordance with models derived from more labour-intensive methods. Notable exceptions however were found with sources advertising or selling residential property. Agreement between sources was measured by aggregating them to identify locations of consensus

    Adults' Awareness of Faces Follows Newborns' Looking Preferences

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    From the first days of life, humans preferentially orient towards upright faces, likely reflecting innate subcortical mechanisms. Here, we show that binocular rivalry can reveal face detection mechanisms in adults that are surprisingly similar to inborn face detection mechanism. We used continuous flash suppression (CFS), a variant of binocular rivalry, to render stimuli invisible at the beginning of each trial and measured the time upright and inverted stimuli needed to overcome such interocular suppression. Critically, specific stimulus properties previously shown to modulate looking preferences in neonates similarly modulated adults' awareness of faces presented during CFS. First, the advantage of upright faces in overcoming CFS was strongly modulated by contrast polarity and direction of illumination. Second, schematic patterns consisting of three dark blobs were suppressed for shorter durations when the arrangement of these blobs respected the face-like configuration of the eyes and the mouth, and this effect was modulated by contrast polarity. No such effects were obtained in a binocular control experiment not involving CFS, suggesting a crucial role for face-sensitive mechanisms operating outside of conscious awareness. These findings indicate that visual awareness of faces in adults is governed by perceptual mechanisms that are sensitive to similar stimulus properties as those modulating newborns' face preferences

    Advantage of Hole Stimulus in Rivalry Competition

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    Mounting psychophysical evidence suggests that early visual computations are sensitive to the topological properties of stimuli, such as the determination of whether the object has a hole or not. Previous studies have demonstrated that the hole feature took some advantages during conscious perception. In this study, we investigate whether there exists a privileged processing for hole stimuli during unconscious perception. By applying a continuous flash suppression paradigm, the target was gradually introduced to one eye to compete against a flashed full contrast Mondrian pattern which was presented to the other eye. This method ensured that the target image was suppressed during the initial perceptual period. We compared the initial suppressed duration between the stimuli with and without the hole feature and found that hole stimuli required less time than no-hole stimuli to gain dominance against the identical suppression noise. These results suggest the hole feature could be processed in the absence of awareness, and there exists a privileged detection of hole stimuli during suppressed phase in the interocular rivalry
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