11,465 research outputs found

    Characteristics of six new para-fluorophenylalanine resistant loci of Aspergillus nidulans.

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    Characteristics of six new para-fluorophenylalanine resistant loci of Aspergillus nidulans

    Modular networks emerge from multiconstraint optimization

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    Modular structure is ubiquitous among complex networks. We note that most such systems are subject to multiple structural and functional constraints, e.g., minimizing the average path length and the total number of links, while maximizing robustness against perturbations in node activity. We show that the optimal networks satisfying these three constraints are characterized by the existence of multiple subnetworks (modules) sparsely connected to each other. In addition, these modules have distinct hubs, resulting in an overall heterogeneous degree distribution.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; Published versio

    Wall jet analysis for circulation control aerodynamics. Part 1: Fundamental CFD and turbulence modeling concepts

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    An overview of parabolic and PNS (Parabolized Navier-Stokes) methodology developed to treat highly curved sub and supersonic wall jets is presented. The fundamental data base to which these models were applied is discussed in detail. The analysis of strong curvature effects was found to require a semi-elliptic extension of the parabolic modeling to account for turbulent contributions to the normal pressure variations, as well as an extension to the turbulence models utilized, to account for the highly enhanced mixing rates observed in situations with large convex curvature. A noniterative, pressure split procedure is shown to extend parabolic models to account for such normal pressure variations in an efficient manner, requiring minimal additional run time over a standard parabolic approach. A new PNS methodology is presented to solve this problem which extends parabolic methodology via the addition of a characteristic base wave solver. Applications of this approach to analyze the interaction of wave and turbulence processes in wall jets is presented

    Determining the antioxidant activity of certain medicinal plants of Attapady, (Palakkad), India using DPPH assay

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    Cellular damage or oxidative injury arising from free radicals or reactive oxygen species (ROS) now appears the fundamental mechanism underlying a number of human neurodegenerative disorders, diabetes, inflammation, viral infections, autoimmune pathologies and digestive system disorders. Free radicals are generated through normal metabolism of drugs, environmental chemicals and other xenobiotics as well as endogenous chemicals, especially stress hormones (adrenalin and noradrenalin). Accumulated evidence suggests that ROS can be scavenged through chemoprevention utilizing natural antioxidant compounds present in foods and medicinal plants. India is blessed with enormous biodiversity resources, but plagued with several diseases, including those with ROS as the etiological factor. In this study the antioxidant activity and radical scavenging activity of methanolic extracts of selected plant materials, traditionally used by the tribes of Attapady regions as folk remedies was evaluated against 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical.  Cassia occidentalis, Clitoria ternatea, Trianthema decandra, Capparis zeylanica, Anisomeles malabarica and  Plumbago zeylanica exhibited strong antioxidant activity as compared to other plants. Trianthema decandra showed the highest antioxidant activity. The present study reveals that these plants are of therapeutic potential due to their high free-radical scavenging activity

    Domain inhibition linked low activity of Phe-tRNA synthetase for para-fluorophenylalanine in a mutant of Aspergillus nidulans

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    A number of different mechanisms for p-fluorophenylalanine (FPA) resistance have been described in Aspergillus nidulans. We present data on a new locus for FPA resistance and its biochemical change. Before this report, 20 FPA resistant loci conferring resistance to this amino acid analogue have been identified by us (Tiwary et al. 1987 Curr. Microbiol. 15:305-311) and two by Kinghorn and Pateman (1975 J. Gen. Microbiol. 86:174-184). These mutations have been mapped on five out of eight linkage groups of A. nidulans, there being no report of any mapping of FPA resistant loci on linkage groups III,IV or VII. A new class of FPA resistant mutants exhibiting a reduced level of phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase was identified in a selection scheme using nitrate as the nitrogen source (Tiwary et al. 1987 Mol. Gen. Genet. 209:164-169). We have slightly modified the technique for the selection of analogue resistant mutants by substituting aspartic acid (25 mM) for sodium nitrate (0.6%) as the nitrogen source in the Czapek-Dox medium in the presence of 30 mg/ml FPA. A higher rate of survival was found on medium containing aspartate than nitrate

    Coupling of Transport and Chemical Processes in Catalytic Combustion

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    Catalytic combustors have demonstrated the ability to operate efficiently over a much wider range of fuel air ratios than are imposed by the flammability limits of conventional combustors. Extensive commercial use however needs the following: (1) the design of a catalyst with low ignition temperature and high temperature stability, (2) reducing fatigue due to thermal stresses during transient operation, and (3) the development of mathematical models that can be used as design optimization tools to isolate promising operating ranges for the numerous operating parameters. The current program of research involves the development of a two dimensional transient catalytic combustion model and the development of a new catalyst with low temperature light-off and high temperature stablity characteristics
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