181 research outputs found


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    An integrated place-based approach for the improvement of territorial and social cohesion is the new instance for planning disciplines, coming from EU New Cohesion Policies. This paper considers the territorial impact assessment of regional development policies as a precondition in order to develop balanced and effective operative programs at national and regional levels. The contribution of 'open data' appears to be mature in order to support this application and in this paper we present a spatial analysis technique for the evaluation of EU funds effects at territorial level, starting from open data by Open Cohesion. The application is focused on internal areas of Basilicata Region: Agri river Valley. A complex contest, where environmental and agricultural traditional vocations conflict with a recent development of oil extraction industries. Conclusions concern further applications and perspectives to improve and support regional development planning considering the exploitation of open data sources and spatial analysis

    Figurative Language: How is it Used in Basal Readings?

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    How much attention do editors of basal readers give to figurative language? What is the most common figure of speech found in basal readers? What is the least common figure of speech bound in basal readers? These were the questions the authors sought to answer through their research

    Integrated Assessment of the Anthropic Pressure Level on Natural Water Bodies: The Case Study of the Noce River (Basilicata, Italy)

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    Fragmentation is a phenomenon that involves the transformation of large patches of natural habitats into smaller ones (fragments) that tend to be isolated from the originals. In this case, the degree of environmental fragmentation of the Noce River in the Basilicata region (Italy) will be analysed. Following the installation of hydroelectric plants, the river has undergone such alterations that it has been classified as a Heavily Modified Water Body (HMWB). Environmental fragmentation is caused not only by soil sealing, which causes the loss and subsequent fragmentation of natural patches, but can also be caused by major changes in natural patches. In the case of a territory crossed by a watercourse, these patches may be subject to changes in the natural course of the river or in the vegetation present close to it. The aim of this work is to calculate, through GIS applications, the level of fragmentation of the adjacent area surrounding the water body along which there are several hydroelectric plants. Through a change detection in 2006, 2013 and 2018, metric and biodiversity indicators will be calculated to define the level of anthropic pressure of the water body. The results reveal that the variation of the calculated indices, both for landscape metrics and diversity indices, concerned “natural” land use classes, whose variation caused fragmentation of natural patches by changing the shape of the water body

    Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis for New FUA Inner Strategic Asset: A Case Study of the Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy

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    Functional urban areas represent integrated urban contexts whose territories are economically interconnected. They, therefore, include a central city and all the municipalities that make up the commuting area for work reasons. The economic energies and settlement transformations that characterize these territories have been consolidated over time. The current geographic conformation, as defined today, does not provide information on each municipality's rank (role) in the overall functioning. In this perspective, the work presented examines the demographic and urban dynamics that have affected the FUA of Milan in the last 60 years and then evaluates the presence of possible homogeneous geographic clusters (hot and cold spots) through spatial correlation techniques. Statistic validation was performed through the ANOVA and subsequent posthoc analysis (Tukey-Kramer method). Results show a new configurational asset within the FUA of Milan, which could provide a new key to interpreting the territory, aimed at identifying homogeneous areas to adopt new and more effective forms of strategic planning

    Border Tourism Development Strategies in Kaleybar Compared to Regional Rivals

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    A richness of tourism attractions has given Iran global importance within its border. Iran is a country with a huge cultural heritage, and is rich in historical monuments from different eras. The variety and diversity of cultural symbols allows tourists traveling in Iran to experience the cultures of other countries. The border areas of the country are therefore becoming increasingly attractive for tourism due to their distinctive social, economic and political position and the presence of many historical and natural attractions. This study analyzes border tourism in Kaleybar city using a descriptive-analytical method with a Meta-SWOT model (new strategic planning tool), with the final goal of economic development and the improvement of the welfare of the people. Through a literature review, the current and future capabilities and challenges of the county of Kaleybar as a border city are examined, and future goals and ways to achieve them have been developed using the opinions of experts and scholars via the Delphi technique. For this purpose, the Meta-SWOT model has been used. Meta-SWOT is based on resource-based theory (RBV). Data collection has been done several times using the opinions of 39 experts. After analyzing the conditions and recognizing and determining the capacities and skills of Kaleybar and its regional rivals, the results of the research show that the most important advantage of Kaleybar city concerns the existence of many attractions of a natural character. A higher strategic suitability is also ensured by the presence of parks and coastal sidewalks that attract important internal and foreign investments in this region. On the other hand, the component of political and governmental factors in attracting foreign tourists has the highest effective power, and the component of attention to integrated management in the field of tourism in the country has the highest degree of urgency

    Analysis of the Effect of Soil Erosion in Abandoned Agricultural Areas: The Case of NE Area of Basilicata Region (Southern Italy)

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    Land abandonment is among the most complex la nd use change processes driven by a multiplicity of anthropogenic and natural factors, such as agricultural over-exploitation, implementation of agricultural policies, socio-economic and climatic aspects. Therefore, it is necessary to deepen the effects of land abandonment based on methodologies that are as multidisciplinary as possible. Environmental and social problems related to abandonment include soil erosion and environmental degradation. Approaches combining GIS (Geographic Information System), remote sensing, and image analysis techniques allow for assessments and predictions based on integrating theoretical models with advanced geospatial and geostatistical models. One of the most widely used models for soil erosion estimation is the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). The present work developed a model using remote sensing and GIS tools to investigate some factors of the RUSLE equation to evaluate the adverse effects of soil erosion in areas covered by arable crops and subsequently abandoned. To identify potentially degraded areas, two factors of the RUSLE were related: the C Factor describing the vegetation cover of the soil and the A Factor representing the amount of potential soil erosion. Through statistical correlation analysis with the RUSLE factors, based on the deviations from the average erosion values and mapping of the areas of vegetation degradation relating to arable land, the areas identified and mapped are susceptible to soil degradation

    Increasing urban walkability through citizens’ participation processes

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    The work is focused on the integration of space syntax analysis (SSA) in a process of participatory planning focused on a neighbourhood scale where the challenge of promoting pedestrian-friendly regeneration process is a bottom-up priority. The promotion of active mobility is one of the main themes of the urban regeneration project CAST operating on the western part of the city of Potenza (capital of the Basilicata region, Italy). Both the state of the art of the case study area and the potential effects of the intervention proposed on the basis of the participatory process have been assessed by SSA as a walkability assessment method. By measuring a street network’s syntactic parameters, it was possible to further enrich the cognitive framework relating to the current situa-tion and to simultaneously evaluate the effects (in terms of potential movement and social usage) deriving from design interventions. The paper presents a methodology to evaluate the urban pedestrian environment and to provide an insight for walking-related intervention and improvements in neighbourhood-scale planning, according to a participatory approach. The research, based on specific local characteristics, represents a transferable approach to supporting and informing policy-makers and designers engaged in inclusive and participative urban regeneration projects

    Smart cities in a smart world

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    Very often the concept of smart city is strongly related to the flourishing of mobile applications, stressing the technological aspects and a top-down approach of high-tech centralized control systems capable of resolving all the urban issues, completely forgetting the essence of a city with its connected problems. The real challenge in future years will be a huge increase in the urban population and the changes this will produce in energy and resource consumption. It is fundamental to manage this phenomenon with clever approaches in order to guarantee a better management of resources and their sustainable access to present and future generations. This chapter develops some considerations on these aspects, trying to insert the technological issues within a framework closer to planning and with attention to the social impact

    smart sustainable islands vs smart sustainable cities

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    This paper has several aims: a) the presentation of a critical analysis of the terms "smart sustainable cities" and "smart sustainable islands" b) the presentation of a number of principles towards to the development methodological framework of concepts and actions, in a form of a manual and actions guide, for the smartification and sustainability of islands. This kind of master plan is divided in thematic sectors (key factors) which concern the insular municipalities c) the creation of an island's smartification and sustainability index d) the first steps towards the creation of a portal for the presentation of our smartification actions manual, together with relative resources, smart applications examples, and, in the near future the first results of our index application in a number of Greek islands and e) the presentation of some proposals of possible actions towards their sustainable development and smartification for the municipalities - islands of Paros and Antiparos in Greece, as case studies
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