15 research outputs found

    Behavior change interventions and policies influencing primary healthcare professionals’ practice—an overview of reviews

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    <i>Bacillus subtilis</i> Lipid Extract, A Branched-Chain Fatty Acid Model Membrane

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    Lipid extracts are an excellent choice of model biomembrane; however at present, there are no commercially available lipid extracts or computational models that mimic microbial membranes containing the branched-chain fatty acids found in many pathogenic and industrially relevant bacteria. We advance the extract of <i>Bacillus subtilis</i> as a standard model for these diverse systems, providing a detailed experimental description and equilibrated atomistic bilayer model included as Supporting Information to this Letter and at (http://cmb.ornl.gov/members/cheng). The development and validation of this model represents an advance that enables more realistic simulations and experiments on bacterial membranes and reconstituted bacterial membrane proteins