2,533 research outputs found

    Project management practices for collaborative university-industry R&D: a hybrid approach

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    This paper aims to help stakeholders involved in collaborative university-industry R&D initiatives by presenting a hybrid project management (PM) approach, with a set of key distinct PM practices for this particular context. Collaborative university-industry R&D initiatives are usually organized as programs with a set of related projects associated. Therefore, a hybrid PM approach was developed based on a case study research strategy. During the large case study analysis two research methods were applied: participant observation and document analysis. The hybrid management approach was developed based on the contingency theory, which identifies a set of 24 Must Have PM practices, and that are transversal to all projects in the program as the program governance must have to be assured. Additionally, it identifies three different sets of Nice to Have PM practices, which are optional and are dependent on the particular project context and PM approach adopted by each project team: waterfall or agile. Overall 32 Nice to Have PM practices were identified, being 15 of them agile, 3 waterfall and the 14 remaining transversal to both agile and waterfall approaches.This research is sponsored by the Portugal Incentive System for Research and Technological Development. Project in co-promotion nº 002814/2015 (iFACTORY 2015-2018) and by the FCT (SFRH/BPD/111033/2015)

    Subocclusive transvenous approach of dural arteriovenous fistula

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    Introdução: As fístulas arteriovenosas durais (FAVd) são usualmente adquiridas e quando apresentam drenagem venosa cortical estão associadas a um risco elevado de hemorragia. Podem ser tratadas por embolização (transarterial ou transvenosa), cirurgicamente ou pela combinação das duas técnicas. A embolização por via transvenosa induz uma trombose iatrogénica do seio venoso, acarretando risco de enfarte venoso e/ou hemorragia. Objectivo: Rever os casos de FAVd do seio lateral submetidas a embolização transvenosa. O nosso principal objectivo é avaliar a eficácia e a morbilidade deste tipo de tratamento e o segundo é discutir as possíveis vantagens de uma abordagem suboclusiva na primeira sessão de tratamento. Resultados: Os autores apresentam seis casos clínicos de FAVd, cujas formas de apresentação foram: diminuição da acuidade visual (3); sopro pulsátil no ouvido (3); cefaleias (2); hemorragia subaracnoideia (1); hipoacusia subjectiva (1); edema da papila (1); défice motor (1). Angiograficamente: Cognard IIa (3), IIab (2) e IV (1), todas com envolvimento dos seios laterais. As principais aferências eram: ACE ipsilateral (6); ACI ipsilateral (6); AV ipsilateral (6); ACE contralateral (5); AV contralateral (5); ACI contralateral (3); ACP ipsilateral (1). O tratamento inicial foi sempre a abordagem transarterial, com resultados angiográficos aceitáveis, embora transitórios. Posteriormente optou-se pela via transvenosa com preenchimento do seio lateral com GDC coils. Em cinco dos doentes decidiu-se pela suboclusão, com persistência de algumas aferências. Em quatro, a angiografia subsequente demonstrou trombose “espontânea” do seio lateral com resolução clínica e angiográfica da doença. Num deles a trombose ocorreu ainda durante a sessão inicial. Todos os procedimentos decorreram sem complicações e nenhum dos doentes desenvolveu novos défices neurológicos focais. Conclusões: A abordagem transvenosa das FAVd obteve um sucesso técnico e clínico assinalável, sem presença de complicações. Pensamos que a suboclusão do seio venoso com coils poderá induzir menor alteração hemodinâmica aguda, possibilitando uma trombose mais lenta, diminuindo o risco de complicações, mas com resolução angiográfica ulterior da FAVd

    A digital tool to teach circular economy: An outlook about consumption module in DiGiTOOL to CE

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    This research aims to discuss which topics must be considered to develop an innovative online module course focused on consumption in the perspective of Circular Economy. The course itself will help Higher Education Institutions to implement digital education solution into their curricula. The Erasmus + DiGiTOOL_to_CE project - Inclusive Digital Education - a Tool to Understand Circular Economy includes European experts from Albania, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, and Portugal that are cocreating different modules on the subject. This process includes content development, e-course implementation, test on students and revision of the e-course module. The development of a comprehensive and coherent course, using a digital platform and including contributions from a diverse group of experts from different backgrounds and nationalities is a very complex task, especially with all the current travel and physical interactions restrictions related with COVID-19. It was thus necessary to use adequate platforms – as MIRO – and common templates for modules and storyboards, in apparel with a systematic interaction between all the members. This experience shows the potential to use all existing know-how and technological infrastructure for the development of the competencies in different research areas and improve our interaction skills in this international and mostly remote environment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    EFFECTS OF grape powder SUPPLEMENTATION ON INFLAMMATION IN hemodialysis patients.

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    Polyphenols and antioxidants anti-inflammatory have been considered pharmacological agents to combat oxidative stress in chronic diseases due the reduction in the formation of free radicals (FR). Hemodialysis (HD) patients have an imbalance between oxidant and antioxidant activity, with increased levels of FR and consequently an increase of lipid peroxidation, thereby raising the risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD). The beneficial health effects of grape juice or red wine for these patients have been attributed to the antioxidant activity of its polyphenols. Then, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of grape powder supplementation on inflammation and glutathione peroxidase levels in hemodialysis (HD) patients. Thirty-two HD patients from CIN, RJ, Brazil were studied and randomly into two groups: placebo group- PG (16 patients, 9 men, 52.7 ± 13.7 yrs) and experimental group EG (16 patients, 9 men, 53.0 ± 9.8 yrs). Each patient received 12g/day of powder grape with grape jelly or only grape jelly (placebo) during 5 weeks. The lipid profile, C-reactive protein (CRP) levels and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity were evaluated before and after supplementation (Table). The data suggest that the consumption of grape powder was effective to increase the activity of GPx and decreasing the progression the inflammation. Thus, our results indicate that grape powder plays an important role as an antioxidant agent in HD patients.Placebo GroupExperimental GroupBeforeAfterBeforeAfterCRP (mg/mL)2.6±0.22.8±0.2*2.6±0.22.6±0.2LDL-C86.3±38.894.4±34.380.5±25.082.9±22.1Total cholesterol154.6±44.9163.3±44.8143.9±29.2145.4±28.3GPx (U/g prot)17.5±9.829.1±30.719.7±20.341.0±27.7*⁎p<0.0

    Combined mediterranean diet-based sustainable healthy diet and multicomponent training intervention impact on plasma biomarkers and metabolome in older adults

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    Background and aims: Healthy dietary patterns and exercise practices have been associated with improved metabolic and inflammatory profiles. However, studies regarding the combined effect of these interventions on plasma biomarkers and metabolome in older adults are sparser. The primary aim of this study was to investigate the impact of a combined Mediterranean Diet-based Sustainable Healthy Diet (SHD) and Multicomponent Training (MT) intervention on the plasma biomarkers and metabolome and how dietary intake and exercise could modulate these effects. Methods: SHD intervention included a weekly supply of Mediterranean Diet-based SHD food and four nutrition sessions involving a Mediterranean-Diet culinary workshop, and the exercise program included 50-min MT group sessions, held three times a week, lasting both 12 weeks. Plasma biomarkers were obtained through standard biochemical analysis. A proton (1H) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy-based metabolomics approach was used to study the metabolome in blood plasma. Repeated measures ANOVA were performed and adjusted for confounders. Results: SHD + MT intervention significantly decreased HDL-C and calcium. SHD + MT showed some changes in common with the SHD and MT group, namely a significant decrease in citrate levels (p = 0.009 for SHD + MT; p = 0.037 for SHDT) and an increase in pyruvate (p < 0.001 for MT and SHD + MT). The SHD + MT group also revealed specific changes in the levels of some amino acids (decrease in alanine, glutamine and lysine: p = 0.026; p < 0.001; p = 0.038, respectively). Increases in formate (p = 0.025) and unsaturated lipids (p = 0.011) are consistent with changes in energy and lipoprotein metabolism. Conclusion: Our data show that a combined lifestyle intervention program, including a Mediterranean Diet-based SHD and MT, could modulate biomarker and metabolome and there seems to be a metabolic path associated to these interventions in older adults. Due to its wide-ranging relevance, it is pertinent to assess to what extent combined SHD and MT can contribute to better clinical profiles. © 2024 The AuthorsThis research was funded by national funds from Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), in the scope of the Research Centre for Physical Activity, Health, and Leisure of University of Porto, Portugal - CIAFEL (UIDB/00617/2020: https://doi.org/10.54499/UIDB/00617/2020 and UIDP/00617/2020: https://doi.org/10.54499/UIDP/00617/2020), Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of University of Porto (FCNAUP), Portugal, Public Health Institute of University of Porto (ISPUP), Portugal, Laboratory for Integrative and Translational Research in Population Health (iTR), Portugal (LA/P/0064/2020), Research Unit on Applied Molecular Biosciences (UCIBIO), Portugal (UIDP/04378/2020 and UIDB/04378/2020), Associate Laboratory Institute for Health and Bioeconomy (i4HB), Portugal (LA/P/0140/2020), and the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth, I. P., Portugal. PGP is supported by a research contract (under Scientific Employment Stimulus) - CEECINST/00108/2021/CP2794/CT0001 and JS by a PhD grant from FCT - SFRH/BD/146241/2019. This work had the support of a national food retailer chain - Jerónimo Martins SGPS, S.A. group – in the contribution to the food supplies provided in the study intervention

    Production and characterization of austenitic stainless steel cast parts reinforced with WC particles fabricated by ex situ technique

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    In this work, austenitic stainless steel specimens were locally reinforced with WC particles. The reinforcements were fabricated via an ex situ technique based on powder technology. Mixtures of WC, Fe, and M0101 binder were cold-pressed to obtain powder compacts. After debinding and sintering, the porous WC–Fe inserts were fixed in a mold cavity, where they reacted with liquid metal. Microstructural analysis was conducted for characterization of the phases constituting the produced reinforcement zone and the bonding interface. The results revealed that the reinforcement is a graded material with compositional and microstructural gradients throughout its thickness. The zone nearest to the surface has a ferrous matrix with homogeneously distributed WC particles and (Fe,W,Cr)6C and (Fe,W,Cr)3C carbides, formed from the liquid metal reaction with the insert. This precipitation leads to austenite destabilization, which transforms into martensite during cooling. A vast dissolution of the WC particles occurred in the inner zones, resulting in more intense carbides formation. Cr-rich carbides ((Fe,Cr,W)7C3, and (Fe,Cr,W)23C6) formed in the interdendritic regions of austenite; this zone is characterized by coarse dendrites of austenite and a multi-phase interdendritic network composed of carbides. An interface free of discontinuities and porosities indicates good bonding of the reinforcement zone to stainless steel.This research was funded by FEDER through the program P2020|COMPETE, Projetos em Copromoção (project POCI-01-0247-FEDER-033417), and the program P2020|Norte2020, Programas doutorais (NORTE-08-5369-FSE-000051)

    A study on a cast steel reinforced with WC-metal matrix composite

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    This study seeks to investigate the local reinforcement of low carbon cast steel specimens with WC–metal matrix composites (WC–MMCs), to obtain a new material effective in competing with hard alloy steels. For this purpose, a powder compact of tungsten carbide (WC) and iron (Fe) was prepared and placed in the mold cavity before casting. The reactions that occurred with the molten steel led to the formation of the WC–MMC and, consequently, to the local reinforcement of the steel. The microstructure of the WC–MMC reinforcement was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). The results showed a microstructural variation throughout the depth of the reinforcement. In the surface region, most of the original WC particles retain their polygonal morphology, but towards the base metal, the dissolution of the WC particles increased with the formation of (Fe,W)6C carbides. Closer to the base metal, dendritic eutectic carbides of (Fe,W)6C and fine (Fe,W)23C6 precipitates in a matrix of martensite were formed. The mechanical properties of the reinforcement were evaluated by hardness and ball-cratering abrasion tests. The results revealed a significant increase in hardness, being three times harder than the base metal, and a decrease of 39% in the wear rate.This research was funded by national funds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under project references UIDB/50022/2020 and UIDP/50022/2020 and by FEDER through program P2020|Norte2020, Programas doutorais (NORTE-08-5369-FSE-000051)