1,125 research outputs found

    The content of catecholamines in the adrenal glands and sections of the brain under hypokinesia and injection of some neurotropic agents

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    The dynamics of catecholamine content were studied in the adrenal glands and in various region of the brain of white rats under hypokinesia and injections of neurotropic agents. Profound changes in body catecholamine balance occured as a result of prolonged acute restriction of motor activity. Adrenalin retention increased and noradrenanalin retention decreased in the adrenal glands, hypothalamus, cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum and medulla oblongata. Observed alterations in catecholamine retention varied depending upon the type of neurotropic substance utilized. Mellipramine increased catecholamine retention in the tissues under observation while spasmolytin brought about an increase in adrenalin concentration in the adrenals and a decrease in the brain

    Modeling latent infection transmissions through biosocial stochastic dynamics

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    The events of the recent SARS-CoV-2 epidemics have shown the importance of social factors, especially given the large number of asymptomatic cases that effectively spread the virus, which can cause a medical emergency to very susceptible individuals. Besides, the SARS-CoV-2 virus survives for several hours on different surfaces, where a new host can contract it with a delay. These passive modes of infection transmission remain an unexplored area for traditional mean-field epidemic models. Here, we design an agent-based model for simulations of infection transmission in an open system driven by the dynamics of social activity; the model takes into account the personal characteristics of individuals, as well as the survival time of the virus and its potential mutations. A growing bipartite graph embodies this biosocial process, consisting of active carriers (host) nodes that produce viral nodes during their infectious period. With its directed edges passing through viral nodes between two successive hosts, this graph contains complete information about the routes leading to each infected individual. We determine temporal fluctuations of the number of exposed and the number of infected individuals, the number of active carriers and active viruses at hourly resolution. The simulated processes underpin the latent infection transmissions, contributing significantly to the spread of the virus within a large time window. More precisely, being brought by social dynamics and exposed to the currently existing infection, an individual passes through the infectious state until eventually spontaneously recovers or otherwise is moves to a controlled hospital environment. Our results reveal complex feedback mechanisms that shape the dependence of the infection curve on the intensity of social dynamics and other sociobiological factors. In particular, the results show how the lockdown effectively reduces the spread of infection and how it increases again after the lockdown is removed. Furthermore, a reduced level of social activity but prolonged exposure of susceptible individuals have adverse effects. On the other hand, virus mutations that can gradually reduce the transmission rate by hopping to each new host along the infection path can significantly reduce the extent of the infection, but can not stop the spreading without additional social strategies. Our stochastic processes, based on graphs at the interface of biology and social dynamics, provide a new mathematical framework for simulations of various epidemic control strategies with high temporal resolution and virus traceability

    Functional Geometry of Human Connectomes

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    Mapping the brain imaging data to networks, where nodes represent anatomical brain regions and edges indicate the occurrence of fiber tracts between them, has enabled an objective graph-theoretic analysis of human connectomes. However, the latent structure on higher-order interactions remains unexplored, where many brain regions act in synergy to perform complex functions. Here we use the simplicial complexes description of human connectome, where the shared simplexes encode higher-order relationships between groups of nodes. We study consensus connectome of 100 female (F-connectome) and of 100 male (M-connectome) subjects that we generated from the Budapest Reference Connectome Server v3.0 based on data from the Human Connectome Project. Our analysis reveals that the functional geometry of the common F&M-connectome coincides with the M-connectome and is characterized by a complex architecture of simplexes to the 14th order, which is built in six anatomical communities, and linked by short cycles. The F-connectome has additional edges that involve different brain regions, thereby increasing the size of simplexes and introducing new cycles. Both connectomes contain characteristic subjacent graphs that make them 3/2-hyperbolic. These results shed new light on the functional architecture of the brain, suggesting that insightful differences among connectomes are hidden in their higher-order connectivity

    Formation of the ecological ideal in the context of D. V. Pivovarov's concept of the ideal

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    The author addresses the urgent problem of the formation and development of a new ecological culture as a strategically important task in the conditions of the ecological crisis. Developing the heuristic potential of the synthetic concept of culture and D. V. Pivovarov’s concept of the ideal, the author analyzes the possibility of understanding the essence of ecological culture based on this concept, the possibility of constructing the ecological culture of the future society based on the concept of the ideal. The key importance of the ideal in the formation of culture is substantiated. The article discusses three models of idealization in the ecological context and the manifestations of these ways of idealization in modern reality. The author analyzes the birth of a new ecological ideal in the format of a specific subjective image of the objective world, embodied in numerous texts of ecophilosophists, which, according to the author, have a limited impact on the broad masses of the population. Тhe author sees the reasons for this in the scientific style of texts and the lack of attractiveness for a modern person of the world order proposed by ecophilosophists. The possibility of the emergence of ecological religion on the principles of metaconfessionality, ecocentrism and biocentrism is interpreted. Modern ecological practices are considered as the second way of idealization, which involves the transformation of activities based on the criterion of long-term, long-term and multidimensional benefits based on the universal value of nature and the remoteness of the consequences of environmental management. To effectively use this path of idealization, support from the state, the media, elites, etc. is needed. The transformation of images-ideals of an ecological nature, embodied, for example, in the change of the aesthetic ideal, is discussed. The article interprets ecotopia as an integral mechanism of idealization, reflecting all the listed models of idealization. As a result of the research, the problems of the correlation of ecological values and ideals with the values of individualism and collectivism are revealed, the need for a new understanding of the idea of the «common good», the search for the ecological meaning of the concept of «quality of life», the study of possible forms of the sacralization of nature in modern conditions is revealed. The results of the research can be used in the implementation of environmental policy to create conditions for the sustainable development of society, in pedagogical design of ways to form environmental values, in ecophilosophical research of the search for strategies for survival and sustainable development

    Hidden electronic rule in the "cluster-plus-glue-Atom" model

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    Electrons and their interactions are intrinsic factors to affect the structure and properties of materials. Based on the “cluster-cluster-plus-glue-atom” model, an electron counting rule for complex metallic alloys (CMAs) has been revealed in this work (i. e. the CPGAMEC rule). Our results on the cluster structure and electron concentration of CMAs with apparent cluster features, indicate that the valence electrons’ number per unit cluster formula for these CMAs are specific constants of eight-multiples and twelve-multiples. It is thus termed as specific electrons cluster formula. This CPGAMEC rule has been demonstrated as a useful guidance to direct the design of CMAs with desired properties, while its practical applications and underlying mechanism have been illustrated on the basis of CMAs’ cluster structural features. Our investigation provides an aggregate picture with intriguing electronic rule and atomic structural features of CMAs

    Molecular dynamics study on diamond nanowires mechanical properties: Strain rate, temperature and size dependent effects

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    Using molecular dynamics simulations, strain rate, temperature and size dependent mechanical properties of < 001 > orientation diamond nanowires are investigated. It is found that, for the same cross-sectional areas, strain rates have almost no effect on yield strength and Young's modulus, provided strain rates are within the range from 0.001 to 0.025 ps- 1. Our calculated results have also indicated that, at the temperature ranging from 100 to 500 K, diamond nanowires' yield strength, Young's modulus, fracture strength and fracture strain are all decreasing with increasing temperature. Furthermore, at the temperature of 300 K, yield strength, Young's modulus, fracture strength and fracture strain increase dramatically with increasing cross sectional area. Finally, orientation dependent diamond nanowires mechanical properties are studied

    Социальная активность современной молодежи: экологический аспект

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    This article deals with the problems of development of social activity of youth. Identified and justified the need for the development of environmental competence. The definition of environmental social activity. On the basis of the studyrevealed the main areas of the environmental activities of today's youthВ статье рассмотрены проблемы развития социальной активности молодежи. Выявлена и обоснована необходимость развития экологической компетентности. Дано определение экологической социальной активности. На основе проведенного исследования выявлены основные направления экологической деятельности современной молодеж


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    Article on the topic "Bank deposit as a direction of investment activity’s activation of insurers in life insurance" is dedicated to the analysis of the financial condition and the free funds of insurance companies. Bank deposit is the most famous financial instrument, but little attention is paid to it from the study of the deposit as an object of investment. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to consider a bank deposit as a source of intensification of the investment activity of insurance companies. The article collected and processed information about banks, their condition in the financial market, which allowed to identify the main participants of the banking sector. The rating analysis showed high scores, which are confirmed by indicators of the size of assets, capital, loan portfolio, financial results of banking institutions as the leaders of the banking system. In terms of the proposed criteria for a banking institution, as an investment partner in order to reduce the risk of non-profitability of the project, the most reliable banks with a stable financial and economic status were selected in the market of banking services. Banking institution plays a role of an object that deposits funds of insurance companies for a long-term period. In addition to this, bank deposit was considered as an object of investing funds for insurers for long-term accumulation of funds. The analysis of deposit proposals, financial and economic state of banking services in banks was conducted. The deficiencies of the banking system of Ukraine in the field of long-term accumulation of funds are revealed, as well as, the imperfections in accumulation of funds are described. Investment project is proposed, planning for the investment income with regards to the storage of temporarily free assets of insurance companies is conducted. In the process of research, the authors have improved approaches to develop and define investment projects: the definition of "reliable bank", analysis of its deposit offers, forecasting of investment return on deposit commitment. To activate the investment activity of insurance companies, life insurance for an investment proposal is designed according to the direction of placement of insurance reserves in bank deposit. Thus, the analysis showed that the planned indicators considerably exceed the actual figures of companies’ investment income.Статья на тему «Банковский депозит как направление активизации инвестиционной деятельности страховщиков по страхованию жизни» посвящена анализу финансового состояния и депозитной деятельности банковских учреждений с целью аккумулирования временно свободных средств страховых компаний. На основе предложенных критериев к банковскому учреждению как инвестиционному партнеру, с целью уменьшения риска неприбыльности проекта, на рынке банковских услуг выбрано наиболее надежные банки со стабильным финансово-экономическим состоянием. Банковское учреждение выступает как объект депозитирования средств страховыми компаниями на долгосрочный период. Рассмотрен банковский депозит как объект инвестирования средств для страховщиков по долгосрочному накоплению средств. Проанализированы депозитные предложения и финансово-экономическое состояние банковских услуг в банках. Выявлены недостатки банковской системы Украины в сфере долгосрочного накопления средств. Охарактеризованы недостатки и несовершенства банковской системы долгосрочного накопления средств. Предложено инвестиционный проект, осуществлено планирование инвестиционных доходов для хранения временно свободных активов страховых компаний.Стаття на тему «Банківський депозит як напрям активізації інвестиційної діяльності  страховиків з страхування життя» присвячена аналізу фінансового стану та вільних коштів страхових компаній. Банківський депозит самий відомий фінансовий інструмент, але йому мало наділено уваги з боку дослідження депозиту, як об’єкту інвестування. Тому метою дослідження є розглянути банківський депозит як джерело активізації інвестиційної діяльності страховиків. У статті зібрано і опрацьовано інформацію про банки та їх стан на фінансовому ринку, що дало змогу виявити основних учасників банківської сфери. Рейтинговий аналіз показав високі бали, які підтверджуються показниками розміру активів, капіталу, кредитного портфеля, фінансових результатів банківських установ – лідерів банківської системи. На основі запропонованих критеріїв  до банківської установи як інвестиційного партнера, з метою зменшення ризику неприбутковості проекту, вибрано на ринку банківських послуг найбільш надійні банки з стабільним фінансово-економічним станом. Банківська установа виступає як об’єкт депозитування коштів страховими компаніями на довгостроковий період. Розглянуто банківський депозит як об’єкт інвестування коштів для страховиків з довгострокового накопичення коштів. Проаналізовано депозитні пропозиції, фінансово-економічний стан банківських послуг в банках. Виявлено недоліки банківської системи України у сфері довгострокового накопичення коштів. Охарактеризовано недоліки та недосконалість банківської системи довгострокового накопичення коштів. Запропоновано інвестиційний проект, здійснено планування інвестиційних прибутків для зберігання тимчасово вільних активів страхових компаній