426 research outputs found

    Self-Assessment and Planned Change of Placement and Career Services Center

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    In the 1990s, college and university career services and placement units face many challenges which may influence their success including (a) increased budgetary constraints, (b) changing student demographics, (c) increased availability of computer technologies, (d) new service delivery models, and (e) changing employer recruitment practices. In an effort to address these issues and examine its role within the university (Roth, 1994), the Placement and Career Information Center (PCIC) at Central Michigan University undertook a program of applied research, self-assessment and planned change. The purpose of this article is to briefly report our experiences in conducting this program of applied research. The assessment strategy is presented in the first part of this report. Next, the methods used to collect data and assessment, sampling procedures and response rates are described. Following this, highlights of the assessment results are presented including a summary of some changes already made and those planned for the future. The results of this study are presented in detail in Adams, et at. (1994)

    A maximum-likelihood method for improving faint source flux and color estimates

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    Flux estimates for faint sources or transients are systematically biased high because there are far more truly faint sources than bright. Corrections which account for this effect are presented as a function of signal-to-noise ratio and the (true) slope of the faint-source number-flux relation. The corrections depend on the source being originally identified in the image in which it is being photometered. If a source has been identified in other data, the corrections are different; a prescription for calculating the corrections is presented. Implications of these corrections for analyses of surveys are discussed; the most important is that sources identified at signal-to-noise ratios of four or less are practically useless.Comment: 9 pp., accepted for publication in PAS

    Handwriting and Metacognition: The Relationship Between Self-Reflection and Penmanship

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    The majority of school-based occupational therapy (OT) referrals are for handwriting. In fact, fine motor and handwriting concerns affecting educational performance make up 80-85% of OT referrals in schools. Occupational therapists use an abundance of interventions for remediating handwriting difficulties, but there is scant evidence of why specific strategies or combinations of strategies are effective. Cognitive interventions have shown to be successful in the treatment of handwriting. Metacognitive skill, a component of cognition, allows a child to self-monitor and self-reflect on his or her handwriting skills to correct mistakes and generate goals for improvement. Therefore, a child’s ability to self-reflect on handwriting is likely an important factor when strengthening the learning and use of handwriting. Having insight into a child’s reflection of his or her handwriting abilities will also assist occupational therapists in creating an appropriate and effective handwriting intervention. This study aims to contribute to the evidence regarding the development and treatment of handwriting skill in elementary school-aged children.https://scholar.dominican.edu/ug-student-posters/1010/thumbnail.jp

    Monitoring of the Moisture Content of Straw Bale Walls

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    The Correlation Between Galaxy HI Linewidths and K' Luminosities

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    The relationship between galaxy luminosities and rotation rates is studied with total luminosities in the K' band. Extinction problems are essentially eliminated at this band centered at 2.1 micron. A template luminosity-linewidth relation is derived based on 65 galaxies drawn from two magnitude-limited cluster samples. The zero-point is determined using 4 galaxies with accurately known distances. The calibration is applied to give the distance to the Pisces Cluster (60 Mpc) at a redshift in the CMB frame of 4771 km/s. The resultant value of the Hubble Constant is 81 km/s/Mpc. The largest sources of uncertainty arises from the small number of zero-point calibrators at this time at K' and present application to only one cluster.Comment: 13 pages including 5 figures and 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    The Motions of Clusters of Galaxies and the Dipoles of the Peculiar Velocity Field

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    In preceding papers of this series, TF relations for galaxies in 24 clusters with radial velocities between 1000 and 9200 km/s (SCI sample) were obtained, a Tully-Fisher (TF) template relation was constructed and mean offsets of each cluster with respect to the template obtained. Here, an estimate of the line-of-sight peculiar velocities of the clusters and their associated errors are given. It is found that cluster peculiar velocities in the Cosmic Microwave Background reference frame do not exceed 600 k/ms and that their distribution has a line-of-sight dispersion of 300 k/ms, suggesting a more quiescent cluster peculiar velocity field than previously reported. When measured in a reference frame in which the Local Group is at rest, the set of clusters at cz > 3000 km/s exhibits a dipole moment in agreement with that of the CMB, both in amplitude and apex direction. It is estimated that the bulk flow of a sphere of 6000 km/s radius in the CMB reference frame is between 140 and 320 km/s. These results are in agreement with those obtained from an independent sample of field galaxies (Giovanelli et al. 1998; see astro-ph/9807274)Comment: 9 pages, 2 tables, 7 figures, uses AAS LaTex; to appear in A

    Biases in Virial Black Hole Masses: An SDSS Perspective

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    We compile black hole (BH) masses for 60,000\sim 60,000 quasars in the redshift range 0.1z4.50.1 \lesssim z \lesssim 4.5 included in the Fifth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), using virial BH mass estimators based on the \hbeta, \MgII, and \CIV emission lines. We find that: (1) within our sample, the widths of the three lines follow log-normal distributions, with means and dispersions that do not depend strongly on luminosity or redshift;(2) the \MgII- and \hbeta-estimated BH masses are consistent with one another; and (3) the \CIV BH mass estimator may be more severely affected by a disk wind component than the \MgII and \hbeta estimators, giving a positive bias in mass correlated with the \CIV-\MgII blueshift. Most SDSS quasars have virial BH masses in the range 108109M10^8-10^9 M_\odot. There is a clear upper mass limit of 1010M\sim 10^{10} M_\odot for active BHs at z2z \gtrsim 2, decreasing at lower redshifts. Making the reasonable assumptions that the underlying BH mass distribution decreases with mass and that the Eddington ratio distribution at fixed BH mass has non-zero width, we show that the measured virial BH mass distribution and Eddington ratio distribution are subject to Malmquist bias. A radio quasar subsample (with 1.5z2.31.5\lesssim z\lesssim 2.3) has mean virial BH mass larger by 0.12\sim 0.12 dex than the whole sample. A broad absorption line (BAL) quasar subsample (with 1.7z2.21.7\lesssim z\lesssim 2.2) has identical virial mass distribution as the nonBAL sample, with no mean offset. (Abridged)Comment: Updated virial mass measurements; improved presentation of the MC simulation; added new discussion sections; conclusions unchanged. The full table1 is available at http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~yshen/BH_mass/datafile1.txt.tar.g

    An Unbiased Estimate of the Global Hubble Constant in the Region of Pisces-Perseus

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    We obtain an unbiased estimate of the global Hubble constant H0 in the volume of cz<12000km/s in the region of Pisces-Perseus. The Tully-Fisher (TF) relation is applied to a magnitude limited sample of 441 spirals selected from the Arecibo 21cm catalog. The photometry data were calibrated with CCD observations and we achieve 0.13mag for the photometric internal error. We use a maximum likelihood method for the TF analysis. Monte-Carlo simulations demonstrate that our method reproduces a given H0 at the 95% confidence level. By applying the method to our sample galaxies, we obtain the unbiased global Hubble constant H0=65+-2(+20,-14) km/s/Mpc; the first and the second terms represent the internal random error and the external errors, respectively. We also find a good agreement for our H0 with those recently obtained via Cepheid observation, the TF relation and supernovae. Hubble velocities of the spirals inferred from our H0 show no significant systematic difference from those given in the Mark III catalog. The same analysis for H0 is carried out using r-band photometry data of the Pisces-Perseus region given by Willick et al.(1997). We obtain a global H0 which is consistent with that obtained from our B-band analysis. A bulk motion in the Pisces-Perseus region is briefly discussed, based on our calibration of H0. Our r-band TF analysis supports the notion of a coherent streaming motion of the Pisces-Perseus ridge with -200km/s with respect to the CMB, in agreement with most modern studies.Comment: 40 pages, 27 postscript figures, to appear in Ap.J. Figures are included in the tex

    Avoiding selection bias in gravitational wave astronomy

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    When searching for gravitational waves in the data from ground-based gravitational wave detectors it is common to use a detection threshold to reduce the number of background events which are unlikely to be the signals of interest. However, imposing such a threshold will also discard some real signals with low amplitude, which can potentially bias any inferences drawn from the population of detected signals. We show how this selection bias is naturally avoided by using the full information from the search, considering both the selected data and our ignorance of the data that are thrown away, and considering all relevant signal and noise models. This approach produces unbiased estimates of parameters even in the presence of false alarms and incomplete data. This can be seen as an extension of previous methods into the high false rate regime where we are able to show that the quality of parameter inference can be optimised by lowering thresholds and increasing the false alarm rate.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Supermassive Black Hole Mass Estimates Using Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Spectra at 0.7 < z < 2

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    We present MgII-based black hole mass estimates for 27,602 quasars with rest-frame UV spectra available in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release Three. This estimation is possible due to the existence of an empirical correlation between the radius of the broad line region and the continuum luminosity at 3000 Angstroms. We regenerate this correlation by applying our measurement method to UV spectra of low-redshift quasars in the HST/IUE databases which have corresponding reverberation mapping estimates of the Hbeta broad line region's radius. Our mass estimation method uses the line dispersion rather than the full width at half maximum of the low-ionization MgII emission line. We measure MgII line dispersions for quasars whose spectra have been reconstructed using the most significant eigenspectra produced through Principal Component Analysis. We have tested the reliability of using reconstructed spectra in black hole mass estimation using a Monte Carlo simulation and by comparing the results from original and reconstructed Data Release Three spectra. We show that using reconstructed spectra not only makes bias-free mass estimation possible for quasars with low spectroscopic signal-to-noise ratio, but also reduces the intrinsic scatter of the distribution of the black hole masses to lower than 0.15 dex.Comment: 38 Pages, 12 figures, 3 Tables, 1 hyperlink to catalogue data. Accepted for publication in ApJ