769 research outputs found

    The crystal and molecular structure of a calcium salt of guanylyl-3',5'-cytidine (GpC)

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    The calcium salt, Ca(C_19H_24N_8O_I2P)_2.18H_20, of guanylyl-3',5'-cytidine (GpC) has been refined to an R of 8·2 % for 2918 observed reflections (11% for 4237 reflections, including unobserved). The molecule crystallized in space group P2_1 with a=21·224, b=34·207, c=9·327 Å, β=90·527°, Z=4. The asymmetric unit contains four GpC, 36 waters and two Ca^2+ ions, for a total of 198 non-hydrogen atoms. The four GpC occur as two dimers related by a pseudo C-face-centering. Each dimer consists of two crystallographically independent GpC as Watson-Crick base-pairs, and possesses a pseudo twofold axis broken by a Ca^2+ ion and associated solvent. The structure was solved by an unusual series of steps including semi-empirical potential-energy methods, packing analysis, rigid-body refinement, least-squares and difference Fourier techniques, and direct-methods tangent-formula phase refinement. The four GpC have conformational angles in the range of helical RNA, but are not identical. The different crystallographic environments perturb the GpC from exact symmetry and demonstrate the range of the basic helical conformations. All eight bases are anti, sugars are all C(3’) endo, the C(4')-C(5') bond rotations are gauche-gauche, and the ω', ω angle pair about the O-P bonds is gauche—gauche-

    Positional, Reorientational and Bond Orientational Order in DNA Mesophases

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    We investigate the orientational order of transverse polarization vectors of long, stiff polymer molecules and their coupling to bond orientational and positional order in high density mesophases. Homogeneous ordering of transverse polarization vector promotes distortions in the hexatic phase, whereas inhomogeneous ordering precipitates crystalization of the 2D sections with different orientations of the transverse polarization vector on each molecule in the unit cell. We propose possible scenarios for going from the hexatic phase, through the distorted hexatic phase to the crystalline phase with an orthorhombic unit cell observed experimentally for the case of DNA.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Neutron reflection from the liquid helium surface.

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    The reflection of neutrons from a helium surface has been observed for the first time. The 4He surface is smoother in the superfluid state at 1.54 K than in the case of the normal liquid at 2.3 K. In the superfluid state we also observe a surface layer ~200 Å thick which has a subtly different neutron scattering cross-section, which may be explained by an enhanced Bose-Einstein condensate fraction close to the helium surface. The application of neutron reflectometry described in this paper creates new and exciting opportunities for the surface and interfacial study of quantum fluids