7 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Faktor Sebaran Macan Dahan (Neofelis Diardi Cuvier, 1823) Di Ekosistem Rawa Gambut, Taman Nasional Sebangau

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    The Sunda clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi Cuvier, 1823) is the largest predator and the keystone species on Borneo Island. Therefore, the existence of N. diardi is very important to maintain the stability and healthy of ecosystems in Kalimantan Forest. Sebangau National Park (SNP), Central Kalimantan Province is one of the important habitats for this species because it is formed by peat swamp ecosystem and it has function to maintain the balance of the global climate. Data of the distribution factors of N. diardi were expected to used for monitoring and inventorying of population this species, especially in SNP. Data collection was conducted from June until November 2014 through methods of 12 track-sets; 9 units camera traps; and signs of animal presence likely footprints, feces, claws, scratches, scrapes, and vocalizations in 2 grids, each size 6 x 6 km2. This study results show that the distribution of N. diardi is affected by five factors namely, the distance from water source (P = 0,002); the distance from the potential of disturbance (P = 0,017); forest canopy density (P= 0,04); peat depth (P = 0,002); and habitat types in the SNP (P = 0,011). Only the altitude factor does not affect the distribution of N. diardi (P = 0,064) at SNP. Furthermore, this study also indicates that the presence and abundance of animal preys as another factor affecting the distribution of N. diardi at SNP. This condition is caused by the tendency of N. diardi encounter in a RAI values of animal preys on medium-grade (9,38; 10,53) and high (14,52; 18,60; 18,60). Finally, this study also demonstrates that the existence of N. diardi can be considered as an indicator species for forest in good condition

    Acceptability Model of the Use of Forest Area Policy in Bangka Belitung

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    The use of forest area (UFA) policy is a forest management policy by government to accommodate the needs for mining sector in forest area.This study aims to analyze the factors that become key drivers and influence the acceptance of UFA program and also build the agent-based modelsimulation of UFA policy. The method built in this research is using Structural Equation Modelling and Agent-Based Modelling approach. Based onthe results of confirmatory factor analysis, the factors that play a role in the acceptance of the program is the understanding and participation ofstakeholders related to UFA program and the availability of land allocation to be given license to borrow forest area. In addition, based on the ABMapproach, in order to anticipate the increased deforestation rate in available forest cover, it is necessary to accelerate and increase the rate ofmining reclamation activities by license holders

    Pola Sebaran Spasial Biomassa di Areal Revegetasi Bekas Tambang Nikel

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    The aim of this study was to identify the spatial pattern of biomass distribution in the revegetation of the post-mining area in PTVI. The nearest neighbour analysis method by comparing the distance of an individual was used to determine the spatial biomass distribution pattern in the post nickel mining revegetation area of PTVI. The nearest neighbour analysis was used to explain the distribution pattern of locations using a calculation that considers the distance, number of locations and acreage. This analysis produced a final result in the form of an index ranging from 0 until more than 1. It can be explained as NNI 1 dispersed spatial pattern. This research was found that there are clustered (K1, K2, K3) and dispersed patterns (K4) of biomass spatial distribution patterns in PTVI's post nickel mining revegetation area

    Pemetaan Kerentanan Masyarakat dan Adaptasi Berbasis Ekosistem Hutan terhadap Perubahan Iklim (Studi Kasus Si DAS Ciliwung, Jawa Barat)

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    Perubahan iklim merupakan isu yang hangat saat ini dan mengakibatkan terjadinya Perubahan ekosistem secara global. Daerah aliran sungai (DAS) ciliwung adalah salah satu DAS kritis di Indonesia dan menjadi DAS prioritas berdasarkan Kepermenhut No.SK.328/Menhut-II/2009. DAS ciliwung rentang terhadap Perubahan iklim, terutama suhu dan curah hujan. Kerentanan DAS ciliwung berpengaruh terhadap kerentanan masyarakat di DAS ciliwung , oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai kerentanan masyarakat terhadap Perubahan iklim di DAS ciliwung. penilaian kerentanan masyarakat terhadap dilakukan selama hampir 9 bulan dari bulan April-desember 2009. Penilaian kerentanan masyarakat terhadap Perubahan iklim menggunakan 3 karakteristik kerentanan, yaitu: singkapan, kepekaan, dan kemampuan adaptasi. Kriteria dan indikator singkapan menggunakan hasil referensi KNLH (1998) atau Indeks penggunaan air. sedangkan kepekaan dan kemampuan adaptasi mencakup selutuh aspek kehidupan sosial yang meliputi sosial, ekonomi, SM, fisik, dan alam. Penilaian kerentanan menggunakan proses hirarki analisis (AHP) dan sistem informasi geografi (SIG). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tingkat kerentanan masyarakat terhadap Perubahan iklim di DAS ciliwung berbeda secara spasial. Kerentanan masyarakat di DAS ciliwung jilir termasuk ke dalam kelas medium dengan indeks 0,94. Sedangkan DAS ciliwung hulu dan tengah dikategorikan dalam kelas agak rendah dengan nilai indeks 0,16 dan 0,11. Perunahan iklim tidak bisa dicegah secara tuntas sehingga diperlukan adaptasi terhadap Perubahan iklim. Strategi adaptasi terhadap Perubahan ilklim dapat dilakukan dengan pengelolaan hutan secara lestari