2,105 research outputs found

    Multiloop functional renormalization group for general models

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    We present multiloop flow equations in the functional renormalization group (fRG) framework for the four-point vertex and self-energy, formulated for a general fermionic many-body problem. This generalizes the previously introduced vertex flow [F. B. Kugler and J. von Delft, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 057403 (2018)] and provides the necessary corrections to the self-energy flow in order to complete the derivative of all diagrams involved in the truncated fRG flow. Due to its iterative one-loop structure, the multiloop flow is well-suited for numerical algorithms, enabling improvement of many fRG computations. We demonstrate its equivalence to a solution of the (first-order) parquet equations in conjunction with the Schwinger-Dyson equation for the self-energy

    Fermi-edge singularity and the functional renormalization group

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    We study the Fermi-edge singularity, describing the response of a degenerate electron system to optical excitation, in the framework of the functional renormalization group (fRG). Results for the (interband) particle-hole susceptibility from various implementations of fRG (one- and two- particle-irreducible, multi-channel Hubbard-Stratonovich, flowing susceptibility) are compared to the summation of all leading logarithmic (log) diagrams, achieved by a (first-order) solution of the parquet equations. For the (zero-dimensional) special case of the X-ray-edge singularity, we show that the leading log formula can be analytically reproduced in a consistent way from a truncated, one-loop fRG flow. However, reviewing the underlying diagrammatic structure, we show that this derivation relies on fortuitous partial cancellations special to the form of and accuracy applied to the X-ray-edge singularity and does not generalize

    Multiloop functional renormalization group that sums up all parquet diagrams

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    We present a multiloop flow equation for the four-point vertex in the functional renormalization group (fRG) framework. The multiloop flow consists of successive one-loop calculations and sums up all parquet diagrams to arbitrary order. This provides substantial improvement of fRG computations for the four-point vertex and, consequently, the self-energy. Using the X-ray-edge singularity as an example, we show that solving the multiloop fRG flow is equivalent to solving the (first-order) parquet equations and illustrate this with numerical results

    Tribute to the Honorable John F. Gerry

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    Counting Feynman diagrams via many-body relations

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    We present an iterative algorithm to count Feynman diagrams via many-body relations. The algorithm allows us to count the number of diagrams of the exact solution for the general fermionic many-body problem at each order in the interaction. Further, we apply it to different parquet-type approximations and consider spin-resolved diagrams in the Hubbard model. Low-order results and asymptotics are explicitly discussed for various vertex functions and different two-particle channels. The algorithm can easily be implemented and generalized to many-body relations of different forms and levels of approximation

    RG transport theory for open quantum systems: Charge fluctuations in multilevel quantum dots in and out of equilibrium

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    We present the real-time renormalization group (RTRG) method as a method to describe the stationary state current through generic multi-level quantum dots with a complex setup in nonequilibrium. The employed approach consists of a very rudiment approximation for the RG equations which neglects all vertex corrections while it provides a means to compute the effective dot Liouvillian self-consistently. Being based on a weak-coupling expansion in the tunneling between dot and reservoirs, the RTRG approach turns out to reliably describe charge fluctuations in and out of equilibrium for arbitrary coupling strength, even at zero temperature. We confirm this in the linear response regime with a benchmark against highly-accurate numerically renormalization group data in the exemplary case of three-level quantum dots. For small to intermediate bias voltages and weak Coulomb interactions, we find an excellent agreement between RTRG and functional renormalization group data, which can be expected to be accurate in this regime. As a consequence, we advertise the presented RTRG approach as an efficient and versatile tool to describe charge fluctuations theoretically in quantum dot systems

    From Identification to Identity Theft: Public Perceptions of Biometric Privacy Harms

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    Central to understanding biometric privacy is the question of biometric privacy harms. How much do people value biometric privacy, and what evils should biometric privacy laws seek to avert? This Article addresses these questions by surveying two nationally representative samples to determine what does, and does not, worry people in the context of biometrics. The results show that many people are deeply concerned about biometric privacy in the consumer context, that they are willing to sacrifice real benefits to preserve biometric privacy, and that those who are concerned with biometric privacy attribute their concern to many factors that are not directly related to data security, particularly public tracking. Further, people’s level of comfort with biometric data collection differs sharply depending on the uses to which the data will be put and not just on the type of data collected. These nuanced attitudes about biometric privacy are in sharp conflict with a purely data security approach to biometric harms, and therefore have substantial implications both for future legislative consideration as well as current standing litigation
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