634 research outputs found

    A Structural Understanding of Class B GPCR Selectivity and Activation Revealed

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    Ma et al. (2020) and Liang et al. (2020) describe the cryo-EM structures of three class B G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in complex with native peptides and Gs. Their work establishes the structural basis of peptide specificity and a conserved mechanism of receptor activation and G protein coupling for class B GPCRs. Ma et al. (2020) and Liang et al. (2020) describe the cryo-EM structures of three class B G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in complex with native peptides and Gs. Their work establishes the structural basis of peptide specificity and a conserved mechanism of receptor activation and G protein coupling for class B GPCRs

    Indirect biomarkers of blood doping: A systematic review.

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    The detection of blood doping represents a current major issue in sports and an ongoing challenge for antidoping research. Initially focusing on direct detection methods to identify a banned substance or its metabolites, the antidoping effort has been progressively complemented by indirect approaches. The longitudinal and individual monitoring of specific biomarkers aims to identify nonphysiological variations that may be related to doping practices. From this perspective, the identification of markers sensitive to erythropoiesis alteration is key in the screening of blood doping. The current Athlete Biological Passport implemented since 2009 is composed of 14 variables (including two primary markers, i.e., hemoglobin concentration and OFF score) for the hematological module to be used for indirect detection of blood doping. Nevertheless, research has continually proposed and investigated new markers sensitive to an alteration of the erythropoietic cascade and specific to blood doping. If multiple early markers have been identified (at the transcriptomic level) or developed directly in a diagnostics' kit (at a proteomic level), other target variables at the end of the erythropoietic process (linked with the red blood cell functions) may strengthen the hematological module in the future. Therefore, this review aims to provide a global systematic overview of the biomarkers considered to date in the indirect investigation of blood doping

    Activation mechanisms for a universal signalling protein news-and-views

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    Computational and biochemical studies have revealed the mechanisms by which arrestin proteins are activated by G-protein-coupled receptors - potentially opening up broad avenues for drug discovery

    A self-activating orphan receptor

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    The HI content of Early-Type Galaxies from the ALFALFA survey I. Catalogued HI sources in the Virgo cluster

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    Aims: We are using the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA survey (ALFALFA), which is covering 17% of the sky at 21 cm, to study the HI content of Early-Type galaxies (ETG) in an unbiased way. The aim is to get an overall picture of the hot, warm and cold ISM of ETG, as a function of galaxy mass and environment, to understand its origin and fate, and to relate it to the formation and evolution history of these objects. Methods: This paper deals with the first part of our study, which is devoted to the 8-16 deg. declination strip in the Virgo cluster. In this sky region, using the Virgo Cluster Catalogue (VCC), we have defined an optical sample of 939 ETG, 457 of which are brighter than the VCC completeness limit at B_T=18.0. We have correlated this optical sample with the catalogue of detected HI sources from ALFALFA. Results: Out of the 389 ETG from the VCC with B_T<=18.0, outside the 1 deg. region of poor HI detection around M87, and corrected for background contamination of VCC galaxies without a known radial velocity, only 9 galaxies (2.3%) are detected in HI with a completeness limit of 3.5 and 7.6 x 10^7 Mo of HI for dwarf and giant ETG, respectively. In addition 4 VCC ETG with fainter magnitudes are also detected. Our HI detection rate is lower than previously claimed. The majority of the detected ETG appear to have peculiar morphology and to be located near the edges of the Virgo cluster. Conclusions: Our preliminary conclusion is that cluster ETG contain very little neutral gas, with the exceptions of a few peculiar dwarf galaxies at the edge of the ETG classification and of very few larger ETG, where the cold gas could have a recent external origin.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics; 6 pages, 3 figure

    Gambogic Acid, a Natural Product Inhibitor of Hsp90

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    A high-throughput screening of natural product libraries identified (−)-gambogic acid (1), a component of the exudate of Garcinia harburyi, as a potential Hsp90 inhibitor, in addition to the known Hsp90 inhibitor celastrol (2). Subsequent testing established that 1 inhibited cell proliferation, brought about the degradation of Hsp90 client proteins in cultured cells, and induced the expression of Hsp70 and Hsp90, which are hallmarks of Hsp90 inhibition. Gambogic acid also disrupted the interaction of Hsp90, Hsp70, and Cdc37 with the heme-regulated eIF2α kinase (HRI, an Hsp90-dependent client) and blocked the maturation of HRI in vitro. Surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy indicated that 1 bound to the N-terminal domain of Hsp90 with a low micromolar Kd, in a manner that was not competitive with the Hsp90 inhibitor geldanamycin (3). Molecular docking experiments supported the posit that 1 binds Hsp90 at a site distinct from Hsp90s ATP binding pocket. The data obtained have firmly established 1 as a novel Hsp90 inhibitor and have provided evidence of a new site that can be targeted for the development of improved Hsp90 inhibitors

    Resistance management and integrated pest management insights from deployment of a Cry3Bb1+ Gpp34Ab1/Tpp35Ab1 pyramid in a resistant western corn rootworm landscape

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    In Nebraska USA, many populations of western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, now exhibit some level of resistance to all corn rootworm-active Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) proteins expressed in commercial hybrids. Therefore, a study was conducted in northeast Nebraska from 2020–2022 to reevaluate current corn rootworm management options in continuous maize (consecutive planting for ≥2 years). Results from on-farm experiments to evaluate a standard soil-applied insecticide (Aztec® 4.67G) in combination with non-rootworm Bt or rootworm-active Bt pyramided maize (Cry3Bb1 + Gpp34Ab1/Tpp35Ab1) are reported within the context of WCR Bt resistance levels present. Corrected survival from Bt pyramid single-plant bioassays (\u3c0.3, 0.3–0.49, \u3e0.5) was used to place populations into 3 resistance categories. Variables evaluated included root injury, adult emergence, proportion lodged maize, and grain yield. Key results: A composite analysis of all populations across resistance levels indicated that addition of soil insecticide to Bt pyramid significantly reduced adult emergence and lodging but did not significantly increase root protection or yield. Within and among resistance category analyses of root injury revealed that the Bt pyramid remained highly efficacious at any non-rootworm Bt root injury level when resistance was absent or low. When corrected survival was \u3e0.3, mean Bt pyramid root injury tracked more closely in a positive linear fashion with mean non-rootworm Bt root injury (rootworm density x level of resistance interaction). Similar trends were obtained for adult emergence but not yield. Mean Bt pyramid root injury rating was \u3c0.75 in most populations with Bt resistance, which contributed to no significant yield differences among categories. Results are discussed within the context of IPM:IRM tradeoffs and the need to reduce WCR densities in this system to decrease the impact of the density x resistance interaction to bridge use of current pyramids with new technologies introduced over the next decade

    Characterization of Western Corn Rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) susceptibility to foliar insecticides in northeast Nebraska

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    Foliar-applied insecticides are commonly used for adult Western Corn Rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), control in Nebraska but little efficacy data is available. Anecdotal reports of reduced efficacy in areas of northeast Nebraska led to the conduct of this study. Objectives were to (i) evaluate the efficacy of commercial applications of commonly used formulated insecticides (bifenthrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, chlorpyrifos, or tank mixes) for WCR control in 7 northeast Nebraska counties during 2019 and 2020 and (ii) conduct adult WCR concentration-response vial bioassays with bifenthrin, chlorpyrifos, and dimethoate active ingredients on a subset of field populations. Whole plant counts (WPC) were used to measure WCR densities in insecticide-treated and untreated maize fields before and after insecticide application. Field control was excellent with organophosphate/pyrethroid tank mixes as proportional change in mean WPC of treated fields was significantly reduced (\u3e0.90) versus untreated fields where little change in WPC occurred. The exception was one treated Boone County field where proportional reduction in WPC was ≤0.78. Bioassays revealed LC50s and resistance ratios of most populations exposed to bifenthrin and dimethoate were not significantly different than the susceptible control. Most populations exhibited a low level of chlorpyrifos resistance when compared to the susceptible control. Field and lab data suggest the local onset of practical WCR field-evolved resistance to bifenthrin in Boone County and chlorpyrifos in Boone and Colfax counties. Results of this study will increase our understanding of WCR resistance evolution, serve as a comprehensive baseline for future research, and inform WCR management programs

    Women at Altitude: Sex-Related Physiological Responses to Exercise in Hypoxia.

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    Sex differences in physiological responses to various stressors, including exercise, have been well documented. However, the specific impact of these differences on exposure to hypoxia, both at rest and during exercise, has remained underexplored. Many studies on the physiological responses to hypoxia have either excluded women or included only a limited number without analyzing sex-related differences. To address this gap, this comprehensive review conducted an extensive literature search to examine changes in physiological functions related to oxygen transport and consumption in hypoxic conditions. The review encompasses various aspects, including ventilatory responses, cardiovascular adjustments, hematological alterations, muscle metabolism shifts, and autonomic function modifications. Furthermore, it delves into the influence of sex hormones, which evolve throughout life, encompassing considerations related to the menstrual cycle and menopause. Among these physiological functions, the ventilatory response to exercise emerges as one of the most sex-sensitive factors that may modify reactions to hypoxia. While no significant sex-based differences were observed in cardiac hemodynamic changes during hypoxia, there is evidence of greater vascular reactivity in women, particularly at rest or when combined with exercise. Consequently, a diffusive mechanism appears to be implicated in sex-related variations in responses to hypoxia. Despite well-established sex disparities in hematological parameters, both acute and chronic hematological responses to hypoxia do not seem to differ significantly between sexes. However, it is important to note that these responses are sensitive to fluctuations in sex hormones, and further investigation is needed to elucidate the impact of the menstrual cycle and menopause on physiological responses to hypoxia