200 research outputs found

    Pre- and Postnatal Maturation are Important for Fentanyl Exposure in Preterm and Term Newborns : A Pooled Population Pharmacokinetic Study

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s).Background and Objective Fentanyl is an opioid commonly used to prevent and treat severe pain in neonates; however, its use is off label and mostly based on bodyweight. Given the limited pharmacokinetic information across the entire neonatal age range, we characterized the pharmacokinetics of fentanyl across preterm and term neonates to individualize dosing. Methods We pooled data from two previous studies on 164 newborns with a median gestational age of 29.0 weeks (range 23.9-42.3), birthweight of 1055 g (range 390-4245), and postnatal age (PNA) of 1 day (range 0-68). In total, 673 plasma samples upon bolus dosing (69 patients; median dose 2.1 mu g/kg, median 2 boluses per patient) or continuous infusions (95 patients; median dose 1.1 mu g/kg/h for 30 h) with and without boluses were used for population pharmacokinetic modeling in NONMEM(R) 7.4. Results Clearance in neonates with birthweight of 2000 and 3000 g was 2.8- and 5.0-fold the clearance in a neonate with birthweight of 1000 g, respectively. Fentanyl clearance at PNA of 7, 14, and 21 days was 2.7-fold, 3.8-fold, and 4.6-fold the clearance at 1 day, respectively. Bodyweight-based dosing resulted in large differences in fentanyl concentrations. Depending on PNA and birthweight, fentanyl concentrations increased slowly after the start of therapy for both intermittent boluses and continuous infusion and reached a maximum concentration at 12-48 h. Conclusions As both prenatal and postnatal maturation are important for fentanyl exposure, we propose a birthweight- and PNA-based dosage regimen. To provide rapid analgesia in the first 24 h of treatment, additional loading doses need to be considered.Peer reviewe

    Photometric Light Curves and Polarization of Close-in Extrasolar Giant Planets

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    The close-in extrasolar giant planets [CEGPs], \ltorder 0.05 AU from their parent stars, may have a large component of optically reflected light. We present theoretical optical photometric light curves and polarization curves for the CEGP systems, from reflected planetary light. Different particle sizes of three condensates are considered. In the most reflective case, the variability is ≈100\approx 100 micromagnitudes, which will be easily detectable by the upcoming satellite missions MOST, COROT, and MONS, and possibly from the ground in the near future. The least reflective case is caused by small, highly absorbing grains such as solid Fe, with variation of much less than one micromagnitude. Polarization for all cases is lower than current detectability limits. We also discuss the temperature-pressure profiles and resulting emergent spectra of the CEGP atmospheres. We discuss the observational results of Tau Boo b by Cameron et al. (1999) and Charbonneau et al. (1999) in context of our model results. The predictions - the shape and magnitude of the light curves and polarization curves - are highly dependent on the size and type of condensates present in the planetary atmosphere.Comment: 33 pages, accepted by Ap

    Maturation of Paracetamol Elimination Routes in Preterm Neonates Born Below 32 Weeks of Gestation

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    Purpose: Despite being off-label, intravenous paracetamol (PCM) is increasingly used to control mild-to-moderate pain in preterm neonates. Here we aim to quantify the maturation of paracetamol elimination pathways in preterm neonates born below 32 weeks of gestation. Methods: Datasets after single dose (rich data) or multiple doses (sparse data) of intravenous PCM dose (median (range)) 9 (3–25) mg/kg were pooled, containing 534 plasma and 44 urine samples of PCM and metabolites (PCM–glucuronide, PCM–sulfate, PCM–cysteine, and PCM–mercapturate) from 143 preterm neonates (gestational age 27.7 (24.0–31.9) weeks, birthweight 985 (462–1,925) g, postnatal age (PNA) 5 (0–30) days, current weight 1,012 (462–1,959) g. Population pharmacokinetic analysis was performed using NONMEM® 7.4. Results: For a typical preterm neonate (birthweight 985 g; PNA 5 days), PCM clearance was 0.137 L/h, with glucuronidation, sulfation, oxidation and unchanged renal clearance accounting for 5.3%, 73.7%, 16.3% and 4.6%, respectively. Maturational changes in total PCM clearance and its elimination pathways were best described by birthweight and PNA. Between 500–1,500 g birthweight, total PCM clearance increases by 169%, with glucuronidation, sulfation and oxidation clearance increasing by 347%, 164% and 164%. From 1–30 days PNA for 985 g birthweight neonate, total PCM clearance increases by 167%, with clearance via glucuronidation and oxidation increasing by 551%, and sulfation by 69%. Conclusion: Birthweight and PNA are the most important predictors for maturational changes in paracetamol clearance and its glucuronidation, sulfation and oxidation. As a result, dosing based on bodyweight alone will not lead to consistent paracetamol concentrations among preterm neonates.</p

    When will the Glomerular Filtration Rate in Former Preterm Neonates Catch up with Their Term Peers?

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    Aims: Whether and when glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in preterms catches up with term peers is unknown. This study aims to develop a GFR maturation model for (pre)term-born individuals from birth to 18 years of age. Secondarily, the function is applied to data of different renally excreted drugs. Methods: We combined published inulin clearance values and serum creatinine (Scr) concentrations in (pre)term born individuals throughout childhood. Inulin clearance was assumed to be equal to GFR, and Scr to reflect creatinine synthesis rate/GFR. We developed a GFR function consisting of GFR birth (GFR at birth), and an Emax model dependent on PNA (with GFR max, PNA 50 (PNA at which half of GFR max is reached) and Hill coefficient). The final GFR model was applied to predict gentamicin, tobramycin and vancomycin concentrations. Result: In the GFR model, GFR birth varied with birthweight linearly while in the PNA-based Emax equation, GA was the best covariate for PNA 50, and current weight for GFR max. The final model showed that for a child born at 26 weeks GA, absolute GFR is 18%, 63%, 80%, 92% and 96% of the GFR of a child born at 40 weeks GA at 1 month, 6 months, 1 year, 3 years and 12 years, respectively. PopPK models with the GFR maturation equations predicted concentrations of renally cleared antibiotics across (pre)term-born neonates until 18 years well. Conclusions: GFR of preterm individuals catches up with term peers at around three years of age, implying reduced dosages of renally cleared drugs should be considered below this age.</p

    Higher Midazolam Clearance in Obese Adolescents Compared with Morbidly Obese Adults

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    Background The clearance of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A substrates is reported to be reduced with lower age, inflammation and obesity. As it is unknown what the overall influence is of these factors in the case of obese adolescents vs. morbidly obese adults, we studied covariates influencing the clearance of the CYP3A substrate midazolam in a combined analysis of data from obese adolescents and morbidly obese adults. Methods Data from 19 obese adolescents [102.7 kg (62–149.5 kg)] and 20 morbidly obese adults [144 kg (112–186 kg)] receiving intravenous midazolam were analysed, using population pharmacokinetic modelling (NONMEM 7.2). In the covariate analysis, the influence of study group, age, total body weight (TBW), developmental weight (WTfor age and length) and excess body weight (WTexcess = TBW − WTfor age and length) was evaluated. Results The population mean midazolam clearance was significantly higher in obese adolescents than in morbidly obese adults [0.71 (7%) vs. 0.44 (11%) L/min; p < 0.01]. Moreover, clearance in obese adolescents increased with TBW (p < 0.01), which seemed mainly explained by WTexcess, and for which a so-called ‘excess weight’ model scaling WTfor age and length to the power of 0.75 and a separate function for WTexcess was proposed. Discussion We hypothesise that higher midazolam clearance in obese adolescents is explained by less obesity-induced suppression of CYP3A activity, while the increase with WTexcess is explained by increased liver blood flow. The approach characterising the influence of obesity in the paediatric population we propose here may be of value for use in future studies in obese adolescents

    Morbidly Obese Patients Exhibit Increased CYP2E1-Mediated Oxidation of Acetaminophen

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    Introduction: Acetaminophen (paracetamol) is mainly metabolized via glucuronidation and sulphation, while the minor pathway through cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2E1 is held responsible for hepatotoxicity. In obese patients, CYP2E1 activity is reported to be induced, thereby potentially worsening the safety profile of acetaminophen. The aim of this study was to determine the pharmacokinetics of acetaminophen and its metabolites (glucuronide, sulphate, cysteine and mercapturate) in morbidly obese and non-obese patients. Methods: Twenty morbidly obese patients (with a median total body weight [TBW] of 140.1 kg [range 106–193.1 kg] and body mass index [BMI] of 45.1 kg/m2 [40–55.2 kg/m2]) and eight non-obese patients (with a TBW of 69.4 kg [53.4–91.7] and BMI of 21.8 kg/m2 [19.4–27.4]) received 2 g of intravenous acetaminophen. Fifteen blood samples were collected per patient. Population pharmacokinetic modelling was performed using NONMEM. Results: In morbidly obese patients, the median area under the plasma concentration–time curve from 0 to 8 h (AUC0–8h) of acetaminophen was significantly smaller (P = 0.009), while the AUC0–8h ratios of the glucuronide, sulphate and cysteine metabolites to acetaminophen were significantly higher (P = 0.043, 0.004 and 0.010, respectively). In the model, acetaminophen CYP2E1-mediated clearance (cysteine and mercapturate) increased with lean body weight [LBW] (population mean [relative standard error] 0.0185 L/min [15 %], P < 0.01). Moreover, accelerated formation of the cysteine and mercapturate metabolites was found with increasing LBW (P < 0.001). Glucuronidation clearance (0.219 L/min [5 %]) and sulphation clearance (0.0646 L/min [6 %]) also increased with LBW (P < 0.001). Conclusion: Obesity leads to lower acetaminophen concentrations and earlier and higher peak concentrations of acetaminophen cysteine and mercapturate. While a higher dose may be anticipated to achieve adequate acetaminophen concentrations, the increased CYP2E1-mediated pathway may preclude this dose adjustment

    Semiphysiologically based pharmacokinetic model for midazolam and CYP3A mediated metabolite 1-OH-midazolam in morbidly obese and weight loss surgery patients

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    This study aimed to describe the pharmacokinetics of midazolam and its cytochrome P450 3A (CYP3A) mediated metabolite 1-OH-midazolam in morbidly obese patients receiving oral and i.v. midazolam before (n = 20) and one year after weight loss surgery (n = 18), thereby providing insight into the influence of weight loss surgery on CYP3A activity in the gut wall and liver. In a semiphysiologically based pharmacokinetic (semi-PBPK) model in which different blood flow scenarios were evaluated, intrinsic hepatic clearance of midazolam (CLint,H) was 2 (95% CI 1.40-1.64) times higher compared to morbidly obese patients before surgery (P  0.05), with low values for both groups. The results of the semi-PBPK model suggest that, in patients after weight loss surgery, CYP3A hepatic metabolizing capacity seems to recover compared to morbidly obese patients, whereas CYP3A mediated CLint,G was low for both populations and showed large interindividual variability.Pharmacolog
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