24 research outputs found

    The role of surface roughness and slide-roll ratio in the decomposition of MoDTC in tribological contacts

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    In this study, the role of surface roughness and slide-roll ratio in the decomposition and friction performance of molybdenum dialkyldithiocarbamate (MoDTC) has been investigated. Tribotests were carried out in a MiniTraction Machine (MTM) using steel discs of varying roughness rubbing against smooth steel balls in a sliding/rolling contact. Tests were conducted at slide-roll ratio (SRR) values of SRR=100% and 200%. Raman spectroscopy was used to perform chemical characterisation on the resulting wear scars. The friction performance of rough discs was not affected by the slide-roll ratio. On the other hand, increasing the slide-roll ratio from 100% to 200% in tests with smooth discs resulted in higher friction with large instabilities. Raman analysis showed significant differences in chemical composition of the wear scars generated after tests with smooth and rough discs. Wear scars generated using rough discs were mainly composed of MoS2 indicating complete MoDTC decomposition while those generated using smooth discs were composed of a mixture of MoS2, MoSx (x>2) and FeMoO4 indicating partial MoDTC decomposition. Numerical simulation of the contact revealed that under similar loading conditions rough surfaces have higher local pressures than smoother surfaces. It is proposed that higher local pressures in rough surfaces promoted complete MoDTC decomposition. The novel finding from results presented in this study is that at similar temperature and MoDTC concentration, the degradation of MoDTC within tribocontacts is highly dependent on the roughness of the tribopair. This is because surface roughness determines the local pressure at the asperity asperity contact

    "Mothers get really exhausted!" The lived experience of pregnancy in extreme heat: Qualitative findings from Kilifi, Kenya

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    Heat exposure in pregnancy is associated with a range of adverse health and wellbeing outcomes, yet research on the lived experience of pregnancy in high temperatures is lacking. We conducted qualitative research in 2021 in two communities in rural Kilifi County, Kenya, a tropical savannah area currently experiencing severe drought. Pregnant and postpartum women, their male spouses and mothers-in-law, community health volunteers, and local health and environment stakeholders were interviewed or participated in focus group discussions. Pregnant women described symptoms that are classically regarded as heat exhaustion, including dizziness, fatigue, dehydration, insomnia, and irritability. They interpreted heat-related tachycardia as signalling hypertension and reported observing more miscarriages and preterm births in the heat. Pregnancy is conceptualised locally as a 'normal' state of being, and women continue to perform physically demanding household chores in the heat, even when pregnant. Women reported little support from family members to reduce their workload at this time, reflecting their relative lack of autonomy within the household, but also potentially the 'normalisation' of heat in these communities. Climate change risk reduction strategies for pregnant women in low-resource settings need to be cognisant of local household gender dynamics that constrain women's capacity to avoid heat exposures

    Geographical and environmental approaches to urban malaria in Antananarivo (Madagascar)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previous studies, conducted in the urban of Antananarivo, showed low rate of confirmed malaria cases. We used a geographical and environmental approach to investigate the contribution of environmental factors to urban malaria in Antananarivo.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Remote sensing data were used to locate rice fields, which were considered to be the principal mosquito breeding sites. We carried out supervised classification by the maximum likelihood method. Entomological study allowed vector species determination from collected larval and adult mosquitoes. Mosquito infectivity was studied, to assess the risk of transmission, and the type of mosquito breeding site was determined. Epidemiological data were collected from November 2006 to December 2007, from public health centres, to determine malaria incidence. Polymerase chain reaction was carried out on dried blood spots from patients, to detect cases of malaria. Rapid diagnostic tests were used to confirm malaria cases among febrile school children in a school survey.</p> <p>A geographical information system was constructed for data integration. Altitude, temperature, rainfall, population density and rice field surface area were analysed and the effects of these factors on the occurrence of confirmed malaria cases were studied.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Polymerase chain reaction confirmed malaria in 5.1% of the presumed cases. Entomological studies showed <it>An. arabiensis </it>as potential vector. Rice fields remained to be the principal breeding sites. Travel report was considered as related to the occurrence of <it>P. falciparum </it>malaria cases.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Geographical and environmental factors did not show direct relationship with malaria incidence but they seem ensuring suitability of vector development. Absence of relationship may be due to a lack of statistical power. Despite the presence of <it>An. arabiensis</it>, scarce parasitic reservoir and rapid access to health care do not constitute optimal conditions to a threatening malaria transmission. However, imported malaria case is suggestive to sustain the pocket transmission in Antananarivo.</p

    Characterization of immunoglobulin G antibodies to Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite surface antigen MB2 in malaria exposed individuals

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>MB2 protein is a sporozoite surface antigen on the human malaria parasite <it>Plasmodium falciparum</it>. MB2 was identified by screening a <it>P. falciparum </it>sporozoite cDNA expression library using immune sera from a protected donor immunized via the bites of <it>P. falciparum</it>-infected irradiated mosquitoes. It is not known whether natural exposure to <it>P. falciparum </it>also induces the anti-MB2 response and if this response differs from that in protected individuals immunized via the bites of <it>P. falciparum </it>infected irradiated mosquitoes. The anti-MB2 antibody response may be part of a robust protective response against the sporozoite.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Fragments of polypeptide regions of MB2 were constructed as recombinant fusions sandwiched between glutathione S-transferase and a hexa histidine tag for bacterial expression. The hexa histidine tag affinity purified proteins were used to immunize rabbits and the polyclonal sera evaluated in an <it>in vitro </it>inhibition of sporozoite invasion assay. The proteins were also used in immunoblots with sera from a limited number of donors immunized via the bites of <it>P. falciparum </it>infected irradiated mosquitoes and plasma and serum obtained from naturally exposed individuals in Kenya.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Rabbit polyclonal antibodies targeting the non-repeat region of the basic domain of MB2 inhibited sporozoites entry into HepG2-A16 cells <it>in vitro</it>. Analysis of serum from five human volunteers that were immunized via the bites of <it>P. falciparum </it>infected irradiated mosquitoes that developed immunity and were completely protected against subsequent challenge with non-irradiated parasite also had detectable levels of antibody against MB2 basic domain. In contrast, in three volunteers not protected, anti-MB2 antibodies were below the level of detection. Sera from protected volunteers preferentially recognized a non-repeat region of the basic domain of MB2, whereas plasma from naturally-infected individuals also had antibodies that recognize regions of MB2 that contain a repeat motif in immunoblots. Sequence analysis of eleven field isolates and four laboratory strains showed that these antigenic regions of the basic domain of the <it>MB2 </it>gene are highly conserved in parasites obtained from different parts of the world. Moreover, anti-MB2 antibodies also were detected in the plasma of 83% of the individuals living in a malaria endemic area of Kenya (n = 41).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A preliminary analysis of the human humoral response against MB2 indicates that it may be an additional highly conserved target for immune intervention at the pre-erythrocytic stage of <it>P. falciparum </it>life cycle.</p

    Productivity of Malaria Vectors from Different Habitat Types in the Western Kenya Highlands

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    BACKGROUND: Mosquito Larval Source Management (LSM) could be a valuable additional tool for integrated malaria vector control especially in areas with focal transmission like the highlands of western Kenya if it were not for the need to target all potential habitats at frequent intervals. The ability to determine the productivity of malaria vectors from identified habitats might be used to target LSM only at productive ones. METHODS: Each aquatic habitat within three highland sites in western Kenya was classified as natural swamp, cultivated swamp, river fringe, puddle, open drain or burrow pit. Three habitats of each type were selected in each site in order to study the weekly productivity of adult malaria vectors from February to May 2009 using a sweep-net and their habitat characteristics recorded. RESULTS: All surveyed habitat types produced adult malaria vectors. Mean adult productivity of Anopheles gambiae sensu lato in puddles (1.8/m(2)) was 11-900 times higher than in the other habitat types. However, puddles were the most unstable habitats having water at 43% of all sampling occasions and accounted for 5% of all habitats mapped in the study areas whereas open drains accounted for 72%. Densities of anopheline late instars larvae significantly increased with the presence of a biofilm but decreased with increasing surface area or when water was flowing. Taking stability and frequency of the habitat into account, puddles were still the most productive habitat types for malaria vectors but closely followed by open drains. CONCLUSION: Even though productivity of An. gambiae s.l. was greatest in small and unstable habitats, estimation of their overall productivity in an area needs to consider the more stable habitats over time and their surface extension. Therefore, targeting only the highly productive habitats is unlikely to provide sufficient reduction in malaria vector densities