256 research outputs found

    Het complexe netwerk van planten en bestuivers in gevaar door stress: Kantelpunten beter voorspellen

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    Ik ben geen grote spelletjesfan. Het spelen van Monopoly of Mens-Erger-Je-Niet ervaar ik als een kwelling. Er is een uitzondering, en dat is het spel Jenga. Voor wie het niet kent: het spel bestaat uit een groot aantal houten blokjes waarvan een toren wordt gebouwd. Drie blokjes per laag, wisselend georiënteerd. De twee spelers moeten vervolgens om de beurt een blokje uit de toren halen en dat bovenop plaatsen. Dit gaat net zo lang door totdat de toren dermate instabiel is geworden dat hij bij het wegtrekken van een laatste blokje omvalt. Vanwaar deze ontboezeming, zult u denken. Wat heeft dit nu met bijen te maken

    The genetics and disease mechanisms of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

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    Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) is a sight threatening condition that warrants immediate surgical intervention. To date, 29 genes have been associated with monogenic disorders involving RRD. In addition, RRD can occur as a multifactorial disease through a combined effect of multiple genetic variants and non-genetic risk factors. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of the spectrum of hereditary disorders involving RRD. We discuss genotype-phenotype correlations of these monogenic disorders, and describe genetic variants associated with RRD through multifactorial inheritance. Furthermore, we evaluate our current understanding of the molecular disease mechanisms of RRD-associated genetic variants on collagen proteins, proteoglycan versican, and the TGF-β pathway. Finally, we review the role of genetics in patient management and prevention of RRD. We provide recommendations for genetic testing and prophylaxis of at-risk patients, and hypothesize on novel therapeutic approaches beyond surgical intervention.</p

    The genetics and disease mechanisms of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

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    Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) is a sight threatening condition that warrants immediate surgical intervention. To date, 29 genes have been associated with monogenic disorders involving RRD. In addition, RRD can occur as a multifactorial disease through a combined effect of multiple genetic variants and non-genetic risk factors. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of the spectrum of hereditary disorders involving RRD. We discuss genotype-phenotype correlations of these monogenic disorders, and describe genetic variants associated with RRD through multifactorial inheritance. Furthermore, we evaluate our current understanding of the molecular disease mechanisms of RRD-associated genetic variants on collagen proteins, proteoglycan versican, and the TGF-β pathway. Finally, we review the role of genetics in patient management and prevention of RRD. We provide recommendations for genetic testing and prophylaxis of at-risk patients, and hypothesize on novel therapeutic approaches beyond surgical intervention.</p

    Conformational and thermodynamic hallmarks of DNA operator site specificity in the copper sensitive operon repressor from Streptomyces lividans

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    Metal ion homeostasis in bacteria relies on metalloregulatory proteins to upregulate metal resistance genes and enable the organism to preclude metal toxicity. The copper sensitive operon repressor (CsoR) family is widely distributed in bacteria and controls the expression of copper efflux systems. CsoR operator sites consist of G-tract containing pseudopalindromes of which the mechanism of operator binding is poorly understood. Here, we use a structurally characterized CsoR from Streptomyces lividans (CsoRSl) together with three specific operator targets to reveal the salient features pertaining to the mechanism of DNA binding. We reveal that CsoRSl binds to its operator site through a 2-fold axis of symmetry centred on a conserved 5′-TAC/GTA-3′ inverted repeat. Operator recognition is stringently dependent not only on electropositive residues but also on a conserved polar glutamine residue. Thermodynamic and circular dichroic signatures of the CsoRSl-DNA interaction suggest selectivity towards the A-DNA-like topology of the G-tracts at the operator site. Such properties are enhanced on protein binding thus enabling the symmetrical binding of two CsoRSl tetramers. Finally, differential binding modes may exist in operator sites having more than one 5′-TAC/GTA-3′ inverted repeat with implications in vivo for a mechanism of modular control. © 2013 The Author(s)

    Metagenomic analysis of the saliva microbiome with merlin

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    In recent years, metagenomics has demonstrated to play an essential role on the study of the microorganisms that live in microbial communities, particularly those who inhabit the human body. Several bioinformatics tools and pipelines have been developed for the analysis of these data, but they usually only address one topic: to identify the taxonomic composition or to address the metabolic functional profile. This work aimed to implement a computational framework able to answer the two questions simultaneously. Merlin, a previously released software aiming at the reconstruction of genome-scale metabolic models for single organisms, was extended to deal with metagenomics data. It has an user-friendly and intuitive interface, being suitable for those with limited bioinformatics skills. The performance of the tool was evaluated with samples from the Human Microbiome Project, particularly from saliva. Overall, the results show the same patterns reported before: while the pathways needed for microbial life remain relatively stable, the community composition varies extensively among individuals