112 research outputs found
Membangun Kode Golay (24, 12, 8) Dengan Matriks Generator Dan Menggunakan Aturan Kontruksi
The binary (24, 12, 8) extended Golay code can be constructed through the direct sum operation with involve two product codes. This method form the generator matrix framework of the (24, 12, 8) Golay code that is based on the so-called Turyn or |a + x|b + x|a + b + x| construction, where a,b C1 and x C. C1 and C is the (8, 4, 4) linear block codes. C can be gotten by applying construction rules to get the generator matrix of C. With C1 and C and by applying the generator matrix framework of the (24. 12, 8) Golay code get the binary (24, 12, 8) extended Golay code
Pengaruh Dukungan Manajemen Puncak dan Kemampuan Teknik Operator Sistem Informasi Akuntansi terhadap Kualitas Informasi Akuntansi (Studi pada Lembaga Keuangan Mikro di Kota Banda Aceh)
This study aimed to examine the effect of top management support and the operator technical ability accounting information system on the quailty of information system at micro finnance institutions in Banda Aceh. The sampling method using census method. In this study the data needed all population sampled 51 people. The collection of data and information needed in the study conducted by the research field. The data used is primary data obtained directly from the subject of research in the form of a questionnaire. Assessment of the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable is done by using a multiple regression model using SPSS 20. The results showed that either partially or simultaneously, top management support and the operator technical ability affects the quailty of information system at micro finnance institutions in Banda Aceh. Keywords— top management support, the operator technical ability, accounting information system, quality of information system and micro finnance institution
Applications Research-based Learning Environment Education Course For Writing Scientific
The purpose of this study to explain applications research-based learning in educational environment for scientific writing majors social studies department. This study uses a quasi-experimental design with two groups of experimental classes and control classes. The results showed the significant value of 0.002 t-test (<0.05). This means that there is the influence of research-based learning applications on students\u27 ability to write scientific subjects of environmental education with the study of carrying capacity. Four indicators were biggest increase in the introduction, literature review, methods, and the results and discussion
Respon Masyarakat Terhadap Pembangunan Jalan Kereta Api Di Desa Bagan Sinembah Kota Kecamatan Bagan Sinembah Kabupaten Rokan Hilr
Train is kind of land transportation that have function to carrying goods and people so they can move out from one place to another place. Inovation is idea, practice or object that belief it new by people or another unit adoption. Train is also inovation of new technology for society in village of Bagan Sinembah City. Theory that be used is response theory, response is form of perception, reaction and answer. Response that referred in this research is society response to construction of train rail in village of Bagan Sinembah City. Society response to this construction are very good, because in entirety, people has accepted the construction in their village. With expectation that they can get compensation for their area and house that struck by this construction and local people can be involved as worker of the construction. So that the people in there can get income and job. Method of research that be used is descriptive quantitative with taking sample use method total sampling, namely the total number of population in made as respondents research. Technique and data accumulation that be used are observation and interview. The results of the study that the overall respondents agree with the construction of roads or railroads in their village. In the process of compensation until this research is done entering inventory and identification stage. The respondents no one knows about the compensation process, they only hear the issues in other areas about compensation
Sistem Informasi Penilaian Siswa Pada Sdn 2 Biting Purwantoro Wonogiri
Technological developments in this era of globalization it is so fast. Almost all of the activities carried out by a computerized human. With the system terkomputerisasi to all lini dapat make it all work faster. Even using a computerized system can meminimalkan possibility of error in using a manual system.Data processing in the field of education is to help accelerate time to menyelesaikan task of TU, the teacher or the principal. SDN 2 Biting Purwantoro Wonogiri, is one of the schools that still use manual systems.With the new system created to provide benefits in improving the performance of the agency or company sehiingga sistem error of manual labor can be minimized. The scoring system is also able management designed toevakuate the level of intelligence to the student. This system includes the process of recording data Teachers, Student, Subjects, Home room teacher and the school-related
Analisis Pegujian Tarik Pada Penyambungan Aluminium-Tembaga Dengan Proses Friction Stir Welding
Abstrak Pengaruh bentuk sisi sambungan las antara aluminium A 5083 dan tembaga C 11000 yang diproses dengan friction stir welding terhadap sifat mekanik dan struktur mikro telah dievaluasi. Jenis sisi sambungan yang digunakan adalah linier-shaped, tooth-shaped dan saw-shaped. Tool yang digunakan berbentuk trapesium yang memiliki pin berulir dengan jarak pitch 0,5 mm. Parameter proses dibuat konstan yaitu putaran spindle 1500 rpm, traverse speed 24 mm/min, kemiringan tool 2°. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan nilai kekuatan tarik sambungan las dengan bentuk sisi linier-shaped adalah 151 MPa, tooth-shaped 113 MPa dan saw-shaped 167 MPa. Kata Kunci: Las, struktur mikro, rpm, kekuatan, sambungan. Abstract The effect of welding joint side between aluminum A 5083 and copper C 11000 processed by friction stir welding on mechanical properties and microstructure were observed. Linear shaped, tooth shaped, and saw shaped were used as welding joint side. The trapesium tool with pin screw was used in distance pitch of 0.5 mm. The parameter process was set constant for 1500 rpm, transverse speed 24 mm/min, and tilt angle 2˚. The results show that the tensile strength of linear shaped welded joints with 151 MPa, tooth shaped 113 MPa, and saw shaped 167 MPa. Keyword: Welding, microstructure, rpm, strength, joint
Pengaruh Penambahan Fin pada Lambung Kapal Ikan Tradisional
Berbagai cara ditempuh untuk mendapatkan hasil yang mendekati niai yang sempurna. Kapal nelayan saat ini menjadi pusat perhartian bagi ilmuan untuk dicari celah dalam upaya peningkatan dan kemajuan. salah satu upaya peningkatan teknologi pada kapal nelayan 3 GT dengan penambahan fin pada kedua lambung kapal. Akibat penambahan konstruksi fin dicari dampak terhadap performa kapal secara keseluruhan. Menggunakan metode numerik dibantu dengan perangkat lunak menghasilkan perbandingan tahanan gelombang pada kecepatan maksimum 6%. Tahanan viscos pada kecepatan maksimum sebesar 0,03%. Sehingga nilai perbandingan nilai tahanan total kapal dengan menggunakan fin dan kapal tidak menggunakan fin di saat kecepatan maksimum kapal 10 knot bernilai 5,50 % kN. Power mesin kapal menjadi naik sebesar 46,98 HP yang sebelumnya 44,53 HP. Kata kunci - Power engine, Tahanan, Wave, Viscos, Fi
Abstrak: Upaya untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang pencegahan dan faktor resiko berbagai penyakit dan kondisi yang ada di masyarakat adalah dengan melakukan edukasi menggunakan media interaktif. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan untuk melakukan pelatihan kepada bidan sebagai Upaya meningkatkan kemampuan bidan dalam mendesain media edukasi dengan teknologi Augmented Reality. Pelaksanaan Kegiatan dilakukan secara hybrid, dimana peserta mengikuti secara online sebanyak 40 peserta dan yang mengikuti secara online sebanyak 260 peserta. Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah, diskusi dan simulasi. Pelaksaan kegiatan ini bermitra dengan Pengurus Daerah IBI Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Hasil yang didapatkan menunjukkan peserta yang mengisi postes sebanyak 252 orang, dimana 73.01% peserta telah memiliki pengetahuan yang baik. Kegiatan terlaksanan dengan tertib sesuai rencana kegiatan.Abstract: Efforts to increase knowledge about prevention and risk factors for various diseases and conditions that exist in the community are by conducting education using interactive media. This service activity is carried out to conduct training for midwives as an effort to improve the ability of midwives in designing educational media with Augmented Reality technology. The implementation of the activity was carried out in a hybrid manner, where as many as 40 participants took part online and 260 participants took part online. The methods used are lectures, discussions and simulations. The implementation of this activity partnered with the IBI Regional Management of South Sulawesi Province. The results obtained showed that there were 252 participants who filled out the posttest, of which 73.01% of the participants had good knowledge. Activities carried out in an orderly manner according to the activity plan
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