476 research outputs found

    Special Problems Faced by the Elderly Victims of Crime

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    Recently, increased attention has been paid to the problems faced by the elderly within our society. One of the most pressing problems is the threat of crime, This article examines the actual risk of criminal victimization among the elderly, the physical, financial, and psychological consequences of victimization, and the special problems faced by the elderly as they attempt to deal with the criminal justice system. Finally, their fear of crime, which in itself constitutes a very real form of victimization, is explored

    Quantitation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Provirus and Circulating Virus: Relationship with Immunologic Parameters

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    Virologic and seroimmunologic parameters were determined in 56 persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The provirus level varied from 10 to 100,000/106 CD4+ lymphocytes, and genomic HIV RNA was detectable in 39 of 56 patients at a relative concentration varying from 10 to >250 copies/ml, of serum. Provirus expressed as copies per 106 CD4+ lymphocytes and as circulating virus per milliliter of serum increased with disease progression and decrease of CD4+ cell concentration. The mean provirus concentration expressed per milliliter of blood varied little among categories of patients with various levels of CD4+ cells, but there was a progressive increase of circulating HIV genomic RNA. These virologic data suggest that during the course of HIV infection, an increasing proportion of the remaining CD4+ lymphocytes harbor the HIV genome and produce infectious virus. Finally, there was a marked correlation between increased provirus and genomic RNA concentration and three seroimmunologic markers: decrease in CD4+cell count, p24 antigenemia, and disappearance of antibodies to HIV core antige

    Antiretroviral prophylaxis for community exposure to the human immunodeficiency virus in Switzerland, 1997-2000.

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    To analyse the data from Swiss nationwide voluntary reporting on non-occupational HIV-postexposure prophylaxis (HIV-PEP) by prescribing physicians. One hundred and seventy-six persons, who received antiretroviral prophylaxis for community exposure to HIV between December 1997 and March 2000, were included in this prospective cohort study with standardised data collection. Information on the source, the exposed person, type of exposure, treatment, and outcome was reported by physicians on a voluntary basis to three co-ordinating centers. HIV-PEP was prescribed predominantly following sexual exposure (69%). Needle injury was the second most common type of exposure (19% of all exposures), mostly occurring in a non-healthcare related "professional" setting (i.e., housekeepers, concierges [caretakers], and policemen). Needle sharing accounted for only 4% of all cases of exposure. The HIV status of the source often remained unknown (56%). Most patients received a combination of three antiretroviral drugs (zidovudine/lamivudine/nelfinavir in 34.1%; zidovudine/lamivudine/indinavir in 22.8%; zidovudine/lamivudine/nevirapine in 18.6%; various triple combinations in 13.8%). Follow-up information was available for 86 patients. In this group 78 (91%) completed at least one week of prophylaxis. Side-effects were common (70.9%), particularly diarrhoea (29.6%) and nausea (20.9%). Two patients experienced severe side effects, nephrolithiasis with sepsis, and toxic hepatitis, respectively. In most of the cases where HIV-PEP was prescribed the indication was questionable, with the HIV status of the source unknown. The role of HIV-PEP as part of HIV prevention programs should be well defined in view of the cost and potential for causing severe side-effects


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    Contracting granulation tissues contain fibroblasts that develop characteristics typical of smooth muscle: (a) They contain an extensive cytoplasmic fibrillar system. (b) They show immunofluorescent labeling of their cytoplasm with human anti-smooth muscle serum. (c) The nuclei show complicated folds and indentations, indicative of cellular contraction. (d) There are cell-to-cell and cell-to-stroma attachments. (e) It is possible to extract similar quantities of actomyosin (having the same adenosine triphosphatase activity) from granulation tissue and from pregnant rat uterus. (f) Strips of granulation tissue, when tested pharmacologically in vitro, behave similarly to smooth muscle. All these data support the view that, under certain conditions, fibroblasts can differentiate into a cell type structurally and functionally similar to smooth muscle and that this cell, the "myo-fibroblast," plays an important role in connective tissue contraction

    Cell-Associated HIV-1 RNA in Blood as Indicator of Virus Load in Lymph Nodes

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    We have developed sensitive assays for viremia and cell-associated human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) RNA and DNA to assess the predictive value of virological parameters determined in blood for virus load in lymph nodes (LNs). Eighteen patients were included; 13 received stavudine/didanosine/hydroxyurea and 5 stavudine/didanosine, and all had viremia 3 months. At the time of LN biopsy (median, 10 months), the median viremia was 2.09 log copies/mL (range, <0.70-3.34). Cell-associated HIV-1 RNA and DNA were detectable in blood and LNs of all patients. The median cell-associated RNA and DNA were 2.16 log copies/106 cells and 2.60 log copies/106 cells in blood versus 4.31 log RNA copies/106 cells and 3.26 log DNA copies/106 cells in LNs. Regression analysis shows that, in treated patients with sustained low viremia, cell-associated RNA and DNA in blood are better predictors of virus load in LNs than viremi

    Impact of Treatment with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Protease Inhibitors on Hepatitis C Viremia in Patients Coinfected with HIV

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    The impact of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) protease inhibitors on hepatitis C (HCV) viremia was assessed in 19 patients infected with both HIV and HCV. HIV and HCV RNA levels were measured before and during treatment with protease inhibitors. before treatment, mean levels of HCV RNA were 5.3 log for HCV RNA and 5.0 log for HIV RNA. CD4 lymphocyte counts were 63/mm3. after 6 weeks of treatment, a mean reduction of 2.1 log10 in HIV RNA (P < .001) and a mean (±SE) increase of 73 (±21) CD4 and 296 (±70) CD8 cells were observed (P < .05). In contrast, both HCV viremia (+0.4 log ± 0.1) and alanine aminotransferase increased (P < .04). HCV RNA levels returned to baseline after 17 and 32 weeks of treatment. Thus, potent anti-HIV regimens with protease inhibitors may temporarily worsen HCV status despite improvement of HIV parameter