879 research outputs found

    Review of The Lion in the Waste Land: Fearsome Redemption in the Work of C. S. Lewis, Dorothy L. Sayers, and T. S. Eliot

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    Review of Janice Brown, The Lion in the Waste Land: Fearsome Redemption in the Work of C. S. Lewis, Dorothy L. Sayers, and T. S. Eliot (Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 2018). xiv + 290 pages. $45.00. ISBN 9781606353387

    A Matter of Time: C.S. Lewis\u27s \u3ci\u3eDark Tower\u3c/i\u3e Manuscript and Composition Process

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    Explores Lewis’s writing process in the unfinished Dark Tower, leading us through his examination of the manuscript and explaining his conclusions about the order of composition and Lewis’s writing methods

    What J.R.R. Tolkien Really Did with the Sampo?

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    Examines and describes the methods and ways in which Tolkien used and modified the Finnish epic The Kalevala in his creation of the tales that became The Silmarillion

    Mr. Vane and Lilith: Two Roads to Repentance?

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    Review of Beren and Luthien

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    A review of J. R. R. Tolkien, Beren and Luthien, ed. by Christopher Tolkien (New York: HarperCollins, 2017). 288 pages. $30.00. ISBN 9781328791825

    Dating Around: Investigating Gender Differences in First Date Behavior Using Self‐Report and Content Analyses from Netflix

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    In the current studies, we used qualitative, quantitative, and content analysis to understand which frst date behaviors individuals perceive as critical for landing second dates. In Study 1 (N=100), men and women reported tactics or behaviors that they believed someone of their gender would perform on a successful frst date. We observed that men and women perceive similar behaviors as important to engage in on successful frst dates. Study 2 (N=131) had men and women rate the perceived efectiveness of these tactics. When the behaviors are aggregated, men perceive women who engage in “Involvement” behaviors as better at obtaining sec- ond dates. In contrast, women perceive men who engage in “Etiquette” behaviors as more likely to land second dates. In Study 3, we coded the Netfix show, Dat- ing Around, using the tactics from Study 1 to examine if engaging in these tactics more frequently predicted having a successful date. Results revealed that receiving a second date was not related to an individual’s engagement in these tactics. This research is the frst to attempt to empirically delineate tactics that occur on frst dates and lead to second dates for men and women

    Megakaryocytes: Regulators of Bone Mass and Hematopoiesis

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    poster abstractEmerging evidence demonstrates that megakaryocytes (MK) play a key role in regulating skeletal homeostasis and hematopoiesis. Recent reports show that MK reside in close proximity to hematopoietic stem cells (HSC). Genetic depletion of MK resulted in mitotic activation of HSC suggesting that MK maintain HSC quiescence. Other studies demonstrated that following irradiation, surviving MK migrate to endosteal surfaces where osteoblast (OB) lineage cells dramatically increase and promote engraftment of transplanted HSC. Here we investigated if MK directly impact hematopoiesis or whether they indirectly support HSC function through their interaction with OB-lineage cells. Our data suggests that LSK (Lin-Sca+CD117+, an enriched HSC population) co-cultured with MK and OB generate significantly higher numbers of colony forming cells (HSC function) compared to LSK cocultured with either MK or OB alone. The functionality of this in vitro data was confirmed in vivo with transplantation studies which showed increased engraftment in mice transplanted with LSK cells co-cultured with OB and MK compared to LSK cells co-cultured with OB alone. To test if loss of MK negatively impacts osteoblastogenesis, we generated conditional knockout mice where cMpl, the receptor for the main MK growth factor, thrombopoietin (TPO), was deleted in MK (cMplfl/fl x PF4Cre). Unexpectedly, these mice exhibited a 10-fold increase in platelet numbers, megakaryocytosis, a dramatic expansion of phenotypically defined hematopoietic precursors, and a remarkable 20-fold increase in the bone volume fraction. Collectively, these data indicate that while MK modulate HSC function, this activity is in part mediated through interactions with OB and suggest a complex role for TPO and MK in HSC regulation. While work is needed to further elucidate mechanisms, understanding the coordinated interaction between MK, OB, HSC, and TPO/Mpl should inform the development of novel treatments to enhance HSC recovery following myelosuppressive injuries, as well as bone loss diseases, such as osteoporosis

    Winter Movements of Louisiana Pine Snakes (Pituophis ruthveni) in Texas and Louisiana

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    Despite concerns that the Louisiana Pine Snake (Pituophis ruthveni) has been extirpated from large portions of its historic range, only a limited number of studies on their movement patterns have been published. Winter movement patterns are of particular interest since it has been hypothesized that impacts of management practices would be reduced during the winter. Using radiotelemetry, we determined winter movement patterns of Louisiana Pine Snakes (11 males, 8 females) in 5 study areas (2 in Louisiana and 3 in Texas). Movements during winter (November–February) were greatly curtailed compared to the remainder of the year; however, snakes occasionally undertook substantial movements. Relocations were typically within the snake’s previous active-season home range, and movements were more frequent in the early portion of winter. All hibernation sites were within Baird’s Pocket Gopher (Geomys breviceps) burrow systems at depths ranging from 13–25 cm. Louisiana Pine Snakes did not use communal hibernacula, nor did individual snakes return to previously used sites in successive years

    Lymphadenopathy after BCG vaccination in a child with chronic granulomatous disease

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    We report a 15-month-old boy who developed an ulcer in the left axillary fold following bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccination. Subsequent immunologic and genetic studies led to the diagnosis of chronic granulomatous disease. His mother had "lupus-like" lesions, described in some carriers of this disease, that were thus related to her son's diagnosis. Although in healthy subjects this vaccination is usually harmless, in instances of impaired immunity it may cause adverse reactions. When a vaccine-related complication occurs, an underlying immunodeficiency should be sough
