766 research outputs found
Discharge estimation in a backwater affected meandering river
Variable effects of backwaters complicate the development of rating curves at hydrometric measurement stations. In areas influenced by backwater, single-parameter rating curve techniques are often inapplicable. To overcome this, several authors have advocated the use of an additional downstream level gauge to estimate the longitudinal surface level gradient, but this is cumbersome in a lowland meandering river with considerable transverse surface level gradients. Recent developments allow river flow to be continuously monitored through velocity measurements with an acoustic Doppler current profiler (H-ADCP), deployed horizontally at a river bank. This approach was adopted to obtain continuous discharge estimates at a cross-section in the River Mahakam at a station located about 300 km upstream of the river mouth in the Mahakam delta. The discharge station represents an area influenced by variable backwater effects from lakes, tributaries and floodplain ponds, and by tides. We applied both the standard index velocity method and a recently developed methodology to obtain a continuous time-series of discharge from the H-ADCP data. Measurements with a boat-mounted ADCP were used for calibration and validation of the model to translate H-ADCP velocity to discharge. As a comparison with conventional discharge estimation techniques, a stage-discharge relation using Jones formula was developed. The discharge rate at the station exceeded 3300 m3 s-1. Discharge series from a traditional stage-discharge relation did not capture the overall discharge dynamics, as inferred from H-ADCP data. For a specific river stage, the discharge range could be as high as 2000 m3 s-1, which is far beyond what could be explained from kinematic wave dynamics. Backwater effects from lakes were shown to be significant, whereas the river-tide interaction may impact discharge variation in the fortnightly frequency band. Fortnightly tides cannot easily be isolated from river discharge variation, which features similar periodicitie
Bukti Empiris Kebijakan Asuransi Kesehatan Sosial: Analisis Data Survei Aspek Kehidupan Rumah Tangga Indonesia (Sakerti)
Objective: Research that produced empirical evidences forhealth policy formulation presumably limited. This articleelaborates this perception by synthesizing four studies on thedemand for outpatient care (OP), e.g., (i) health insurance andthe number of OP visits, social health insurance and (ii) theuse of OP, (iii) providers choices, and (iv) equity in access.Methods: This study uses data from the second round of theIndonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS). Two considerations havebeen taken into account in selecting estimation methods: thedesign of observational study and type of the data used tomeasure the demand. To predict the number of OP visits, theauthor explored six count data estimators, whilst to investigatethe impact of social insurance on the use of OP, providerchoices, and equity, the author applied a multinomial logisticregression.Results: Whilst the distribution of health insurance isconcentrated on the rich, the highest effect of insurance onaccess found among the lowest income group. Given provideralternatives, the insured tend to choose public rather thanprivate providers. Those who are sicker, not married, wealthierand highly educated also prefer to use private than publicproviders. The impact of social insurance on equity in accessto health care was not observed.Conclusions: Efforts to increase access to health careservices through a national health insurance (NHI) will be moreeffective if the program accommodates consumer preferences.Changes in the demand from public to private providers mustbe taken into account, especially when setting premium subsidyand benefits baskets of the NHI. In general, the NHI policy hasalready empirical evidences. However, NHI implementationrequires a set of technical regulations as a translation of theNational Social Security Act, which also must be supportedfrom the results of empirical studies
Mengenal Rancang Bangun Program Keluarga Harapan Kesehatan
The Government of Indonesia is testing a conditional cash transfer (CCT) program, e.g., Family Hope Program. This program provides money to poor households conditional on investments in human capital. CCTs implementation in various countries has been followed by systematic efforts to measure their effectiveness and understand their broader impact on households\u27 behavior. The article shows empirical evidence that CCTs have improved the lives of poor people.CCTs have been hailed as a way of reducing inequality, especially in Latin America countries; helping households break out of a vicious cycle whereby poverty is transmitted from one generation to another; promoting child health and nutrition; and helping countries meet the Millennium Development Goals. This article explores more deeply on the design of the Indonesian CCT program, including the reasons for the development of CCT health and health conditionalitiesdetermination process
Estimasi Dampak Program Asuransi Kesehatan pada Jumlah Kunjungan Rawat Jalan di Indonesia
Background and method: This research aimed to selectthe best methods to predict the effect of health insuranceprogram on the numbers of outpatient visits in Indonesia. Theanalysis was applied to the second round of the IndonesianFamily Life Survey data (IFLS2).Result: The author compares the estimation results derivedfrom 6(six) econometrics technique count data model and selectthe best alternatives based on several statistics tests. Theresults confirm that Generalized Method of Moments (GMM)estimator is best to model the number of visits to public outpatient,whilst Hurdle Negative Binomial (HNB) is superior to model thenumber of visits to private one. It is proved that the insuredhave higher probability in the number of visits for outpatientservices then uninsured (p<1%). Supplies induce demandphenomena was not detected among the insured, howeverthis behaviour was likely happen where providers competitionare relatively high.Conclusions: This study concludes that estimates of healthcare demand given insurance have been shown to depend onthe empirical specification used in the analysis. Not controllingthe existence endogeneity of insurance leads to lower theparameter estimates. This study supports a national healthinsurance policy as an instrument to increase access to formalhealth care services.Keywords: health insurance, modeling, demand for health careservice
Keabsahan Alat Bukti Elektronik dalam Undang-undang No. 11 Tahon 2008
Transactions in cyber crime and activities of illegal business, such as; fraud, piracy, interception, cyber porn, cyber sex, face books, traffickings, gambling etc, hve been phenomenon and threatening the people in overseas. Facing these cyber crimes, the Government has implemented Constitution Number 11 the year 2008, concerning Information and Electrical Transaction. Based on the judicial considerations of this constitution, some of electrical media are legal evidences by off which values are correspondent to traditional evidences. This statement can be found in : Article 1 point (2 ), Article 31 point ( 1 ) /TE Constitution; JunctoArticle 12 verse ( 1 and 2 ), Article 15 verse ( 1) Constitution Number 8 the year 1997, concerning on Document of Company; Juncto Article 184 Criminal Justice System ; Article 1320 Civil Code or Burgerfijk Wetboek ( B. W) ; Juncto Article 164 Rechtsreglement Voor De Buitengewesten ( R.Bg) ; JunctoArticle 45 Herziene lndonesische Reglement ( H.I.R ). Hence, any documents and information using electrical media, can be classified as the legal evidences in trial court
Modelling The Demand For Health Care Given Insurance: Notes For Researchers
Understanding on health care demand given insurance givesprecious information to anticipate health care costs in the future,which in turn provides valuable information for policy makers,among other, to estimate claim rate, set up premium, designcost-sharing policy, etc. Unfortunately, estimating the effectsof health insurance on health care demand is not straightforward. This paper identifies crucial factors (e.g., adverseselection and provider behaviour) that need to be consideredin estimating the effects of health insurance on health caredemand. These considerations persuade researchers to usea rigorous econometric model in estimating health care demandgiven insurance with a view to isolate the true effects ofhealth insurance program. Such considerations can be furtherclassified into two-main factors. First is the features of thedependent variables used to measure the demand, and secondis the source of the data (or study design) used in the analysis.Keywords: modelling, health insurance, demand healthcareservices, applied econometric
Remediasi Tanah Tercemar Logam Berat Dengan Menggunakan Biochar
Pembangunan industri dan urbanisasi selain dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan manusia, tetapi jugamemberikan efek negatif kepada lingkungan yaitu menghasilkan limbah dalam jumlah yang sangatbesar, dan hal ini akan menjadi masalah yang serius bila tidak tangani dengan segera. Penanganganlimbah pun masih belum di lakukan dengan serius dan bertanggung jawab sehingga sering dilaporkanadanya lahan yang tercemar akan limbah khususnya limbah logam berat. Logam- logam beratmerupakan unsur yang tidak biodegradable sehingga limbah- limbah yang mengandung logam berat bila tertumpah ke lingkungan sedikit demi sedikit akan terakumulasi pada tanah dan air, bilaketersediaanya meningkat akan di serap oleh tanaman dan akan memberikan efek negatif kepada kehidupanmanusia. Banyak USAha yang telah dilakukan dalam menangani pencemaran logam berat ini danpemberian biochar merupakan solusi yang sangat menjanjikan, karena biochar memiliki potensidengan luas permukaan yang besar, morfologi yang sangat porous serta gugus fungsionalnya yangberpotensi untuk mengurangi bioavailabilitas dan pelindian logam berat melalui adsorpsi dan reaksifisikokimia lainnya dan juga dapat meningkatkan kesuburan tanah dengan perbaikan sifat sifat tanah .Biochar merupakan bahan basa yang dapat meningkatkan pH tanah dan berkontribusi terhadapstabilisasi logam berat. Aplikasi biochar untuk perbaikan dari tanah yang tercemar logam berat dapatmemberikan solusi baru untuk masalah polusi tanah. Tulisan ini memberikan gambaran tentangpemanfaatan biochar dalam mengurangi mobilitas dan bioavailibiltas logam berat pada tanahtercema
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