385 research outputs found

    Literary Techniques of Marquez’s Literary Discourse

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    The literary techniques of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s novels deal with his literary devices and figurative language which he has applied in his novels. These devices basically serve as socio-symbolic mediations that relate the literary text to his culture. For this reason, Marquez has immensely applied the figurative elements in his novels, making a bridge between his works and the world to which he belongs. These elements can be thus interpreted by taking into consideration the cultural aspects of his society. Hence, this article surveys the figurative dimensions of his novels and the intention here is mainly to decode the figurative elements such as metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole and other symbolic components of his literary discourse

    Analisis Tingkat Pengangguran Di Jawa Tengah Tahun 1997-2010

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    The unemployment rate in Central Java have fluctuated from year to year from 1997 to 2010. The unemployment rate is highest in 2007, reaching 7.70%. While the unemployment rate is the lowest in 2001, amounting to 3.70%. This study aims to analyze the relationship between population, inflation, average - minimum wage districts / cities, and the GDP growth rate with the unemployment rate. The test results showed a correlation coefficient of independent variables that have a positive and significant relationship with the dependent variable is the number of inhabitants and the minimum wage regencies / municipalities in Central Java. Variable numbers of the population has correlation coefficient of 0.755 while the minimum wage variable districts / cities have numbers correlation coefficient of 0.878 so it can be concluded that the higher the population, the greater the minimum wage and district / city positively and significantly associated with the level of unemployment in Central Java. Variable rate of inflation has correlation coefficient of -0.173 points while the variable rate of GDP growth has a correlation coefficient of -0.179 so it can be concluded that the variable inflation rate and GDP growth rate variable has a negative and significant relationship with the level of unemployment in Central Java. Correlation coefficient of inflation rate and GDP growth rate indicated by the negative sign means the rate of inflation and GDP growth rate has no significant relationship with unemployment

    Computation of Neutron Star Structure Using Modern Equation of State

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    Using the modern equations of state derived from microscopic calculations, we have calculated the neutron star structure. For the neutron star, we have obtained a minimum mass about 0.1M0.1 {\rm M_{\odot}} which is nearly independent of the equation of state, and a maximum mass between 1.47M1.47 {\rm M_{\odot}} and 1.98M1.98 {\rm M_{\odot}} which is strongly dependent on the equation of state. It is shown that among the equations of state of neutron star matter which we have used, the stiffest one leads to higher maximum mass and radius and lower central density. It is seen that the given maximum mass for the Reid-93 equation of state shows a good consistency with the accurate observations of radio pulsars. We have indicated that the thickness of neutron star crust is very small compared to the predicted neutron star radius.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    (موضوع الرسالة : الأفعال المزيدة في سورة هود (دراسة تحليلية صرفية

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    هذه الرسالة تختص بالحديث عن المسألة الرئيسية المتعلقة بالأفعال المزيدة في سورة هود. فرعت الكاتبة المسألة الرئيسية إلى ثلاث مشكلات، وهي: ما هي الأفعال المزيدة، وما هي الأوزان التي تكون بها الأفعال المزيدة في سورة هود، و ما هي معاني الأوزان التي تكون بها الأفعال المزيدة في سورة هود. الطريقة التي استخدمتها الكاتبة في جمع المواد هي الطريقة المكتبية. وقد أفادت هذه الرسالة العلمية أن الأفعال المزيدة في سورة هود وجدت الكاتبة خمسون (50) فعلا من أوزان الأفعال الثلاثية المزيدة بحرف، وبحرفين، وثلاثة أحرف يعني وزن أفعل، وفاعل، وفعّل، وافتعل، وتفعّل، وتفاعل، واستفعل. وجدت الكاتبة معاني أوزان الأفعال المزيدة في سورة هود يعني للتعدية، وللدحول في الزمان، وللتكثير، وللاتخاذ، وللمطاوعة، وللصيرورة، وللمشاركة، وللطلب، وللوجدان، وللتكل


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah hasil belajar dan respon siswa menggunakan strategi pembelajaran  Inquiri dengan  metode Jigsaw lebih baik dari Model Pembelajaran Langsung (MPL), maka peneliti melakukan penelitian dengan  menggabungkan  strategi pembelajaran  Inquiri dengan metode Jigsaw pada standar kompetensi intalasi jaringan LAN yang bertujuan meningkatkan hasil belajar serta keaktifan siswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah quasi experiment dengan rancangan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu “Non Equivalen Control Design”. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI TKJ SMK YPM 1 Taman. Diambil sampel sebanyak 2 kelas, kelas XI TTKJ 2 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan X TKJ 1 sebagai kelas kontrol. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajarnya digunakan teknik analisis data uji-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil pretest pada siswa sebelum menggunakan strategi pembelajaran Inquiri dengan metode Jigsaw sama rendah dengan hasil belajar siswa sebelum menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Langsung (MPL). Dan hasil posttest menunjukkan bahwa siswa yang menggunakan strategi pembelajaran Inquiri dengan metode Jigsaw memiliki hasil belajar lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Langsung (MPL). Dengan rata-rata hasil belajar kelas eksperimen (XI-TKJ 2) adalah 85,8 dan rata-rata hasil belajar kelas kontrol (XI-TKJ 1) adalah 79,1 serta diperoleh thitung = 5,810 > ttabel = 1,67 denga taraf signifikansi sebesar 5%. Ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan strategi pembelajaran Inquiri dengan metode Jigsaw lebih baik dibandingkan dengan Model Pembelajaran Langsung (MPL).   Kata kunci    : strategi pembelajaran Inquiri dengan metode Jigsaw, hasil belajar siswa, respon siswa. Abstract This study aims to determine whether students' learning outcomes and responses using the Inquiry learning strategy with Jigsaw method was better than Direct Learning Model (MPL), the researchers was conducted the study with the inquiry learning strategy combining with the Jigsaw method on competency standard network intallation LAN which aims to improve outcomes learning and student activity. The method is used a quasi experiment with a research design that used "Non equivalen Control Group Design". The population in this study were students of class XI TKJ SMK YPM 1 Taman . Sample taken 2 classes , class XI TTKJ 2 as an experimental class and class X TKJ 1 as a control class. While the results of their study to determine differences in the data analysis techniques used t-test . The results showed that the pretest results in students before use the Inquiry learning strategies with Jigsaw method same lower to the learning outcomes of students with Learning Models Direct (MPL). And posttest results indicated that learning outcomes students who use the learning strategy Inquiry with Jigsaw method was higher than the learning outcomes of students who use the Direct Learning Model (MPL). With an average class learned the experimental results (XI - TKJ 2) was 85.8 and the average learning outcomes control class (XI - TKJ 1) was 79.1 and the obtained t = 5.810 > table = 1.67 significance level premises by 5 % . This shows that the application of the Inquiry learning strategies with Jigsaw method is better than the Direct Learning Model (MPL). Keyword    : the Inquiri learning strategies and the jigsaw method, student learning outcomes student, student responses