1,257 research outputs found

    Testing of Instrument Transformers

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    The subject is examined under four principal headings. Part I deals with general introductory matters and a discussion of the apparatus necessary for making tests in the laboratory or on site. Methods for testing current transformers are dealt with in Part II, while Part III is concerned with the methods used for calibration of voltage transformers. In Part IV the various methods are critically reviewed in order to determine those best suited to meet different practical conditions. Full references to tecnical literature are given and it is believed that no paper of importance has been omitted

    Transdiagnostic CBT treatment of co-morbid anxiety and depression in an older adult: Single case experimental design

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    Background: Despite the prevalence of co-morbid anxiety and depression in older adults, evaluation of suitable clinical models is rare. Aims: This study tested the acceptability and effectiveness of a transdiagnostic approach to treating co-morbid anxiety and depression in an older adults in a routine clinical setting. Method: In an A/B single case experimental design, a patient completed five daily ideographic measures of anxiety and depression across baseline and treatment and the HADS at five time points over time, including 3-month follow-up. The 8-session treatment was transdiagnostic CBT informed by the Unified Protocol. Results: All sessions were attended. Significant baseline-treatment improvements were found for daily structure, mood, confidence and worry, with large associated effect sizes. The HADS showed that the patient met recovery criteria by the end of treatment, with some evidence of anxious relapse at follow-up. Conclusion: Transdiagnostic CBT offers promise as a treatment approach to mixed anxiety and depression in older adults. The model needs to be further tested using more rigorous and suitably powered methodologies

    Realization of an Inductance Scale Traceable to the Quantum Hall Effect Using an Automated Synchronous Sampling System

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    In this paper, the realization of an inductance scale from 1~μ\muH to 10~H for frequencies ranging between 50~Hz to 20~kHz is presented. The scale is realized directly from a series of resistance standards using a fully automated synchronous sampling system. A careful systematic characterization of the system shows that the lowest uncertainties, around 12~μ\muH/H, are obtained for inductances in the range from 10~mH to 100~mH at frequencies in the kHz range. This new measurement system which was successfully evaluated during an international comparison, provides a primary realization of the henry, directly traceable to the quantum Hall effect. An additional key feature of this system is its versatility. In addition to resistance-inductance (R-L) comparison, any kind of impedances can be compared: R-R, R-C, L-L or C-C, giving this sampling system a great potential of use in many laboratories around the world

    Hole-depletion of ladders in Sr14_{14}Cu24_{24}O41_{41} induced by correlation effects

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    The hole distribution in Sr14_{14}Cu24_{24}O41_{41} is studied by low temperature polarization dependent O K Near-Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure measurements and state of the art electronic structure calculations that include core-hole and correlation effects in a mean-field approach. Contrary to all previous analysis, based on semi-empirical models, we show that correlations and antiferromagnetic ordering favor the strong chain hole-attraction. For the remaining small number of holes accommodated on ladders, leg-sites are preferred to rung-sites. The small hole affinity of rung-sites explains naturally the 1D - 2D cross-over in the phase diagram of (La,Y,Sr,Ca)14_{14}Cu24_{24}O41_{41}Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Unboundedness and downward closures of higher-order pushdown automata

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    We show the diagonal problem for higher-order pushdown automata (HOPDA), and hence the simultaneous unboundedness problem, is decidable. From recent work by Zetzsche this means that we can construct the downward closure of the set of words accepted by a given HOPDA. This also means we can construct the downward closure of the Parikh image of a HOPDA. Both of these consequences play an important role in verifying concurrent higher-order programs expressed as HOPDA or safe higher-order recursion schemes

    Microscopic biophysical model of self-organization in tissue due to feedback between cell- and macroscopic-scale forces

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    We develop a microscopic biophysical model for self-organization and reshaping of artificial tissue, that is codriven by microscopic active forces between cells and an extracellular matrix (ECM), and macroscopic forces that develop within the tissue, finding close agreement with experiment. Microscopic active forces are stimulated by μm-scale interactions between cells and the ECM within which they exist, and when large numbers of cells act together these forces drive, and are affected by, macroscopic-scale self-organization and reshaping of tissues in a feedback loop. To understand this loop, there is a need to (1) construct microscopic biophysical models that can simulate these processes for the very large number of cells found in tissues, (2) validate and calibrate those models against experimental data, and (3) understand the active feedback between cells and the extracellular matrix, and its relationship to macroscopic self-organization and reshaping of tissue. Our microscopic biophysical model consists of a contractile network representing the ECM, that interacts with a large number of cells via dipole forces, to describe macroscopic self-organization and reshaping of tissue. We solve the model using simulated annealing, finding close agreement with experiments on artificial neural tissue. We discuss the calibration of model parameters. We conclude that feedback between microscopic cell-ECM dipole interactions and tissue-scale forces is a key factor in driving macroscopic self-organization and reshaping of tissue. We discuss the application of the biophysical model to the simulation and rational design of artificial tissues

    Effectiveness of the unified protocol for treating co-morbid health anxiety and depression : an empirical case study

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    Aims: The unified protocol (UP) is indicated when patients present with co-morbidity, but no studies have previously investigated the effectiveness of the UP with co-morbid health anxiety and depression. Method: An A/B single case design evaluated outcomes for a 27-year-old male presenting with health anxiety and co-morbid depression. Following a 21-day assessment-baseline period containing three sessions, the manualised UP was delivered across a 42-day period containing seven intervention sessions. Four idiographic measures (occurrence and duration of health checking, sleep duration and food intake satisfaction) were collected daily throughout, and two nomothetic measures were collected at four time points. Results: All sessions were attended. Number of health checking episodes reduced from four per day to two per day. A 59 minute per day reduction in time spent health checking occurred, and sleep increased by 100 minutes per night. There was little apparent change in terms of food intake satisfaction. There was a reliable and clinically significant reduction in depression. Discussion: Further testing of the effectiveness of the UP with co-morbid health anxiety and depression in true single case experimental designs is now indicated

    Metabolic labelling of cholesteryl glucosides in Helicobacter pylori reveals how the uptake of human lipids enhances bacterial virulence.

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    Helicobacter pylori infects approximately half of the human population and is the main cause of various gastric diseases. This pathogen is auxotrophic for cholesterol, which it converts upon uptake to various cholesteryl α-glucoside derivatives, including cholesteryl 6'-acyl and 6'-phosphatidyl α-glucosides (CAGs and CPGs). Owing to a lack of sensitive analytical methods, it is not known if CAGs and CPGs play distinct physiological roles or how the acyl chain component affects function. Herein we established a metabolite-labelling method for characterising these derivatives qualitatively and quantitatively with a femtomolar detection limit. The development generated an MS/MS database of CGds, allowing for profiling of all the cholesterol-derived metabolites. The subsequent analysis led to the unprecedented information that these bacteria acquire phospholipids from the membrane of epithelial cells for CAG biosynthesis. The resulting increase in longer or/and unsaturated CAG acyl chains helps to promote lipid raft formation and thus delivery of the virulence factor CagA into the host cell, supporting the idea that the host/pathogen interplay enhances bacterial virulence. These findings demonstrate an important connection between the chain length of CAGs and the bacterial pathogenicity